UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Middle East - amir Taheri Interview with C-Span
01-04-2004 06:29
" A breeze of fresh air" in Middle East Discussions.The Lantern Carnival: was it political?
31-03-2004 14:34

Description and analysis of the Sharrow Lantern Carnival
Benny Morris - A Tragic Israeli Historian
31-03-2004 14:02
Found in the New Left Review, this interview with Benny Morris a renowned Israeli left-winger says...............Chomsky March 20 / 04 speech
30-03-2004 13:21

When Fucking The System Isn't Enough
30-03-2004 10:21

The talk is broken into 3 parts: 2 halves of Ramsey's presentation and about 30 minutes of discussion afterwards.
[Y note: This is one of the best talks on anarchist organizing that I have heard, and considering the mixed success of the anti-war and anti-globalization movements in the UK today, it seems worth learning as much as possible from past struggles.]
Will the Proposed European Constitution Make the European Union More Democratic?
29-03-2004 17:37
Europeans seem to have rapidly grown accustomed to the elements of economic citizenship that the European Union has provided for them. Those freedoms to buy and sell goods, to invest and exchange currency, to receive and deliver services, to move personally, and to exercise one’s profession across national borders are positively appreciated (and largely taken for granted), but they certainly have not generated a high level of identification with the institution that produced them.Global Warming: The Movie
29-03-2004 17:25
"the movie’s unmistakable purpose is to scare us into submitting to the Greens’ agenda: domination of society through control of energy resources."KILLERCOKE factsheet
29-03-2004 15:06
Boycott Coca-Cola! A useful fact sheet exposing the truth and lies behind Coca-Cola, in support of the international boycott campaign called by Colombia trade union activist".by Karen Cocq and Marcia Chandra
UN report: Israeli forces inflict "reign of terror"
29-03-2004 13:53
A recent report by John Dugard, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights' Special Rapporteur, stated that Israeli forces had "inflicted a reign of terror upon innocent Palestinians in the course of their assassinations of militants in densely populated towns, their destruction of homes, and their random firing in built up areas—not to mention the methodical intimidation and humiliation of civilians at checkpoints."On article "Struggle NOT submission", Red Pepper, April 2004
28-03-2004 16:19
Brief gloss on above quoted article in relation to SSF launch, 27th March 2004.An Anarchist FAQ updated (to version 10.0)
27-03-2004 14:21
An Anarchist FAQ has been updated (version 10.0)Oxford Book Launch - High Tide: News from a Warming World
26-03-2004 16:29

Some one should write a book review for Indymedia
'DUST OR MAGIC' is a conference on now at Wadham collage
26-03-2004 13:50

26-03-2004 13:38
PICKETT STARTS AT 1630Israel 'fabricated' child-bomber story
26-03-2004 10:10
The army was also asked to explain why it had TV cameras ready at the roadblock more than two hours before the event.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 3/26/04 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
26-03-2004 01:10
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.Evening Standard "Police wear down May Day anarchists"
25-03-2004 20:02
The Evening Standard ran same story about MayDay as BBC, with a little more detail, managing to get the usual anti-wombles angle in "The Wombles - who dress in protective gear before trying to attack police", and failing utterly, like the BBC, to mention the MayDay NoBorders Dublin weekend of events, running from Friday April 30th to Monday May 3rd, and coinciding with the EU Enlargement Summit and welcome celebrations...