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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Suicide Bomber in Eilat: Blame al-Qaeda

30-01-2007 09:01

Just in the nick of time, as the US, Israel, and the “moderate” Mahmoud Abbas were about “to renew long-stalled peace talks,” a suicide bomber attacks a bakery in the Israeli resort town of Eilat.

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Film showing: October's Cry

29-01-2007 21:26

Sun 4th Feb, 6.30pm.

Cafe One, Five Ways shopping centre

Jamila Asleh is visiting from Palestine with the film October’s cry about the death of her 17 year old son in October.

Entry £3

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Muslim Student forces leading University to pay out thousands in damages

29-01-2007 16:28

Exclusive Report after Nasser Amin's victory

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Leaked Israeli Document Gives Frightening Glimpse of Apartheid

28-01-2007 20:11

The Electronic Intifada has obtained an Israeli Ministry of Defense Powerpoint presentation which provides a frightening glimpse into the mindset of the bureaucracy of apartheid.

"What does exist, and is plain for all the world to see, is a horrifying regime of totalitarian control of millions of Palestinians who remain prisoners of Israel's racist system and the army and settler militias that enforce it."

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Bristol group headed for Palestine, places still available

28-01-2007 14:58

Bristol Uni's 'Justice for Palestine' society are organizing a trip to
the West Bank this summer. It is open to all, and if any of you have
not had the chance to visit Palestine, this might be for you.

Sean at Bristol Uni ( or
07906 756453) is more than happy to answer any questions about the trip.

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Palestine Reportback and films-Cardiff, 5th Feb

27-01-2007 15:00

Reports from occupied Palestine, with films and food

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Nablus: Military Operation January 25th

25-01-2007 21:52

Here's a short clip of the most recent military operation in the Ma'jeen area in occupied Nablus.

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Looking to the Side, From Belsen to Gaza

24-01-2007 17:14

A genocide is engulfing the people of Gaza while a silence engulfs its bystanders. "Some 1.4 million people, mostly children, are piled up in one of the most densely populated regions of the world, with no freedom of movement, no place to run and no space to hide," wrote the senior UN relief official, Jan Egeland, and Jan Eliasson, then Swedish foreign minister, in Le Figaro. They described people "living in a cage," cut off by land, sea and air, with no reliable power and little water and tortured by hunger and disease and incessant attacks by Israeli troops and planes.

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They kept on walking - David Rovics in Nablus

22-01-2007 10:33

Destroyed soap factory in Nablus
There, on the outskirts of this ancient Palestinian city, as with every other city in the West Bank, was a heavily-armed gang of young Israeli men and women in green IDF uniforms. One of the men inspected my passport, and spent a few minutes trying to discourage me from entering Nablus. “It’s crazy in there. There are Arab terrorists. There are bombs every night. It’s not safe.” I thanked him for his warning, and thought to myself that he might have an entirely different experience in Nablus if he visited the city in a role other than that of occupation soldier.

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Lying Like It’s 2003: FRANK RICH ; President Carter accused of anti-Semitism

21-01-2007 15:13

RICH: This White House gang is so practiced in lying with a straight face that it never thinks twice about recycling its greatest hits.


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Deacon Dave - Sunday event postponed

20-01-2007 21:19

Deacon Dave was due to give a slide presentation about his recent 2 month stay in Hebron Palestine on Sunday 21 Jan. It has been postponed until Sunday 11 Feb at 6.30 at Christ Church, Pitsmoor

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Caoimhe Butterly public address Dublin

20-01-2007 20:47

todays a/v presentation in Dublin
Notes made by an attendee at todays public address by Caoimhe, who has spent the past five months in Lebanon and who experienced the results of Israel's offensive. She is now back in Ireland briefly. During her visit she will speak about her experiences in Lebanon (in both Beirut and the South) and will be highlighting projects that she is currently involved with (including a film project about life in the wake of the Israeli bombardment and invasion). She has today succesfully spoken in Dublin, and is due to speak in Cork, Belfast, Limerick, Derry, Galway and Nenagh.

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"WIPED OFF THE MAP" - The Rumor of the Century

20-01-2007 01:29

Across the world, a dangerous rumor has spread that could have catastrophic implications. According to legend, Iran's President has threatened to destroy Israel, or, to quote the misquote, "Israel must be wiped off the map". Contrary to popular belief, this statement was never made, as the following article will prove.

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Entry Denied:

19-01-2007 04:09

Frozen visitation and re-entry
Entry Denied: Palestinian-Americans Among Thousands Blocked by Israel from Occupied Territories

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Deacon Dave in Hebron, Palestine

13-01-2007 12:52

Israeli soldier searches children at checkpoint
Deacon Dave has been in Hebron, Palestine for 2 months with the International Solidarity Movement. He is planning to return for a further 3 months in mid February. So far there are 2 public events planned where he will share his photographs and stories of life under occupation.

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An Evening of Documentary Film and Poetry for Palestine

10-01-2007 16:18

All proceeds to women’s projects in Abu Dis

6.30pm on Saturday 13 January 2007
Crossroads Women’s Centre, 230A Kentish Town Road NW5
(entrance in Caversham Road) Fully Wheelchair Accessible
ADMISSION: £4 (£2 concessions). Info: 020 7482 2496

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Federalism: A Solution More for Israel than for Iraq

09-01-2007 09:39

Revealing both the double standards of U.S. policies and the propaganda-oriented Israeli advocacy of “minority rights” in the Arab world, the U.S.-allied Iraqi Kurdish and sectarian leaders reacted angrily to James Baker-Lee Hamilton report because it recommended what they perceived as a possible American retract from federalism in Iraq and the Israeli Jews condemned as a catastrophic declaration of war an Israeli Arabs’ “future visions” because those visions could lead to a “federal” Israel.

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08-01-2007 15:10




The Valentines Day period is one of Agrexco UK's busiest times as the company deals with large amounts of fresh flowers from Israel and the settlements. Join our mass picket of the Carmel-Agrexco depot on the 10th February 2007 in opposition to the sale of Israeli Apartheid goods and in support of Palestinian farmers.


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Zionist Squatter Lieberman: "We're European Imperialists, too!"

07-01-2007 18:31

Zionist Minister of Strategic Threats Avdigor Lieberman has intensified a diplomatic campaign of collaboration and complicity with European Imperialists. He hopes to gain assurances that Europe will come to Apartheid Israel's defense after the Zionist colony finally decides to bomb Iran.

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Israeli Army Invades Ramallah.. Again

05-01-2007 09:52

In the latest Israeli act of aggression, a large force invaded the West Bank city of Ramallah yesterday afternoon, with at least 30 military vehicles accompanied by bulldozers and helicopters. 4 Palestinians were killed (6, according to another report) and at least 20 were wounded, 3 of whom were described as serious.
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