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UK Analysis Newswire Archive

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Did HBO Cover-Up Bomb Evidence At The WTC On 9/11?

02-03-2007 02:14

Did HBO television deliberately delete frames of video used in their 2002 documentary 'In Memorium - 9/11/2001', that revealed the detonation of an apparent exploive device at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001?

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The Shortwave Report 3/2/07 ¡Listen Globally!

02-03-2007 00:56

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

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“Controversial” Hypocrisy: US Support for Terror Groups in Iran

01-03-2007 20:01

Sunday Telegraph quotes Fred Burton, a former State Department counter-terrorism agent: “The latest attacks inside Iran fall in line with US efforts to supply and train Iran’s ethnic minorities to destabilise the Iranian regime.” That is to say, the US is deliberately exploiting ethnic divisions in Iran to destabilize the country -- precisely what it has accused Iran of trying to do in Iraq.

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Acrimony in the UK: Housing privatisation, speculation & land ownership

01-03-2007 14:48

The time has come for the low income sections of society to take back what
is theirs, denied to them from when traditional land ownership patterns
were set with the invasion of William the Conqueror, and later, with the
numerous acts of enclosure which served to exclude masses of people from
the countryside.

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The Pawn of Timor-Leste

01-03-2007 12:09

Australian Special Forces have today surrounded the 'rebel’ Major Alfredo Reinado in occupied Timor-Leste; it seems Reinado has passed his use-by-date; a tense stand-off presently exists with Reinado threatening to shoot any Australian soldier who ventures too near.

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CSSGJ talk analysing the Narmada Dam Protests in India

01-03-2007 08:56

what does the Narmada Dam Protests in India tell us about the nature of contemporary protests and the efforts of peasant and indigenous groups to oppose dispossession? How is the process of accumulation compare with earlier processes such as enclosure and clearance? What can be done to help such movements?

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Why the FBI got away with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing?

01-03-2007 00:37

On February 26, 1993, a gray snowy day in Manhattan like the one I write on 14 years later, the FBI and US government failed to stop the van-bomb explosion in the World Trade Center’s basement garage, just as NORAD and the US government failed to stop the airliner blitz on the Twin Towers and Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

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Neocon Imperialism, 9/11, and the Attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq

01-03-2007 00:01

One way to understand the effect of 9/11, in most general terms, is to see that it allowed the agenda developed in the 1990s by neoconservatives to be implemented.

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Regime change is the reason, disarmament the excuse: Interview with Scott Ritter

28-02-2007 23:40

Iran has given the IAEA inspectors extraordinary access to facilities throughout Iran. They have explained things. They have provided documents. They have done above and beyond what is required by the Nonproliferation Treaty and have demonstrated that their nuclear energy program is a program that is consistent with that which is permitted by the law. But thanks to the United States, the IAEA has corrupted the integrity of the process.

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Roasting the Beeb

28-02-2007 19:51

The BBC's Head of News admits that they lost the tapes of the broadcast that predicted the collapse of WTC7. This is probably one story that the BBC will *not* be reporting on anytime soon.

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U.S. Tactics of Containing Regional Roles in Middle East

28-02-2007 17:59

By Nicola Nasser*

Two-pronged U.S. tactics of confrontation and engagement unfolded last week and described by some media as “turnabouts” in the strategy of containment of what Washington perceives as adverse regional roles in the Middle East, but in the Iraqi context and in historical perspective these tactics are revealed only as old diplomatic manoeuvres in the drawers of the State Department.

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Prevent the US led war on Iran: Open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel

28-02-2007 15:12

Dear Mrs. Federal Chancellor and EU Council President

We, the undersigned of this open letter are turning to you with the
urgent request to do anything in your power to prevent a US war
against Iran.

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Hanging the womb of Iraq: Stop the executions!

28-02-2007 12:43

We demand the release of Wassan, Zainab and Liqa and all political prisoners in Iraq. There is no honour in murdering women. Occupation is the highest form of dictatorship. It is not these three women who should be prosecuted; it is this government and its foreign paymaster.

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Sy Hersh Blames Saudis for Neocon War Against the Shi’a of Iran, Lebanon

28-02-2007 12:22

Seymour Hersh buys into the “al-Qaeda” fairy tale, as does the rest of the corporate media.

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AUSTRALIA: Long-delayed “terrorist” hearings to commence in Sydney

28-02-2007 05:33

Home Grown War Criminals
There has been a deafening silence, however, over the fact that Muslim men are being held in similar conditions in Melbourne and Sydney, with the bipartisan agreement of both major political parties.

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BBC Reported WTC-7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell

28-02-2007 05:23

An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head.

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Shell, Repsol, Total, Defy U.S. to Seek Iran Deals

28-02-2007 02:14

President George W. Bush's campaign to turn Iran into an economic pariah is being rebuffed from Spain to Malaysia as countries and companies pursue long-term agreements to tap into the world's second-largest reserves of oil and gas.

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Senior lawyers accuse Australian government of war crimes over Guantánamo

27-02-2007 19:47

War Crimes
The demand for the laying of war crimes charges against Howard, Ruddock and Downer should be taken up by ordinary working people throughout the country. The government’s ongoing treatment of David Hicks, and its defence of the illegal US military commissions, constitute a threat to the democratic and legal rights of every Australian citizen. They demonstrate the real face of the so-called “war on terror” and are a warning of the equally repressive measures being prepared at home against government opponents.

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“An American Strike on Iran is Essential for Our Existence”

27-02-2007 14:17

So now, the Israeli war advocates aver, the US president needs to be helped to do the right thing and attack Iran by lobbyists who will use their power to force the fools in the Democratic Party, especially presidential candidates. Because Americans don’t understand and have to be shaken out of their current skeptical mode.

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"a genocidal, suicidal nation" : Romney joins Iran's hysterical accusers

27-02-2007 08:22

Bizarre though it sounds, more and more public figures in the US, echoing Israeli officials, are accusing Iran of genocide. More accurately, of planning genocide, although past and future get all confused in the increasingly reckless rhetoric.