UK Analysis Newswire Archive
01-12-2005 23:57
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.Bush: US Titanic stays the course towards Victory!
01-12-2005 19:35
In his speech at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, US 'president' George Bush stated that he rejected the polls showing that most Americans think the war is a terrible mistake, and convinced the 'Bush Junta' has no clear strategy for withdrawl nor staving off further chaos in Iraq.1st London Anarchist Assembly@Dec 3rd
01-12-2005 12:15

Malet Street. Tube: Russell Sq, Goodge St, Euston Sq

30-11-2005 20:18
A scathing indictment of Bush-Cheney policy with a special focus on Iraq war and with a little historical context.Stop Blair from abolishing London communities - Defend local autonomy
30-11-2005 13:53
How could the ‘opposition’ Tories be praising the ‘record’ of Ken Livingstone?REPORT FROM JORDAN WEDNESDAY 30th NOVEMBER with 19 photos
30-11-2005 09:21

Stock Market not a Free Market
30-11-2005 09:18

CIA agent returns to Indonesia last July?
30-11-2005 05:36

The racism is hard to take
30-11-2005 00:00

There is no such thing as an Indonesian anti-corruption body
29-11-2005 22:09

Lecture: Postanarchism and the future of Radical Politics
29-11-2005 13:14
Dr. Saul Newman (University of Western Australia) will be presenting a paper:"Postanarchism and the future of radical politics"
...At Manchester University - 8th December 2005
Inquest into the death in custody of Scott Simpson
28-11-2005 16:07

mayflybooks - announcement and call
28-11-2005 11:31
Announcement of, and call for, mayflybooks ( ephemera issue 5.4 'Inscribing Organized Resistance'
28-11-2005 11:27
The new issue of 'ephemera: theory & politics in organization', ntitled 'Inscribing Organized Resistance', has just been published at
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Bristol Buy nothing day
28-11-2005 00:01

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ID Cards. Resistance is necessary
27-11-2005 21:10
It's time to get ready to refuse. Just say no and stop the state and corporations stealing your identity! There will be no hiding place for who you are, where you are, what you are doing, and who you are doing it with.Parents mortgaged home for Indonesian injustice
27-11-2005 20:17

Ending the war in Iraq: the US runs out of excuses
26-11-2005 22:27
The US appears to be in negotiations with the nationalist Iraqi resistanceAussie ministers plot to kill dissent
26-11-2005 20:54

Burundians allege UN collusion with Hutu extremist war criminals
26-11-2005 20:53
Burundians have lashed out at the UN office in their country after a Hutu-extremist war crimes suspect, Aloys Nzabampema, was found in possession of illegally-obtained UN Peacekeeper's uniforms