UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Splintering the Cause
07-07-2005 21:39
Having come to Edinburgh to be among those making a statement to the G8 Summit to "Make Poverty History" and to be among people of all these countries making our statements to the G8 leaders, I've discovered that there's all this rivaling among the groups, who are all here for the same purpose.Zarqawi: Everywhere and nowhere
07-07-2005 21:38
![The search for Zarqawi's past](/icon/2005/07/317269.jpg)
Alston points finger at 'anarchists'
07-07-2005 21:06
Australia's High Commissioner in London Richard Alston believes bombs in the city are most likely the work of anti-globalisation 'anarchists' to coincide with the Group of Eight summit meeting in Scotland.Communication between Dissent an G8 Alternatives
07-07-2005 20:33
Criticism of complete lack of cooperation between Dissent and G8 Alternativesgeneral statement on police allowing G8 protest
07-07-2005 18:41
i know this is the wrong space to publish this kind of mainstream statement, but i posted it on bbc "have your say"- while submitting it I realised that they wont publish it anyway. So, posting it here is kinda just to beat my frustration with the corporate media.The BBC discussion was on the issue of allowing G8 protests.
An Attack on our British Brothers and Sisters is an attack on the USA
07-07-2005 18:39
Todayw e are once again reminded taht we in the USA and our closest allie is at war. There are many who would like us to forget that.The blood and pain in the UK is felt in the USA, even in Chicago.
Fear stops here! (and spit on Blair's condolences)
07-07-2005 18:04
There won't be any terrorists on a dead planet anyway.London Explosions - coverage on DenmocracyNow!
07-07-2005 15:57
Independent coverage of the attacks on London Transport on DemocracyNow!Longest running independent news in the U.S. hosted by Amy Goodman
Live audio/video streaming here:
Get a clue -- terrorists don't throw rocks, London bombings and the G8
07-07-2005 15:37
British and London authorities should be ashamed of themselves. While1500 London police are over in Scotland, part of a 15,000-strong
policing force, watching people chant and march
against the G8, they leave their home unprotected from real terrorists.
stay strong in opposing g8 in spite of bombs
07-07-2005 13:35
stay strongWhat actually happened at Gleneagles yesterday: a personal account
07-07-2005 12:23
What actually happened at Gleneagles yesterday: a personal account, to balance mainstream media distortionHere is what you won't hear on the BBC or in the Scottish print media, about why things turned out as they did yesterday. All based strictly on what I actually experienced.
06-07-2005 22:31
The Center For Consumer Freedom have several websites (,, etc..) and runs commercials to inform and protect us from "the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, militant activists, meddling bureaucrats, and violent radicals" but are in fact a fake front for corporate America and FOX news that want us to buy their products (oh and die from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and liver failure.)Sheritan Hotel Blockaded! (by cops)
06-07-2005 19:59
![Outrage!! Armed, Masked, Black clad extremists take to our streets.](/icon/2005/07/316834.jpg)
London g8 action
06-07-2005 19:36
London g8 action at Business Action for AfricaLondon Action
06-07-2005 12:12
A call to action in London, a call for involvement and discussion from everyone with anti-capitalist sentiments.Report and analysis of Police Tactics around the Sheraton Hotel
06-07-2005 12:02
How the police got the delegates out of the Edinburgh Sheraton HotelCFUV interview with Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite download
06-07-2005 06:43
Live8 Shocker!
05-07-2005 22:02
David Beckham was present within the Golden Circle at Live8, Hyde Park... Beckham accepts huge amounts of 'sponsor' money from third world labour abusing corporations like Nike...