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Sheffield: Local Gaza Rally and London Demo Coach Demo Details

Sheffield PSC | 08.01.2009 11:47 | Palestine | Sheffield

Following are the details of a Sheffield rally, "Stop Israels Terror in Gaza" to be held on Tuesday 13th January 2009 and also details for the coaches going down to London on Saturday.

Stop Israels Terror in Gaza
Public Rally

The Hubs, Paternoster Row (opposite Showroom cinema)

Tuesday 13th January


Musheir Al Fara – Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Maxine Bowler – Shefffield Stop the War Coalition
Saleh Alnoud – Yemeni Community Association
A representative from the Muslim Womens Forum
Martin John – NEC Member, PCS union

Called by:
Sheffield Stop the War Coalition
Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Yemeni Community Association
Hallam Isoc


Emergency call for protest against the massacres in Gaza

Saturday 10th January 2009: national demonstration in London. Coaches going from Sheffield. Phone 07818040982 to book a place.

Also - vigil in Sheffield city centre from 12 on Saturday for those unable to travel to London.

Protests are taking place in many countries - please make sure we add the voice of Sheffield people to the call for an end to Israeli outrages.

Sheffield PSC
- Homepage:


Other Events

08.01.2009 12:10

Our appeal for Gaza

On Saturday we launched an urgent appeal (at the direct request of our partner, Dr. Mona El Farra, from the Red Crescent) for £5,000 to purchase 12 wheelchairs.

We have already raised £6,000, which is being sent to Dr. El Farra today in Egypt, where she is working on the humanitarian efforts at the border. The wheelchairs will be taken into Gaza as soon as it is practical to do so. We
are continuing this appeal and we would like to ask those of you who have not yet contributed and would like to do so.


"Palestinian monologues: Voices from Palestine"

Friday 16th January; 7.30 p.m.

An emergency fund raiser, with all proceeds going towards the wheelchair appeal.

Library theatre, Sheffield city centre.


PSC Day School

Quaker Meeting House, 10 St. James St, Sheffield, Saturday 31st January 12.30pm

Sheffield PSC has called a day school to discuss strategy and tactics of how to help the Palestinians. It will include workshops on such items as the academic boycott, the boycott of Israeli goods and others. Please come and invite anyone who supports the Palestinians.


Eye witness reports from Gaza: and

Palestinians need your solidarity as never before. Please continue to write and to telephone political representatives and the media. Sample letter at

Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign
- Homepage: