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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Anarchist Solidarity Block on Saturday Gaza Demo - Join Us!

08-01-2009 23:42

Mass London Demo against attack on Gaza - Sat 10th Jan
There will be an anarchist/anti-authoritarian presence at the Palestinian Solidarity demo this Saturday at Hyde Park. If you were thinking of coming down look out for the red and black flags and massive red and black banner.

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Vigil for Gaza, Parliament Square, London

08-01-2009 23:22

It's started... until it stops.

A vigil for peace in Gaza, right opposite Parliament.

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Gaza Protest #2 Norwich

08-01-2009 21:08

Vigil/protest, Norwich, outsdie the Forum, Saturday 10th Jan 2009, 12 noon

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Free Gaza say "we are coming back"

08-01-2009 20:51

The Free Gaza Movement, whose small sailing boat of medical aid was last week rammed and fired at by Israel war ships plan to sail again.

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FILM: Raytheon, Boeing, Thales, Rolls Royce- Bunch of Dirty Wrong Uns

08-01-2009 18:53

A 10 minute film taking a look at Bristol Weapons Park, which holds offices of Boeing, Raytheon, Thales and Rolls Royce, and anti-miitarist protestors!

Day of filming: Saturday 3rd of Jan 2009. Bristol.

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Reclaiming the Commons in Palestine/Israel: ¡Ya Basta!/Khalas!

08-01-2009 18:38

Interesting article always relevant to the current events.

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Bombing to make the Gaza prison even more secure for Israel

08-01-2009 16:55

There are two persistent myths about the aim of Israel's onslaught on Gaza: the first that it is an entirely defensive move, a way to end the rocket fire of Hamas; and the second that it is designed to restore the army's credibility after its failure to cow Hizballah in 2006.

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EDO MBM/ITT Supporting Israeli Airstrikes In Gaza

08-01-2009 15:39

Brighton arms makers EDO MBM/ITT make the ZFRAU for the Israeli Air Force

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Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields

08-01-2009 15:24

Not only is Israel the US cop for US oil profits in the Middle East, but Gaza has lots of offshore gas fields, the explanation for this takeover by US/Israel of Gaza. The name of the game is always money.

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Gaza Catastrophe: Resource Conflict? Natural Gas, Palestinian Elections, and Israel's Subversion of the 'Peace Process'

08-01-2009 14:27

Israel claims it is fighting in Gaza to stop Hamas rocket-fire against Israel, the continuation of which constituted a flagrant breach of the six-months ceasefire. Hence, the objective of the military operation is limited by the aim of putting an end to the rocket-fire. In fact, the current outbreak of violence cannot be understood without analysing the asymmetries in military violence between the two parties; the structural dynamic of the conflict in the context of the character of the Israeli occupation; the central role of recent discoveries of substantial natural gas reserves in Gaza; and joint Anglo-American and Israeli attempts to monopolise the lucrative (and strategic) energy resources through a political process tied to a corrupt Palestinian Authority run by Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party. Hamas' unprecedented victory in democratic elections in 2006 fundamentally threatened these plans. Operation Cast Lead, the concurrent Israeli military venture, was operationalised as a war plan in early 2008, and already finalised in detail as far back as 2001 by Israeli military intelligence. Its execution in late December 2008 into January 2009 is designed to head-off not only domestic Israeli elections, but more significantly, the outcome of further incoming Palestinian democratic elections likely to consolidate Hamas' power, to permanently shift the balance of geopolitical and economic power in its favour. The long-term goal is the "cantonization" of the Occupied Territories making way for increased Israeli encroachment, and ultimately the escalation of Palestinian emigration.

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Palestina: Amid Indifference and Inefectiveness

08-01-2009 14:20

Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told the Israeli parliament on April 22, 2004, "The support of President George W. Bush for Israel’s plan for the Palestinian territories is an unprecedented success." Those words summarize why there has been no solution to a conflict that worsens by the day.

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Holocaust Denied: The lying silence of those who know

08-01-2009 13:57

"When the truth is replaced by silence," the Soviet dissident Yevgeny Yevtushenko said, "the silence is a lie." It may appear the silence is broken on Gaza. The cocoons of murdered children, wrapped in green, together with boxes containing their dismembered parents and the cries of grief and rage of everyone in that death camp by the sea, can be viewed on al-Jazeera and YouTube, even glimpsed on the BBC. But Russia's incorrigible poet was not referring to the ephemeral we call news; he was asking why those who knew the why never spoke it and so denied it. Among the Anglo-American intelligentsia, this is especially striking. It is they who hold the keys to the great storehouses of knowledge: the historiographies and archives that lead us to the why.

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Palestine discusssion at Friends Meeting house (06-01-2009).

08-01-2009 13:25

On Tuesday night of this week (06-01-2009), despite the temperature outside being minus figures, a room in Friends Meeting House, Cambridge was packed out by a couple of hundred people who wanted to hear another side of the story about the bombs being dropped on Gaza. Another side of a story that the media doesn't always tell, quite often preferring to portray things as 'a Palestinian problem'.

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Gaza protest at Israeli Embassy, London, Wed 7 Jan

08-01-2009 12:19

Demonstrators behind a double row of barriers
Daily demonstrations opposite the Israel Embassy in London against the killings and injuries in Gaza continue. Photographs Copyright (C) 2009 Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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Sheffield: Local Gaza Rally and London Demo Coach Demo Details

08-01-2009 11:47

Sheffield Gaza Rally - 13th January
Following are the details of a Sheffield rally, "Stop Israels Terror in Gaza" to be held on Tuesday 13th January 2009 and also details for the coaches going down to London on Saturday.

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Support the workers of Gaza against ALL their enemies!

08-01-2009 11:18

One thing is absolutely clear about the current situation in Palestine: the Israeli state is committing acts of horrific violence against the Palestinian working class, and this needs to be stopped immediately.

But that's not all there is to say about the situation...

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Gaza supporters cover Swansea in Graffiti

08-01-2009 03:05

Provocative slogan
Undercurrents reports on the student group who have covered many of the billboards in Swansea with provocative slogans about Israel's invasion of Gaza, Palestine.

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Gaza Graffiti Small Heath Birmingham & Falls Road Mural

08-01-2009 02:08

Belfast Palestine Mural 2002 Falls Road
Photos of 'Free Gaza' graffiti on Muntz Street in Small Heath, Birmingham and a mural that stood on Falls Road, West Belfast in 2002. This is a repaired frame from 288 frames that were taken in Belfast but were damaged by British Special Branch when the film was seized.

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Jan 09 Gaza Demo Birmingham

08-01-2009 01:55

Birmingham Rally point before march to Council House
A massive crowd, reported in the in the Evening Mail, as over 1000 strong, gathered outside Birmingham’s Council House to voice their protest over the invasion of Gaza and called on the local City Council to boycott all Israeli goods. The main debating chamber was over-subscribed and a despite a hastily organised auxiliary room being pressed into service, there were still more at the door!

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Plymouth Protests Disgraceful BBC Gaza Reporting

07-01-2009 23:17

Gathering in Town
Plymouth says no to War Criminals and their Apologists.
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