UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Bugger Prince Charles
07-11-2003 21:48

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 11/7/03 ¡Listen Globally!
07-11-2003 01:07
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.Anarchism or Marxism debate - London, November 19th
05-11-2003 19:14
The Alliance for Workers' Liberty is debating a comrade from Freedom newspaper on anarchism and Marxism - details here.WP: Stop Bush meeting
05-11-2003 10:45
Workers Power Public meetingShowroom Cinema (screen 5)
Thursday 6th November 7.30pm
Anarchists, Base Organizations and Intermediate Struggles
05-11-2003 04:06
What are the possibilities for anarchist intervention in the intermediate struggles and spontaneous rebellions of the excluded class in Vancouver at the present time?How the Far Left Got It's Groove Back
04-11-2003 21:10
Capitalism is a house of whores and pimps, and it’s never been cooler to say so. Only fifteen years ago, we’d have been obliged to meet the response that ‘really existing socialism’ was a house of torturers and trained assassins – which is true, so long as we reverse the meaning of that phrase, ‘really existing socialism’...America's Love Affair with AntiPersonnel Landmines
02-11-2003 12:57
Us stockpiles 10 million APM's, refuses to sign Mine Ban Treaty, cuts funding to demining programs, fears success of grass roots mobilization against other weapons systemsPalestine Twilight: The Murder of Dr Glock and the Archaeology of the Holy Land
02-11-2003 06:27
Palestine Twilight: The Murder of Dr Glock and the Archaeology of the Holy Land
The SHORTWAVE REPORT 10/31/03 ¡Listen Globally!
31-10-2003 01:02
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.1MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, Germany, and Cuba.Antonio Negri in Argentina
29-10-2003 17:11
Due to the visit of Antonio Negri to our country, we introduce some articles of debate and polemic with Negri's ideas that were published along the past few years in the magazine Estrategia Internacional.Website takes on Little Green People
29-10-2003 14:31
Someone appears to have set up a new website called LGF Watch (
Does anyone care?
28-10-2003 08:49
DOES ANYONE CARE?William Hardiker 28/10/03
“How did we get here?” “Does anyone care?”
GLOBALIZATION: A SIMPLE DEFINITION-“Diez horas con la globalización”(google)
27-10-2003 17:21
A SIMPLE DEFINITION OF WHAT THE GLOBALIZATION IS.According to the book “DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION” (amazon, google, yahoo, netbiblo, Foro-los retos de la globalización, elcorteingles, netbiblo,
Author: Oscar Sanchez Fernandez de la Vega (google).

Those who seek ''the death of the United Nations''
26-10-2003 22:07
While the United Nations is seen by many as merely a talk shop that gets little done, the truth lies elsewhere. For example, UNESCO has done a great deal for education and the work of UNICEF has been phenomenal.US Soldiers in Iraq
26-10-2003 14:43
President Bush is trying to convince the world that those who have been to Iraq realize that situation is not as bad as 'media' portrays it to be. Growing evidence of low morale and lack of committment to the Iraqi invasion, among the americans actually spending time in iraq, the US soldiers, will help build pressure against the occupation. However, history cautions us against looking for a quick resolution.political parties, trade unions and the repetition of mistakes
25-10-2003 22:07
If politicising the working class is our purpose then we must understand why the working class has stayed away from political parties and to a (lesser?) extent trade unions.