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UK Analysis Newswire Archive

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08-12-2005 23:33

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Russia, Cuba, and Netherlands.

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08-12-2005 16:35

The forthcoming local council elections to be held in parts of the UK including in London have been 'decided' in effect by the parties that have apparently selected the best candidates for representing their local areas. This is utterly untrue. Local people must have proper and full and transparent say in who gets to be selected to represent the locality. Parties must not have that control any longer.

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911 – a route to war or an excuse for war?

08-12-2005 15:38

The war with Iraq and everything that led to war with Iraq was a lie. Is it not time to reopen 911 to see if it too was a lie? Was 911 the 'new Pearl Harbor' that the neocons so desired?

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Protest Against Approval of Second Reactor for Sydney

08-12-2005 03:11

At 8:30 this morning, approximately 30 protestors gathered outside the Masonic Centre on Goulbourn St, prior to the commission meeting to deliberate over whether or not to approve a licence to the second reactor at Lucus Heights

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International Human Rights Day Action

08-12-2005 02:15

Offer of Hope
Justice Action and the Australian Prisoners Union (APU) call for one minute's silence in support of the Offer of Hope at midday on International Human Rights Day, Saturday 10 December 05

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07-12-2005 14:45


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From the Outside In: Reflections of Lebanon in European Eyes

07-12-2005 11:39

As a Brit, I'm constantly asked why I chose to live in Beirut by people who are desperate to leave Lebanon. I have my reasons, but others have a very different experience here.

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Alt-publishing & Google Books

07-12-2005 10:43

A simple google book search for -

a | the | and | but | of | on | from

...enables you to see most of the pages of copyrighted books including books published by small alternative publishers eg. AK Press.

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Annapolis in Wonderland

07-12-2005 04:09

The present international instability could result in one or numerous other horrendous scenarios. However, the one glaring consistency or constant in today’s international political arena is the hatred that America has attracted from the rest of the world. Regardless of any other consideration, a nation despised by all is doomed. The USA has earned its reward by its blatant double standards, hypocrisy and the serial exploitation of weaker nations. These are the direct causes of the retaliatory response on American interests worldwide. The so-called “terrorists” are only a minor distraction while the real war unfolds.

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Theft of the commons

06-12-2005 14:48

The theft of common land helped launch the current airport expansion plans.

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Money, Power and the Human Psyche

05-12-2005 14:40

Slavery still exists as money slavery all over the world where a third of humanity must survive at the subsistence level.. Our relation to money has characteristics of madness.. When a value blindness occurs in a person, his sense of reality becomes dead.

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Peak Oil - Global Crisis? Free Event - London, December 14th

05-12-2005 12:37

To celebrate their 10th Anniversary The LSE Environmental Initiatives Network are pleased to present this free event on December 14th: "Peak Oil" - the Global Crisis?

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Here we go round the scapegoat bush!

05-12-2005 01:09

Now how do you secure 18 men on false and misleading charges
Now how do you secure 18 men on false and misleading charges made during a 'scapegoat' 'fishing expedition' last month? You get some poor soul locked up in a military prison in Lebanon to verbal them by offering him a bribe! Shame hoWARd, shame on you!

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What Happens After Kyoto?

04-12-2005 21:04

With Russian ratification of the Kyoto Protocol during 2005 attention has quickly shifted to what happens next. The Kyoto commitment period ends in 2012 and no clear plan for what follows currently exists. In this article however I am not purely looking a what happens after Kyoto in terms of an international framework, rather I am looking at the spectrum of future international measures which may be used for climate change mitigation.

Any descendant of Kyoto is likely to draw from key features of the UNFCCC, but will also have to make significant improvements. The key issues to be addressed are:

* the need to bring developing countries into the system
* the need to engage with the united states
* the need to deal with both historical responsibility and adaption
* the need to achieve far greater global emissions reductions.

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The Fusion of Peak Oil & Climate Change

04-12-2005 18:48

Peak Oil and Climate Change are a bigger threat together than either are alone. Our biggest hope is to similarly converge our understanding of them, and how to deal with the problems they present. Peak Oil and Climate Change must be fused as issues – an approach is needed to deal with them as a package.

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Climate Change: Kyoto protest

03-12-2005 14:24

Australia and the US?
Australia and the US are the only western industrialised nations which have refused to sign the global Kyoto protocol, arguing it is damaging to their economic interests.

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Story of Former US Army Interrogator, Tony Lagouranis, Is Growing

02-12-2005 10:13

Good news. The story of Tony Lagouranis, the former US Army interrogator who reported widespread torture in Iraq, is growing. Yesterday, I posted the following paragraph to

"As an indication of how relative few inroads this story is making into the public conscience, the Google search which I just performed (1 Dec 05; 12:56pm GMT) on "Tony Lagouranis" resulted in 694 hits. For the subject of a story of such international import, this is very low."

As of 9:52am GMT on 2 December, the same Google search resulted in 756 hits. This is still low, but indicates growing interest.

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Nguyen murdered in Singapore

02-12-2005 01:11

Opposition to capital punishment
"We are here to demonstrate our opposition to capital punishment, as a mark of respect to the family of Van Nguyen and as a mark of solidarity for two of our members who in the fine tradition of the Victorian Bar have acted pro bono and for the last three years fought to save the life of Van Nguyen," he said.

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Indonesian police say lots of things?

02-12-2005 00:36

Drip-fed propaganda
Then the subsequent drip-fed propaganda, video's, books, maps, plots etc beaming into Australia everyday from the mainscream pro-government media to mind-set the propaganda, like it's the real deal?