UK Analysis Newswire Archive
27-06-2005 13:55
Less developed countries' external "debt" impedes their economic development and attempts to reduce poverty. But it generates huge revenues for rich countries. In the decade 1994 to 2004, Brazil paid rich country creditors US$400 billion just in interest, equivalent to the entire population of Brazil working a whole year.(1) "Debt" serves various seamlessly linked purposes, all to the advantage of rich country creditors.ZINE READERS LISTENING NIGHT-56a Infoshop, London
27-06-2005 13:33
For those not in Scotland, the 56a Infoshop Social Centre in South London presents a night of zinery and relaxation.New Briefing on the G8, Climate Change and Free-Market Environmentalism
27-06-2005 13:21
The new briefing from Carbon Trade Watch examines the relationship between free-market economic forces and climate change policy while scrutinising the rhetoric and reality behind promises on climate made by the most powerful politicians in the world - the G8. ILetter To The Black Block
27-06-2005 12:14
What did we learn from Genoa? We learnt that those who bring violence into the movement bring the state in with them.Girl in a Cafe my arse! BBC TV G8 Film Tosh
27-06-2005 00:55
Girl in a Cafe my arse. This was Imperialism in a Hotel.Stuart Hodkinson.
For those unfortunate enough to have just sat through Richard Curtis's (a.k.a. 'Bob with a brain') ridiculous BBC TV film, The Girl in the Cafe, about a pretend G8 summit in a Reykjavik hotel, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Yes, you really did just watch a jingoistic political broadcast on behalf of New Labour. Yes, she really did interrupt the PM's speech at the G8 dinner by clicking her fingers every 3 seconds to mark a child dying of extreme poverty in Africa. And no, you really didn't learn a single thing about the causes of that poverty, the culpability of the present UK government and the destructive role of the G8 in the world.
ID card database infomation in exchange for Trident
26-06-2005 19:47
Under the arrangements that Britain has with the US that allow us access to their nuclear technology in the Trident programme, America has long insisted that it should have access to all our intelligence material. That means the ID database will be automatically available to it.research help - request
26-06-2005 13:40
am looking for a site that gives accessible, user-friendly research articles on stuff like mcdonalds, coca cola etcIndependent - Ministers plan to sell your ID card details to raise cash
26-06-2005 12:40
INTRODUCTION:Fellow defy-id campaigners in Liverpool have been out and about campaigning since early January and have regularly discussed this issue at open meetings for well over six months (meeting every Thursday 6pm at News From Nowhere, Bold Street, Liverpool). Time and time again our worst fears are shown not to be overblown paranoia, here's a story that proves that we constantly need to consider what are the repercussions of government ID card/database scheme, we've obviously got to continue to campaign against 'cornerstone legislation' that when in place will be the building block on which all other oppressive police state (control and containment of population) leglisation and laws will depend on.
Newsflash: The Oil Is Running Out!
25-06-2005 10:31
In short, the so called "alternatives" to oil are actually "derivatives" of oil. Without an abundant and reliable supply of oil, we have no way of scaling these alternatives to the degree necessary to power the modern world.Censorship and the News from Iraq
25-06-2005 00:53
Independent media activist and journalist Dahr Jamail writes on the Amercian attempts at censoring the news from Iraq and reports recent events at BuhrezIran's Elections
24-06-2005 20:14
Today, Iran's voters go to the polls faced with an unenviable choice for President.a rerout to reach an old newswire watcher rookie
24-06-2005 14:12
adress change for poetpiet's indymediasamples and other olds/news amounting to 60 MB intricately crafted and presented text)The SHORTWAVE REPORT 6/24/05 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
24-06-2005 00:53
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, Spain, and Russia.Can the G8 satisfy the demands of global justice campaigners?
23-06-2005 18:27
Simultaneous Policy (SP) Adopters are supporting protests around the G8 meetings. But SP analysis suggests the G8 are incapable of delivering a fairer, sustainable version of globalisation. If we want global justice, we have to design and implement it ourselves.Third World Debt
23-06-2005 13:31
Debt is not an act of generosity on behalf of the lender, it is a tool of subjugation.MAKING POVERTY HISTORY (Emergency on Planet Earth)
23-06-2005 10:49
It's not possible to make poverty history. And even if it was a small number of people would get VERY rich doing so therfore creating more poverty.Haiti films in London
23-06-2005 10:26
Ritzy Cinema, London, on 26 June 2005.The Haiti Support Group, in conjunction with the French Institute, is pleased to announce a special screening of the documentary film:
"When I am Misery, I Sing"
(dir: Juliana Ruhfus, 2005, 59 minutes)
and the UK premiere of the short film
"The Gospel of the Creole Pig"
(dir: Michaelange Quay, 2004, 15 minutes)
Starts: 7pm on Sunday 26 June 2005 @ The Ritzy cinema, Brixton, London SW2. Tickets: 020 7733 2229
Good article on G8 media manipulation and some of the effects
23-06-2005 09:35
First you scare them and then you play on their fearsIain MacWhirter June 22 2005
The Herald