UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 06 10 2010
10-06-2010 16:10

Condemnation of Israel’s Attack on Humanitarian Aid to Gaza
10-06-2010 13:01

Activists deliver boat to Downing Street to protest Israeli impunity
10-06-2010 11:27

The activists drew attention to the influence of the Zionist lobby over many MPs and the media, an influence that reinforces the impunity enjoyed by Israel even when it commits murderous crimes in breach of international law. The demonstrators made an explicit link between the Zionist lobby and the UK government’s proposed changes to universal jurisdiction, which are due to be introduced this month.
Action for Gaza bank and motorway shut Bristol city centre
09-06-2010 19:35
Just had this report phoned in more to follow I'm sure.Palestine Today 06 09 2010
09-06-2010 16:09

Haaretz reprodusing IDF lies
09-06-2010 12:58

Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack on the Gaza Peace Flotilla - Part 1
09-06-2010 12:19
The most potent propaganda relies on language loaded with hidden implications. In a recent speech, journalist Robert Fisk noted:“When we westerners find that ‘our’ enemies - al-Qaeda, for example, or the Taliban - have set off more bombs and staged more attacks than usual, we call it ‘a spike in violence’. Ah yes, a ‘spike’!
“A ‘spike’ in violence, ladies and gentlemen is a word first used, according to my files, by a brigadier general in the Baghdad Green Zone in 2004. Yet now we use that phrase, we extemporise on it, we relay it on the air as our phrase.”

Israel Is Fueling Anti-Americanism among U.S. Allies
09-06-2010 05:16
Biden is the least qualified to allay Arab anger for being the most vocal among U.S. officials in “legitimizing” Israel’s blunder. The Gaza flotilla episode has dispelled the benefit of doubt the Arab allies have given to President Barak Obama’s promises of change in U.S. foreign policy in their region.The Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Al Qaeda: Israeli propaganda exposed
08-06-2010 22:59

Palestine Today 06 08 2010
08-06-2010 17:18

Anti-capitalists attack in Bristol - liberation for Palestine, and not only.
08-06-2010 15:25
Last night, a group of individuals decided to turn their anger into action - striking a number of targets on Whiteladies Road. The list is this:HSBC bank, windows smashed with hammers, red paint thrown inside
Morgan Beddoe estate agent, every window smashed in reach and damage to door
Conservative Party office just off Whiteladies Road, window smashed
Territorial Army, windscreens smashed on their civilian vehicles in the car park.
A Call To Boycott Israeli Products
08-06-2010 09:48
In the wake of Israel’s deadly raid on unarmed peace activists and its continued blockade of Gaza the time has come to express international indignation by a citizens’ boycott of Israeli goods.For years it has been obvious no western government has the political courage to impose official sanctions on Israeli products and that the United States, virtually ruled by pro-Israeli interests and bureaucrats, is unlikely to punish, even admonish, a country converted into America’s Middle East fortress and financed to a great extent by Jewish interests in the USA.
Mavi Marmara : On cowardice and violence
07-06-2010 21:00
Copied from Well worth reading:Reflections by a Former US Marine on the Mavi Marmara
Mavi Marmara attacked - VIDEO
07-06-2010 16:00
when Israel lies video on Mavi Marmara during the attack
Palestine Today 06 07 2010
07-06-2010 14:06

Israel refuses to lift blockade of Gaza (by Latuff)
07-06-2010 13:31

National March Against the Gaza Flotilla Deaths, London - Pictures
07-06-2010 13:09

40 videos from Gaza Freedom Flotilla Massacre Demos in London (5 June & 31 May)
07-06-2010 12:37

Solidarity Vigil for Gaza, Saturday June 5th
07-06-2010 11:06

IDF errorists
06-06-2010 21:47
If you thinking I'm missing my T, you'd be wrong although I did splutter coffee all over my monitor it when I learnt that Ken O'Keefe, an activist known for US Passport burning, being an Iraq War Human Shield and being behind P10K, (which didn't ever get off the ground), is number 2 on the IDF's new list of Specific Flotilla Passangers(sic) Linked to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Other Terror Organizations.
The list appeared on the IDF website this evening, presumably as a replacement for the previous release, where the title was altered from "Attackers of the IDF soldiers found to be Al Qaeda mercenaries." to "Attackers of the IDF Soldiers Found Without Identification Papers", watering down the claim. The release provided no evidence to support the claim.