Communist Discussion Group: Alienation - 14th April
Repost | 11.04.2010 21:57 | Analysis | History | Workers' Movements | Sheffield
The next Communist Discussion Group meeting will be held at 6:30pm, Wednesday 14th April in The Rutland Arms (Sheffield). The topic of the discussion is “Alienation”. Below is a reading list to give you a general introduction to the topic, but by all means also look elsewhere for further information to enrich the discussion.
Reading List: page on Alienation
Estranged Labour – Karl Marx (Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844)
Work and the Free Society – Anarchist Federation
From Man’s Alienation to Human Community – Internationalist Communist Group (Communism #6)
An Anarchist Critique of Democracy (also available as audio here )
Seeing sense in the age of stupid: Alienation, power and the case for social transformation – Solidarity Federation (Direct Action #47)
Eugene Kamenka, The Ethical Foundations of Marxism: chapter 7, the Critique of Economics.
Capital Vol 1: the section on the fetishism of commodities
Bertell Ollman, Alienation: part three, The theory of alienation.
Shlomo Avineri, The political and social theory of Marx: ‘Alienation and forms of property’
David McLellan, Selected Writings of Marx, chapter 8 and chapter 9 page on Alienation

Estranged Labour – Karl Marx (Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844)

Work and the Free Society – Anarchist Federation

From Man’s Alienation to Human Community – Internationalist Communist Group (Communism #6)

An Anarchist Critique of Democracy

Seeing sense in the age of stupid: Alienation, power and the case for social transformation – Solidarity Federation (Direct Action #47)

Eugene Kamenka, The Ethical Foundations of Marxism: chapter 7, the Critique of Economics.
Capital Vol 1: the section on the fetishism of commodities

Bertell Ollman, Alienation: part three, The theory of alienation.
Shlomo Avineri, The political and social theory of Marx: ‘Alienation and forms of property’
David McLellan, Selected Writings of Marx, chapter 8 and chapter 9

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