Here we go round the scapegoat bush!
Howard's Bum Boy | 05.12.2005 01:09 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
Now how do you secure 18 men on false and misleading charges made during a 'scapegoat' 'fishing expedition' last month? You get some poor soul locked up in a military prison in Lebanon to verbal them by offering him a bribe! Shame hoWARd, shame on you!
Terrorist suspect
john hoWARd!
AUSTRALIA: Prime meanster john hoWARd is suspected of being behind more terror fears in Australia this morning. Allegedly his police have offered 'fugitive terror suspect' Saleh Jamal a deal to return to Australia if he turns informant and verbals six men.
Six men who probably remain scapegoats after a cross-country 'fishing expedition' last month by ASIO to ramp up terror fears. I guess that the other 12 out of 18 scapegoats would have just been linked!
I Notice Jamal's been reported by the Un-Australian as a 'suspect'?
Now why would a 'suspect' want to make himself 'guilty' of not being a suspect anymore - for john hoWARd's war on terror - especially on the eve of his new Anti-Liberty legislation? Not even for a quick 10 years mind you?
Here we go round the scapegoat bush, the scapegoat bush, the scapegoat bush. Here we go round the scapegoat bush, so early in the morning!
Saleh Jamal who was tried by a military court in Lebanon and found guilty of a crime and sent to prison where it is alleged that he was approached by the Australian Federal Police over there.
Trust the Un-Australian?
However, military courts are not to be relied upon here in Australia and are not like Australian courts and neither is their justice!
But we'll just go along with everything they say is true!
hoWARd would be happy to deliver some 'terror fears for Christmas' so he can pass his new draconian terror laws with 'merit' and 'validity', that can only be seen as 'fascist' and 'immoral' to any small child.
Not just that but he wants to introduce military courts here with his new Anti-Liberty Bill just like they have in Lebanon? What about that truth-seeker?
Shame on you hoWARd shame!
hoWARd thinks that an attack on Sydney Harbour would be emotive enough to move Australian's into agreeing with him that his new draconian laws are fair. This is the HoWARd ideal; he intends to scare you for the rest of your life by using people.
Saleh Jamal come on down
Found guilty by a military court and held in prison north of Beirut where he is serving five years on weapons charges, Jamal allegedly told hoWARd's propaganda machine, the Un-Australian Newspaper, that three officer, two linked to the NSW Police terrorism command and another from the Australian Federal Police -- visited him just two months ago to make the offer.
Terrorist scapegoats only like live bait
But the bait was off, which involved him serving at least 10 years in a NSW prison. No life there! Terrorist scapegoats only like live bait.
No doubt, Jamal rejected the approach, saying he was not interested. But did he tell them to f**k off? One wonders!
This is the way we wash our clothes, wash our clothes, wash our clothes. This is the way we wash our clothes so early Monday morning.
Obviously the grand plan did not work and John HoWARd was disappointed because Jamal would not play, 'here we go round the scapegoat bush', for his fear factor, in introducing a new draconian Anti-liberty Bill here in Australia - and to secure his latest 'fishing expedition' as being valid - and turn his scapegoat victims into terrorists - with an endless fight to clear their names.
That was when hoWARd sent in his pro-media dogs of war!
Allegedly speaking through a window at the maximum-security Romieh Prison, the now clean-shaven Jamal said, I've had a shave. Now I'll just give myself up because I missed my opportunity to stay in jail longer than 5 years?
So I'll make sure I stay locked up forever by inciting violence from my prison cell, but I won't play, 'here we go round the scapegoat bush? Especially when I'm going to be dragged back to Australia after they finish with me in Lebanon to be used as a scapegoat anyway!
The Un-Australian: "While he was only "30per cent likely" to have launched an attack in Australia before he fled to Lebanon on a false passport in April last year, he would now definitely make an attempt," he [allegedly] said.
Mmmm, truth-seekers what you reckon about this crap?
This is the way we iron our clothes, Iron our clothes, iron our clothes. This is the way we iron our clothes, so early in the morning.
The Un-Australian: "The Australian Government has been chasing me for three years," Jamal [allegedly] said.
The Un-Australian: "If they try to take me to Australia, I will crash a plane into the Harbour Bridge myself," Jamal [allegedly] said.
