UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Tony Ben analysis if Iraq war is correct
24-10-2003 13:52
Tony Ben interview to BBC in "Hard Talk" ( one week ago ) provided a clear and honest perspective of the reasons behind the Iraq War...In this short article, we can analyze with real facts, why Tony Ben is correct when he says... : This is armed roberry...
Madre Teresa di Calcutta e Michael Moore
23-10-2003 08:32
Madre Teresa di Calcutta e Michael Moore"Isolate the Anti-imperialist Camp and their Nazi fascist accomplices"
22-10-2003 19:12
“Isolate the Anti-imperialist Camp and their Nazi fascist accomplices”The falsifications of Fulvio Grimaldi
A. Letter to John Catalinotto of the International Action Centre, USA
October 21, 2003
Poster for KM0 screening
22-10-2003 09:35

You can view a trailer of the film at

CamSAW speakers Galloway, German
21-10-2003 22:39

The Stop the War Coalition - On leadership, democracy and how to wreck a mass mo
21-10-2003 13:19
On Thursday October 9, the Stop the War Coalition called an activists'meeting to discuss what action would be taken when George Bush arrives for a state visit to Britain on November 19.
Corporate Watch job vacancy
21-10-2003 11:28
Job going at independent radical research co-operative in Oxford.Truth, Lies, and The Legend of 9/11
21-10-2003 08:02
A penetrating overview of the Legend of 9/11. Going back over a decade, Kupferberg uses mostly mainstream sources to build a compelling argument that the events leading up to, and arising from, the September 11 attack were part of a covert global operation, the seams of which may be detected by a plethora of contradictions, coincidences, and curiously timed set-ups.New political initiative
20-10-2003 14:19
George Monbiot has suggested the formation of a new political party of activists. Why not dispense with the party and just have the activists - activists prepared to seize power, work with fellow activists in the community, and transfer power to where it belongs, the community?Lea Estrategia Internacional Nro. 20 en Internet
20-10-2003 14:07
Publicación de teoría y política marxista revolucionaria Nº 20 - Septiembre 2003pamphlet on the Thessaloniki Seven (arrested in June at the anti-EU summit demo)
20-10-2003 13:25
5 of our comrades are on hunger strikes in Greek prisons. Free the prisoners of the anti-EU summit demo. Solidarity is our weapon.Opinion: After Bolivian uprising publicise the Iraq uprising! (was: Destination IMC feature)
20-10-2003 07:44
Now that the Bolivian uprising has been semi-successful and given the fact that IMC-UK did feature it when almost all UK media outlets ignored this (thanks IMC-UK) shall we feature the uprising in Iraq. You know the country where the people made to suffer since 1990s (actually since the overthrow of the legitimately elected government in the 50s thanks to our intelligence services) and expected give a hero's welcone to our pigscum instead REBELLIG...TKAING DIRECT ACTIONhRIP... a la izquierda (I)
20-10-2003 06:00
Los ciudadanos bolivianos lo saben muy bien: nuestros recursos solo pueden ser colectivos. Ninguna otra forma de Propiedad (privada individual, de grupo, o estatal) asegura que sea usada para el beneficio común.Cleaning up the city - Part 2
19-10-2003 02:03
Liverpool City Council flyposting ban!Cleaning up the city - Part 1
19-10-2003 02:00

18-10-2003 08:13
A Communist Revolutionary critique of the World Social Forum. An attempt to lay bare the ideo-political basis(i.e. class interests) of the WSF.Odd private property understanding in ex- Häme Province
17-10-2003 23:28
City and government officials are not able to make the difference to a property between their own and an individual. We can no longer talk about individual cases.In Defence of Refugees in Turkey
17-10-2003 14:39
Open Letter to all human & civil and refugee organizationsFor joining our Campaign please write to UNHCR in Geneva and Ankara and copy to us, or sign this petition:

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 10/17/03 ¡Listen Globally!
17-10-2003 00:09
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.1MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, Germany, and Cuba.Chemical (Kelly) trail
16-10-2003 10:16
Notes to the IMC-UK censors:Article states 'Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its entirety'
This is non news bollocks for Tom for me it is non news analysis.
Could anyone please suggest the TVP some names for secretive operations. Using 'mason' fuels conspiracy theories!