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Around the Campaigns Friday 6th February 2009
Leila, Soorena and Danoushm, on plane, off plane, back in Yarl's WoodI can't believe what I'm writing here, but at 25 to six, twenty minutes after the plane should have gone, I had a phone call from Sourena on his phone. I couldn't hear a word he was saying, so asked if I could speak to someone with him. An officer said they were being removed from the plane and taken back to Yarl's Wood, and that's where they are today.
Having just spoken to Leila’s legal representative this morning he says the Home Office are ‘livid’ at what happened and want the flight rescheduling asap. It’s all still hanging on a thread…. He has spoken to Sourena. Evidently, all three of them were separated either in transit, for the flight or both, we are not sure – including 18 month old Sourena being separated from his mother! That is absolutely outrageous! Danoushm is still traumatized this morning, we hear. Sourena has scratches on his face. This is completely inhumane! Thanks to all who faxed/phoned on family's behalf.
Phil Townend
Leila, Soorena and Danoushm belong to Halifax

Student Activism on Brum Uni Campus – The Criminalisation of Lawful Protest

Dave Gardner, Left-Wing and Animal Rights 'Activist', Exposed as BNP Member!

Formerly a member of the fascist organisation the National Front, at the start of the decade, he endeavoured to integrate himself with assorted left, liberal and animal rights groups.
His attempts to get involved with militants of AFA were quickly rebuked. From here he got involved with varying success in groups as wide ranging as the anarchist influenced S26 collective to the SWP, Birmingham Friends of the Earth Building to assorted animal rights grouplets.
Repeatedly anti-fascist militants raised his past antics and refusal to pass on any information re: his supposedly ex-mates. Repeatedly they were ignored.
Now there can be NO DOUBT over where Mr Gardner's allegiances lie.
First he was snapped on the BNP demonstration in support of sacked BNP teacher Adam Walker, fratenising with longterm BNP activists, leafletting and generally being a fascist fucker!
(see photos below)
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NCADC News Service Thursday 5th February 2009

Asylum [Iraqi's, bringing them in one door, kicking them out of the other]
Three quarters of refugee women 'have been raped'
Anti-Contraception Republicans = Anti-Stimulus Votes
Republicans, backed by the Christian right, have made it clear that they oppose the pro-contraception provisions in the stimulus package that allow states to cover family planning services and supplies to low-income women who are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid, and give states the option to provide such coverage without obtaining a waiver.PCSnOw WATCH

Barclays has more demos in Birmingham

SHAC Demonstrations continue against Barclays branches in Birmingham as today we carried on with our regular protests against them.
Around the Campaigns Wednesday 4th February 2009
Not on the Plane! Soon to be on a trainRashida Yasmeen and her four sons, Mahmood, Qadeer, Zaheer and Safeer were not put on their removal flight to Pakistan yesterday evening after their Scottish lawyer managed to successfully lodge and application for 'First Orders' in the Court of Session in Edinburgh.
Many thanks to everyone who faxed, phoned and emailed on their behalf.
We will see them back in Glasgow - were they belong - as soon as tomorrow!
Rashida's lawyer has just phoned to say that Rashida and her family are being released from detention tomorrow and will be coming back to Glasgow!
Background: Rashida Yasmeen and her four sons

Killing More Of Them - reporting war crimes to the Police

Produced and Directed by Dean Puckett

Leila, Soorena and Danoushm belong to Halifax

Gaza DEC appeal veto Birmingham's 'BBC Mailbox' Studio picketed 31st January 09

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BNP plan rally in Brum
The contemptible stain that is the BNP are expected to rally in Birmingham city centre on Tuesday 10th February in support of former teacher and current fascist Adam Walker who left his former job following allegations of using school property to spread racist messages on internet forums.Keep Patrick Masengo in the UK, no removals to DR Congo

Continuance of unabated creeping Fascism - Photographing Police - Go to jail

Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees January 2009
Four actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and three improved in January 2009, according to the new issue of CrisisWatch.Download the full report:

Who killed Colin Roach?

Response finally received from the BBC over the Gaza DEC appeal
A not so carefully worded response has finally been received from the BBC, weeks after the DEC appeal scandal began. Below is a transcript followed by an analysis tearing their crap arguments to shreds.Barclays Demos in Birmingham

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