But perhaps if he doesn't then john hoWARd will, you know, crash a plane into the Australian icon? But he won't do it himself. That's the job for another scapegoat. Any scapegoat will do!
How to use a scapegoat locked away in a prison cell In Lebanon
The Un-Australian: "Jamal said the six men discussed with the Australian police officers were close friends, but he denied urging them to launch a strike in Australia," he [allegedly] said.
The Un-Australian: "These guys are people I know well," he said. "We all pray at the Ahl Sunnah Wahl Jemaah (the prayer room in Haldon Street, Lakemba, in Sydney's southwest). They are good men," Jamal [allegedly] said.
Great script, nice plot and that ought to secure HoWARd's fear base for this week? What do you reckon truth-seekers?
This is the way we mend our clothes, mend our clothes, mend our clothes. This is the way we mend our clothes,so early in the morning.
The Un-Australian: "Jamal was charged in 1999 for a shooting incident at the Lakemba police station a year earlier."
The question is why did he shoot at police in south-west Sydney? Did they owe him? At a time when drug kingpins and Police War Lords were making drug deals, they too were in some type of hurry to get him out of the country, don't you worry.
The Un-Australian: "He was 'considered' central to the early stages of an alleged terror plot in Sydney in 2003."
The Un-Australian: "He had bought a 9m runabout and was accused of conducting surveillance on harbour sites, such as Walsh Bay, the Opera House, the Shell oil refinery and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which is now patrolled by guards because of the increased terror threat." They say!
But he never went fishing? Never toured the harbour like everyone else because he was a terrorist, right? Australian's don't buy 9m runabouts to go fishing? Nor do they go on sightseeing tours in them? Or even take a 9m runabout to celebrate New Year on the harbour to see the fireworks!
Scapegoat plot
The Un-Australian: "That New Year's Eve, police had expected a group linked to Jamal to have used the runabout to launch a bombing attack. 'No explosives were found and no one was charged'.
But great emotive propaganda fear factor to spread, right!
This is the way we sweep the floor, sweep the floor, sweep the floor. This is the way we sweep the floor, so early in the morning.
Fishing expeditiously
The Un-Australian: "At the time he fled Australia, Jamal was the key target of a counter-terror investigation, which later grew into Operation Pendennis, which led to '18 men being charged with terrorism-related offences after police swooped on houses in Sydney and Melbourne last month'?
Now how do you secure 18 men on false and misleading charges made during a scapegoat fishing expedition last month? You get some poor soul locked up in a military prison in Lebanon to verbal them by offering him a bribe! Shame hoWARd, shame on you!
And if that doesn't work you make up the story? How Un-Australian?
The Un-Australian: "The police said to me they could get me out of prison right now if I agreed to inform. They said they could give me a 60per cent sentence reduction if I pleaded guilty to planning to attack Sydney Harbour and recruiting the guys to terrorism. They also wanted me to plead guilty to the Lakemba police station shooting," Jamal [allegedly] said.
This is the way we scrub the floor, scrub the floor, scrub the floor. This is the way we scrub the floor, so early in the morning.
Come on down HoWARd you coward
The Un-Australian: "A senior federal government official confirmed last night that police had visited Jamal and put to him "several alternatives" that involved him returning to Australia."
The Un-Australian: "Attorney-General Philip Ruddock last night described Jamal's claims as "an operational matter and not something I would comment on one way or another".
Notice that Jamal says lots of things but not from his own mouth
The Un-Australian: "Jamal says he fled Australia to avoid facing trial for the police station shooting. He was on bail awaiting trial at the time and confirmed he had discovered radical Islam just before he was released from prison," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "He denied an AFP claim that he had intended to die as a suicide bomber in Lebanon, before he was caught at Beirut airport en route to Paris," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "All I wanted to do was disappear in Europe, where they could never find me," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "Jamal also confirmed he supported jihad but claimed there were "not enough real men" in Australia to launch a strike in the name of Islam. [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi are good men," he continued," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "I support their cause, but not always their methods," [they said he allegedly said.]
This is the way we bake our bread, bake our bread, bake our bread. This is the way we bake our bread, so early in the morning.
The Un-Australian: He said he had declined the NSW offer and was prepared to take his chances in Lebanon, where prosecutors are trying to upgrade his charges to terrorism. [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: If successful, their appeal before Lebanon's military court would result in at least a doubling of his sentence. The appeal hearing has been adjourned until January. [They said!]
