UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Relentless Global Drive: NATO On Six Continents In Seven Days
22-04-2010 12:21

Open letter to participants in the World People’s Conference
21-04-2010 19:08
Right now in Cochabamba, Bolivia - the city made famous by water riots ten years ago - there is a 'World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth'.Bita Ghaedi Deportation Fails after massive campaign launched.
20-04-2010 21:58

Obama is masking the real issue: US Threatens to nuke Iran
20-04-2010 11:54
“What is disturbing about this summit in Washington is the fact that the real threat to global security is nuclear war between countries. It is not Al-Qaeda which in any event is an intelligence asset of the CIA, which is the threat, ”Chossudovsky acknowledged. “It is an elusive network of organizations. The real threat is the threat of nuclear war and particularly the threat of a nuclear attack by the United States and Israel directed against Iran.”Manchester Class Struggle Forum, national liberation and internationalism
19-04-2010 16:48
The third Manchester Class Struggle Forum will host a discussion on national liberation and internationalism, with a lead off from the World Revolution group.Activist Realism panel - linking critical theory with activism on the streets
18-04-2010 14:34

Obama’s lies about Iran
16-04-2010 20:35

“Because animal abuse is everywhere”. City-wide days of action in Kiel and Notts
16-04-2010 01:06
The 10th Animal Liberation North Demo in Kiel, Germany saw a break from the conventional single march format and an experiment with multiple simultaneous actions in the city. Below we discuss some of the advantages and limitations of such a model. Feel free to add your thoughts.Audio: Communist Discussion Group - Alienation
15-04-2010 08:39

Richard Leese resigns (temporarily) after assaulting teenage stepdaughter
14-04-2010 19:07
The leader of Manchester City Council, Sir Richard Leese, stepped down today after it emerged he had been cautioned for assault on his 16-year-old stepdaughter. The City Council and Manchester Labour, however, insist the incident is just a “private matter” and say his resignation is only temporary.Surveillance + detention = £Billions: How Labour’s friends are ‘securing your world
14-04-2010 15:27
At the bustling Counter Terror Expo in London’s Olympia this week they are giving top billing to the security industry’s favourite politician. “The most experienced cabinet minister of modern times”, they call him: Dr John Reid.Your Tax Dollars at War: More Than 53% of Your Tax Bill Goes to the Military
14-04-2010 14:52

Venezuela: the myth of "Eco-socialism of the XXI Century"
14-04-2010 02:23

Royal Mail/CWU Agreement 2010
13-04-2010 18:12
What's in the Agreement and how does it affect postal workersPrompt global strike: World military superiority without nuclear weapons
13-04-2010 12:28
![US military presence across the globe (2009) [map by David Vine]](/icon/2010/04/449097.jpg)
The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution
12-04-2010 12:50
"In the same month, the highest-ranking general in the United States, “Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ranks the financial crisis as a higher priority and greater risk to security than current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He explained, “It's a global crisis. And as that impacts security issues, or feeds greater instability, I think it will impact on our national security in ways that we quite haven't figured out yet.”[22] Rest assured, they’ve figured it out, but they don’t want to tell you."Kyrgyzstan And The Battle For Central Asia
11-04-2010 22:15

Elected president two months after the so-called Tulip Revolution of 2005 he helped engineer, he was since then head of state of the main transit nation for the U.S. and NATO war in Afghanistan.
Which direction the next Kyrgyz government takes will have repercussions on the U.S. and NATO plans for the largest military offensive of the Afghan war scheduled to begin in two months in Kandahar province.
Communist Discussion Group: Alienation - 14th April
11-04-2010 21:57

President Kaczynski's last eastbound journey
11-04-2010 14:20
There is something so odd and weird about Polish president Kaczynski (Katchynsky) death in Tupolev Tu-154M aircraft crash.Save the Welfare State March and Rally, London - Pictures.
10-04-2010 19:15