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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Israeli Colonel Leaves Speaking Tour in UK for Fear of Arrest For War-Crimes

03-02-2009 22:53

On Thursday night, after news of his visit reached pro-Palestinian groups, some 80 protesters demonstrated outside the offices of the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) in central London, where Rapp was scheduled to speak.

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Palestine Today 020309

03-02-2009 15:41

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday, February 3ed, 2009.

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Students Still in Occupation on Seventh Day

03-02-2009 13:19

Facing a small opposition, the students from Queen Mary Occupation have already had two successes.

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Gaza support protest at Nottingham BBC

03-02-2009 13:07

On Monday 2nd February, 40-50 campaigners braved the snow [ lots of snow!] and cold to protest outside the BBC offices on London Road.

Nottingham Gaza protest at BBC [Full report]

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Nottingham University Gaza solidarity occupation violently evicted : pix 2

03-02-2009 12:12

Students who had been occupying a lecture theatre at the University of Nottingham have branded university authorites a "national disgrace" after they were violently evicted by university security.

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Nottingham University Gaza solidarity occupation violently evicted pix 1

03-02-2009 12:08

Students who had been occupying a lecture theatre at the University of Nottingham have branded university authorites a "national disgrace" after they were violently evicted by university security.

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Gaza appeal projected onto BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place 2.2.09

02-02-2009 23:23

In light of the BBC's continued refusal to air the Disasters Emergency Committee aid appeal members of the UK section of the International Solidarity Movement, have decided to utilise the BBC's Portland Place Broadcasting House building as the backdrop for a public projection of the appeal.

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Nottingham Gaza protest at BBC

02-02-2009 22:45

On Monday 2nd February, campaigners braved the snow and cold to protest outside the BBC offices on London Road. They were demonstrating against the BBC's refusal to broadcast the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal for the devastated people of Gaza, but also criticised the BBC's reporting of the recent Israeli assault on Gaza.

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Palestine Teach-in: February 7th

02-02-2009 22:23

On Saturday 7th February from 9.30 am Nottingham Stop the War Coalition are organising an all day educational event entitled, "Palestine and the War on Terror: From Words to Action."

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Month-long Gaza Protests in U.S. were the Largest Ever for Palestinian Rights

02-02-2009 21:13

March through the up-scale shopping district in San José, 4 January 2009
In an unprecedented outpouring of popular opposition to U.S. policy in support of the Israeli invasion of Gaza, a full month of nearly continuous protests brought tens of thousands into the streets. Arab American youths mobilized as never before. Even after Israel’s troop withdrawal, advocates for the human rights of Palestinians in Gaza vowed to continue the campaign until Israel lifts its blockade on the tiny territory.

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Gaza New Siege Mechanism

02-02-2009 17:49

Israel, the occupying power, is determined to keep a tight grip on the reconstruction process, which is why it sustained its closure of the border crossing following its "unilateral" ceasefire. Indeed, this is why it declared the ceasefire unilaterally: it did not want to be bound by any agreement -- the Egyptian initiative or any other framework -- that would oblige it to lift the embargo, if only partially, in order to facilitate reconstruction.

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SIGN PROTEST LETTER re. 'Israel Day of Science' at Science Museum London

02-02-2009 17:22

This post seeks signatures on a letter to the Science Museum in London imploring them not to host an 'Israel Day of Science' celebrating the work of Israel's universities, at a time when academic institutions throughout the world wish to boycott and sanction these institutions in order to put increasing pressure on the Israeli government to end the oppression of the Palestinian people. Please read and sign as you feel fit. Its a good letter and an important time to make our presence felt on this issue.

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Palestine Today 020209

02-02-2009 16:20

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday, February 2nd, 2009.

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Continuance of unabated creeping Fascism - Photographing Police - Go to jail

02-02-2009 15:40

Bruising from baton injury
The Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 set becomes law on 16 February, amends the Terrorism Act 2000 in regards to offences relating to information about members of armed forces, intelligence services, or police

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Israel Asserting Middle East Supremacy: From Gaza to Tehran

02-02-2009 14:53

"The New Middle East"
Just as Nazi Germany interpreted the passivity, sympathy and impotence of the West when confronted by ‘facts on the ground’ as license for aggression, the Israeli military machine receives a powerful impetus for bigger and bloodier wars to establish Israel’s supremacy and dominance of the Middle East, from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf.

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Ceasefires, Israeli-Style

02-02-2009 01:04

Waging war while talking peace is customary Israeli practice. Israel's unilateral declaration of cease-fire notwithstanding, nothing changed.

Gaza remains occupied, under siege, and totally isolated and attacks merely downshifted to a lower gear. Gaza continues to be terrorized.

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parliament square gaza vigil hunger strike now entering 22nd day

02-02-2009 01:01

maria gallestegui continues her hunger strike in freezing conditions and snow on the pavement opposite westminster. monday is her 22nd day without food

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Nottingham Gaza solidarity occupation violently evicted

01-02-2009 22:49

At around 6pm today the student occupation of B62 at Nottingham University was violently evicted by campus security. Around 10 security staff used force to remove the occupants into the snow outside. Students are being forced to wait in the cold whilst they go in one by one to pick up belongings. They are being forced to give ID in order to be allowed entry.

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Nottingham University Authorities: A National Disgrace

01-02-2009 22:02

Forward from the occupation blog - university attempts to silence dissent, first by violently evicting the occupation, then by censoring media, refusing to record security guards' abuse and keeping protesters in the cold.

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Sumac Peoples Kitchen Fundraiser for Palestine

01-02-2009 19:45

Food served at 7pm, bar open from 7.30pm. First come first served! Palestinian-themed vegan menu including tabbouleh, msaqa'a, falafel, homous and halwa.Music and Dances from the region, 9pm onwards. Palestinian produce and handicrafts for sale, plus slide show of Olive Tree Co-op.
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