Endless scapegoating
The Un-Australian: The federal Government has indicated it will seek Jamal's extradition to Australia when he is freed from Lebanon. [They Said!]
The Un-Australian: Jamal admitted to a broad criminal background, centring on 'drug-dealing' in Sydney's southwest. He said he had renounced his past and was committed to a form of Islam that espoused many of the beliefs of the Wahabi sect, which urges the introduction of Sharia Islamic law and the introduction of a Taliban-like state. [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: He said he admired his brother Ahmed Jamal, who was arrested in a Kurdish area of northern Iraq last December and charged with terrorism. He described his brother as "a real man". [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "I never want to go back to Australia. All I want is for my wife and child to come here to me, but the Government will not let her out of the country," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "Australia is like a paradise in many ways, but it is a sick place," [they said he allegedly said.]
But please don't believe everything they say!
This is the way we go to church, go to church, go to church. This is the way we go to church, so early Sunday morning?
Meeting to discuss Anti-terrorism Bill
"My deep concern is that so many people are unaware of just how these new laws will impact upon their lives and their families," she said.
DPP should lose the plot!
Now why would the DPP do that? Based on some notion I suppose, that john hoWARd (the hangman) wants to use Thomas's butt again, to raise the fear stakes in the introduction of the new Anti-Liberty-Dissent Directives!
Police claims raise new questions about “terrorist” raids in Australia
For the past 10 days, Australian media outlets have bombarded the public with lurid headlines and reports designed to justify last week’s massive raids by state and federal police and intelligence agencies on homes in Sydney and Melbourne.
hoWARd, will keep chilling you!
All this nonsense to hide the fact that the Bali bombing was not State Sanctioned Terror when it clearly was in relation to the explosive used in the second Bali bomb blast in 2002 which was clearly military hardware.
Things and places identified
Bill: Who can take a sunrise,sprinkle it in spew, cover it in allegations and a lie or two?
A GROUP of Sydney men, targeted by prime meanster john hoWARd, (the coward) and accused of lots of 'things' on Australian soil, with war and greed, (where they happen to reside) and had 'specific eyes, (brown?), on places and seen specific sites, (looked at them?), as they toured? country NSW?
john hoWARd!
AUSTRALIA: Prime meanster john hoWARd is suspected of being behind more terror fears in Australia this morning. Allegedly his police have offered 'fugitive terror suspect' Saleh Jamal a deal to return to Australia if he turns informant and verbals six men.
Six men who probably remain scapegoats after a cross-country 'fishing expedition' last month by ASIO to ramp up terror fears. I guess that the other 12 out of 18 scapegoats would have just been linked!
I Notice Jamal's been reported by the Un-Australian as a 'suspect'?
Now why would a 'suspect' want to make himself 'guilty' of not being a suspect anymore - for john hoWARd's war on terror - especially on the eve of his new Anti-Liberty legislation? Not even for a quick 10 years mind you?
Here we go round the scapegoat bush, the scapegoat bush, the scapegoat bush. Here we go round the scapegoat bush, so early in the morning!
Saleh Jamal who was tried by a military court in Lebanon and found guilty of a crime and sent to prison where it is alleged that he was approached by the Australian Federal Police over there.
Trust the Un-Australian?
However, military courts are not to be relied upon here in Australia and are not like Australian courts and neither is their justice!
But we'll just go along with everything they say is true!
hoWARd would be happy to deliver some 'terror fears for Christmas' so he can pass his new draconian terror laws with 'merit' and 'validity', that can only be seen as 'fascist' and 'immoral' to any small child.
Not just that but he wants to introduce military courts here with his new Anti-Liberty Bill just like they have in Lebanon? What about that truth-seeker?
Shame on you hoWARd shame!
hoWARd thinks that an attack on Sydney Harbour would be emotive enough to move Australian's into agreeing with him that his new draconian laws are fair. This is the HoWARd ideal; he intends to scare you for the rest of your life by using people.
Saleh Jamal come on down
Found guilty by a military court and held in prison north of Beirut where he is serving five years on weapons charges, Jamal allegedly told hoWARd's propaganda machine, the Un-Australian Newspaper, that three officer, two linked to the NSW Police terrorism command and another from the Australian Federal Police -- visited him just two months ago to make the offer.
