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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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the big story - decommissioners documentary

17-08-2010 22:38

a documentary about smashing edo and winning in court.

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Palestine Today 08 17 2010

17-08-2010 16:19

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday, August 17th, 2010.

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Demonstration Against pro Israeli "Death On The Med" BBC programe 22 August 2010

17-08-2010 14:17

Demonstration Against pro Israeli "Death On The Med" BBC programme 22nd August 2010.
Panorama aired "Death On The Med" a documentary about the Israeli attacks on the Freedom Flotilla in May 2010 - Israel's version. The BBC once again aired and spread propaganda on Israel's behalf.

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Palestinian Solidarity Benefit Gig

17-08-2010 12:32

All proceeds to Interpal
Interpal is a non-political, non-profit making British charity that works with international funding partners and partners on the ground to provide relief and development aid to Palestinians in need, mainly in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and the refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan.

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ITT's Hammertime - Mass Siege of EDO MBM/ITT

17-08-2010 11:49

Smash EDO Mass Demo - Wednesday 13th October
Venue to be announced - to receive updates email or text 07538093930

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BBC - the ultimate prostitutes of propaganda.

17-08-2010 08:06

Audio Ken O'Keefe interviewed by Jane Corbin of BBC Panorama
If you haven’t seen it, look for BBC Panorama’s “Death in the Med” program online, you will be treated to first class propaganda as only the BBC can deliver. [1]

I am one of the passengers/witnesses interviewed for this program and I am very much aware of BBC’s role in justifying war and covering up Israeli crimes. I am in no way naive about this; to the contrary my motivation for the interview lay largely in the all too likely opportunity to expose the BBC. A relevant job considering the BBC’s role in the slaughter of over one million Iraqi’s, a direct role by virtue of the war they justified. BBC from start to present, justifying Iraq, a massive war crime and crime against humanity based entirely on lies (propagated intensely by the BBC). The British Broadcasting Corporation, synonymous with millions of orphans and refugees and countless lives destroyed in Iraq, beating the drums of war without pause, the ultimate prostitutes of propaganda.

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Palestine Today 08 16 2010

16-08-2010 17:26

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, August 16th, 2010.

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Palestinian on Hunger Strike Outside of Israeli Embassy in Berlin

16-08-2010 06:49

Israeli embassy in Berlin
Firas Maraghy, a Jerusalem native and current Berlin resident, has been on hunger strike in front of the Israeli Embassy in Berlin since 26 July, demanding Jerusalem residency rights for his baby daughter and the right to keep his own.

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Zionists and EDL Unite for counter-demo at Ahava

14-08-2010 20:11

In celebration of the recent court victory which saw four campaigners acquitted for blockading the Ahava shop in Covent Garden during 2009, approximately 60 protestors gathered outside its doors in Monmouth Street, central London, to celebrate and continue promoting boycott, divestment and sanctions against the Israeli occupation. While demonstrators were met by the usual Zionist counter-demonstrators, on this occasion they arrived flanked by the openly racist English Defence League.[video]

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Hadiklaim in the Jordan Valley

13-08-2010 18:21

Hadiklaim is an Israeli date growers cooperative which deals with several major supermarkets in the UK, including Sainsburys, Marks and Spencer, Tesco and Waitrose (although the Co Op and Marks and Spencer maintain that they only stock Hadiklaim products from 1948 Israel). The company boasts that it exports to 30 countries (see Tesco and Marks and Spencer branded dates are Hadiklaim produce.

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This Week in Palestine- Week 32 2010

13-08-2010 17:04

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, aservice of the International Middle East Media Center,", for August 7th, through August13th, 2010.

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Brighton Magistrates rule that Stalls Collection Boxes do NOT Require a permit

13-08-2010 13:04


Brighton Magistrates rule that Stalls having a Collection Box do NOT Require a Permit from the local Council

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Palestine Today 08 12 2010

12-08-2010 18:10

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday, August 12th, 2010.

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The Mediterranean Massacre: Israel as the blond beast

11-08-2010 21:15

"We are dealing, here, with a sociopathic tendency that only takes on the superficial appearance of a political ideology. The classic profile of the sociopath is one so fixated on the fulfillment of his own desires that every means are used to achieve his ends. Out of such raw materials serial killers are made, and also dictators like Stalin and Hitler. Add the animating factor of religion to the mix, and a monster arises out of the bubbling brew, a bestial creature bereft of morality, and without any check on its inherently destructive nature."
In Israel’s case the creature can more accurately be termed a monster in the Frankenstein mold, that is, a monster created by the mad scientists who have been in charge of US foreign policy since the Reagan years. We nurtured the young Frankenstein when he was but a babe in the cradle, recognizing the Jewish state at a crucial moment in its development, and since that time subsidizing it, arming it, and protecting it from its own worst impulses – until, today, we have a perfectly monstrous juvenile delinquent turned sociopath on our hands, who’s mugging the neighbors, stealing from our wallet, and thumbing his arrogant nose at all and sundry for good measure.
A few columns back, I asked: Have the Israelis gone crazy? The Mediterranean Massacre answers that question with a resounding yes."

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Palestine Today 08 11 2010

11-08-2010 15:35

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday, August 11th, 2010.

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The Jordan Valley meeting point: The JNF's racist alternative reality

11-08-2010 09:08

If you are a follower of the Corporate Occupation blog you will have read a lot about the Jordan Valley -an area that comprises almost 30% of the West Bank. Because of its fertile land and border with Jordan, it is under urgent threat of annexation by Israel, who are issuing statements about their claim to the land with alarming frequency. In March this year Benjamin Netanyahu officially announced that “Israel will never cede the Jordan Valley” and since then the Palestinians there have been met with increasing repression. Only during the last few weeks, the Israeli
Occupation Forces entered the Palestinian village of Al Farisiya and demolished 23 houses, leaving over 100 people homeless. When the villagers rebuild some of the destroyed structures the army returned to the area and yet again razed it to the ground

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CHICK COREA - call from the Gaza ghetto !

10-08-2010 21:29

Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel, August 2010 ... We are a group of students from Gaza, and our only fault is being Palestinians. For that, Mr. Corea, we are imprisoned with our families and loved ones in what major Human Rights Organizations call the largest open air prison in modern history. The state you are planning to entertain, committed a process of ethnic cleansing against the indigenous people in 1948. And now it is engaged in, what the Israeli academic Ilan Pappe calls, “slow motion genocide” against the 1.5 million population of Gaza. We are writing to you from under the hermetic siege imposed on us. We are punished just because we belong to this land and hold its identity. Israel committed, what Prof. Richard Goldstone called “war crimes and crimes against humanity,” knowing very well that it would be immune from accountability. You must be aware that all aspects of our life are affected by the siege, which in itself is a gross violation of international humanitarian law.

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“Ahava Four” found not guilty of aggravated trespass

10-08-2010 18:13

Four campaigners against Israeli apartheid were acquitted today of all charges related to two direct action protests against the Israeli cosmetics retailer Ahava in Covent Garden, London. The campaigners locked themselves onto concrete-filled oil drums inside the shop, closing it down for two days in September and December of 2009.

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Palestine Today 08 10 2010

10-08-2010 15:04

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday, August 10, 2010.
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