Terrorist scapegoats only like live bait
But the bait was off, which involved him serving at least 10 years in a NSW prison. No life there! Terrorist scapegoats only like live bait.
No doubt, Jamal rejected the approach, saying he was not interested. But did he tell them to f**k off? One wonders!
This is the way we wash our clothes, wash our clothes, wash our clothes. This is the way we wash our clothes so early Monday morning.
Obviously the grand plan did not work and John HoWARd was disappointed because Jamal would not play, 'here we go round the scapegoat bush', for his fear factor, in introducing a new draconian Anti-liberty Bill here in Australia - and to secure his latest 'fishing expedition' as being valid - and turn his scapegoat victims into terrorists - with an endless fight to clear their names.
That was when hoWARd sent in his pro-media dogs of war!
Allegedly speaking through a window at the maximum-security Romieh Prison, the now clean-shaven Jamal said, I've had a shave. Now I'll just give myself up because I missed my opportunity to stay in jail longer than 5 years?
So I'll make sure I stay locked up forever by inciting violence from my prison cell, but I won't play, 'here we go round the scapegoat bush? Especially when I'm going to be dragged back to Australia after they finish with me in Lebanon to be used as a scapegoat anyway!
The Un-Australian: "While he was only "30per cent likely" to have launched an attack in Australia before he fled to Lebanon on a false passport in April last year, he would now definitely make an attempt," he [allegedly] said.
Mmmm, truth-seekers what you reckon about this crap?
This is the way we iron our clothes, Iron our clothes, iron our clothes. This is the way we iron our clothes, so early in the morning.
The Un-Australian: "The Australian Government has been chasing me for three years," Jamal [allegedly] said.
The Un-Australian: "If they try to take me to Australia, I will crash a plane into the Harbour Bridge myself," Jamal [allegedly] said.
But perhaps if he doesn't then john hoWARd will, you know, crash a plane into the Australian icon? But he won't do it himself. That's the job for another scapegoat. Any scapegoat will do!
How to use a scapegoat locked away in a prison cell In Lebanon
The Un-Australian: "Jamal said the six men discussed with the Australian police officers were close friends, but he denied urging them to launch a strike in Australia," he [allegedly] said.
The Un-Australian: "These guys are people I know well," he said. "We all pray at the Ahl Sunnah Wahl Jemaah (the prayer room in Haldon Street, Lakemba, in Sydney's southwest). They are good men," Jamal [allegedly] said.
Great script, nice plot and that ought to secure HoWARd's fear base for this week? What do you reckon truth-seekers?
This is the way we mend our clothes, mend our clothes, mend our clothes. This is the way we mend our clothes,so early in the morning.
The Un-Australian: "Jamal was charged in 1999 for a shooting incident at the Lakemba police station a year earlier."
The question is why did he shoot at police in south-west Sydney? Did they owe him? At a time when drug kingpins and Police War Lords were making drug deals, they too were in some type of hurry to get him out of the country, don't you worry.
The Un-Australian: "He was 'considered' central to the early stages of an alleged terror plot in Sydney in 2003."
The Un-Australian: "He had bought a 9m runabout and was accused of conducting surveillance on harbour sites, such as Walsh Bay, the Opera House, the Shell oil refinery and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which is now patrolled by guards because of the increased terror threat." They say!
But he never went fishing? Never toured the harbour like everyone else because he was a terrorist, right? Australian's don't buy 9m runabouts to go fishing? Nor do they go on sightseeing tours in them? Or even take a 9m runabout to celebrate New Year on the harbour to see the fireworks!
Scapegoat plot
The Un-Australian: "That New Year's Eve, police had expected a group linked to Jamal to have used the runabout to launch a bombing attack. 'No explosives were found and no one was charged'.
But great emotive propaganda fear factor to spread, right!
This is the way we sweep the floor, sweep the floor, sweep the floor. This is the way we sweep the floor, so early in the morning.
Fishing expeditiously
The Un-Australian: "At the time he fled Australia, Jamal was the key target of a counter-terror investigation, which later grew into Operation Pendennis, which led to '18 men being charged with terrorism-related offences after police swooped on houses in Sydney and Melbourne last month'?
Now how do you secure 18 men on false and misleading charges made during a scapegoat fishing expedition last month? You get some poor soul locked up in a military prison in Lebanon to verbal them by offering him a bribe! Shame hoWARd, shame on you!
And if that doesn't work you make up the story? How Un-Australian?
The Un-Australian: "The police said to me they could get me out of prison right now if I agreed to inform. They said they could give me a 60per cent sentence reduction if I pleaded guilty to planning to attack Sydney Harbour and recruiting the guys to terrorism. They also wanted me to plead guilty to the Lakemba police station shooting," Jamal [allegedly] said.
This is the way we scrub the floor, scrub the floor, scrub the floor. This is the way we scrub the floor, so early in the morning.
Come on down HoWARd you coward
The Un-Australian: "A senior federal government official confirmed last night that police had visited Jamal and put to him "several alternatives" that involved him returning to Australia."
The Un-Australian: "Attorney-General Philip Ruddock last night described Jamal's claims as "an operational matter and not something I would comment on one way or another".
Notice that Jamal says lots of things but not from his own mouth
The Un-Australian: "Jamal says he fled Australia to avoid facing trial for the police station shooting. He was on bail awaiting trial at the time and confirmed he had discovered radical Islam just before he was released from prison," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "He denied an AFP claim that he had intended to die as a suicide bomber in Lebanon, before he was caught at Beirut airport en route to Paris," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "All I wanted to do was disappear in Europe, where they could never find me," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "Jamal also confirmed he supported jihad but claimed there were "not enough real men" in Australia to launch a strike in the name of Islam. [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi are good men," he continued," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "I support their cause, but not always their methods," [they said he allegedly said.]
This is the way we bake our bread, bake our bread, bake our bread. This is the way we bake our bread, so early in the morning.
The Un-Australian: He said he had declined the NSW offer and was prepared to take his chances in Lebanon, where prosecutors are trying to upgrade his charges to terrorism. [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: If successful, their appeal before Lebanon's military court would result in at least a doubling of his sentence. The appeal hearing has been adjourned until January. [They said!]
Endless scapegoating
The Un-Australian: The federal Government has indicated it will seek Jamal's extradition to Australia when he is freed from Lebanon. [They Said!]
The Un-Australian: Jamal admitted to a broad criminal background, centring on 'drug-dealing' in Sydney's southwest. He said he had renounced his past and was committed to a form of Islam that espoused many of the beliefs of the Wahabi sect, which urges the introduction of Sharia Islamic law and the introduction of a Taliban-like state. [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: He said he admired his brother Ahmed Jamal, who was arrested in a Kurdish area of northern Iraq last December and charged with terrorism. He described his brother as "a real man". [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "I never want to go back to Australia. All I want is for my wife and child to come here to me, but the Government will not let her out of the country," [they said he allegedly said.]
The Un-Australian: "Australia is like a paradise in many ways, but it is a sick place," [they said he allegedly said.]
But please don't believe everything they say!
This is the way we go to church, go to church, go to church. This is the way we go to church, so early Sunday morning?
Meeting to discuss Anti-terrorism Bill
"My deep concern is that so many people are unaware of just how these new laws will impact upon their lives and their families," she said.

DPP should lose the plot!
Now why would the DPP do that? Based on some notion I suppose, that john hoWARd (the hangman) wants to use Thomas's butt again, to raise the fear stakes in the introduction of the new Anti-Liberty-Dissent Directives!

Police claims raise new questions about “terrorist” raids in Australia
For the past 10 days, Australian media outlets have bombarded the public with lurid headlines and reports designed to justify last week’s massive raids by state and federal police and intelligence agencies on homes in Sydney and Melbourne.

hoWARd, will keep chilling you!
All this nonsense to hide the fact that the Bali bombing was not State Sanctioned Terror when it clearly was in relation to the explosive used in the second Bali bomb blast in 2002 which was clearly military hardware.

Things and places identified
Bill: Who can take a sunrise,sprinkle it in spew, cover it in allegations and a lie or two?
A GROUP of Sydney men, targeted by prime meanster john hoWARd, (the coward) and accused of lots of 'things' on Australian soil, with war and greed, (where they happen to reside) and had 'specific eyes, (brown?), on places and seen specific sites, (looked at them?), as they toured? country NSW?

Howard's Bum Boy