UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Extremist ex-Met Chief John Stevens in mouth-opening disaster
20-11-2005 13:20
Ex-top Met cop Stevens opened his mouth again earlier today with disastrous results. The noises coming out of John's enormous gob coagulated, in the dank air surrounding his weatherbeaten and rapidly-ageing face, into a rabid demand that the British government should start hanging people at the earliest opportunity.Grauniad smears Chomsky
19-11-2005 15:41
The Grauniad launched a determined character assassination on Noam Chomsky.Socialist Finland attacks against CIA and USA Policy on terrorism
19-11-2005 14:16
United States of America’s Central Intelligence Angency hasgot in Europe, Middle-East and Asia secret (operation) centres, which
assignment is to follow and abduct suspected terrorists.
MUHAMMAD HAQUE POLITICAL POETRY on the 'debate on policing'
19-11-2005 10:55
The call for arming the UK police as uttered by Michael Winner is not a contribution to the alleged debate on the future of policing in this country. Evidence must be sought and established BY ALL OF SOCIETY before any fundamental changes are made for the worseReport from Damascus, Syria with 9 photos
19-11-2005 08:02

It, sadly, may be on Bush and Blair's hit list. 9 photos are attached.
Too much hot air in the blogosphere
19-11-2005 07:02
As the Indymedia newswire descends into incoherent ranting, looks like others are taking note.Rumsfeld: Adelaide (Update)
19-11-2005 02:50
Activists asserted their democratic right to protest Rumsfeld’s visit outside the heavily guarded Adelaide Town Hall regardless of Dr. Bob Such granting ‘permission’ to protest outside South Australia’s Parliament House. Let’s not miss a ‘subtle’ point; the right to protest is fundamental to a democratic society, let that right act as a barometer in any society that purports to uphold democratic values.GUERRE TOTALE, RADIOLOGIQUE, CHIMIQUE ET ELECTROMAGNETIQUE CONTRE L'IRAQ
18-11-2005 21:40

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The oil party is over now it is time for a better world
18-11-2005 18:45
We have all been enjoying the greatest party the world has ever seen: the great oil party, but we have to sober up and face the fact that the party is coming to an end.Why "migrant riots" do not lead to a May 68.... A view from Belgium
18-11-2005 10:56
This article was orginally written by two women from the feminist network NextGENDERation (Nadia Fadil, Sarah Bracke en Meryem Kanmaz) and titled "Why "migrant riots" do not lead to a May 68...". The intervention is originally written is Flamish and published as an opinion piece in the major Flanish dailiy de Standaard.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 11/18/05 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
18-11-2005 00:41
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and Cuba.hoWARd, will keep chilling you!
17-11-2005 21:04
![hoWARd unmasked [File photo] (Rooters)](/icon/2005/11/328031.jpg)
Police Has Killer On Video, but...? Not even a description?
17-11-2005 14:03
Strange isn't it? For 4 decades the major media paid my independent journalism handsomely as their foreign correspondent, but not anymore. Since APAX in England bought all major papers in Holland reigning the info, they don't even for free want to know or print why the police is silent as the lambs...SUPER TERRORISTS! Pollywood's Latest Production
16-11-2005 14:58
The style, timing, and hype of the Jordan bombing publicity has Pollywood (as in Pentagon's Hollywood) written all over it. It's a sleazy Grade D studio touch that has been leaving its oily prints all over the media since 2001....the favorite Pollywood script always features one super-bad villain.....Chemical weapon use by US forces in Iraq confirmed
16-11-2005 11:34
Evidence of chemical weapon use by US forces in their attack on Fallujah is overwhelming.Apologia of barbarity from the left intellectuals.
16-11-2005 01:53

Fr. Nietzsche.
The publication on the Internet the staff of a public execution of criminals in the Peoples Republic of China has caused ambiguous comments from readers.
15-11-2005 19:16
LIES, DECEPTION AND SCANDAL.Trashed towns and corrupt councils
15-11-2005 16:44
That a bunch of councillors against the wishes of the local community should choose to trash the historic heart of Bury St Edmunds comes as no surprise. It is happening in other towns too.Chomsky Answers the Guardian
15-11-2005 14:05
This is an open letter to a few of the people with whom I had discussed the Guardian interview of 31 October, on the basis of the electronic version, which is all that I had seen. Someone has just sent me a copy of the printed version, and I now understand why friends in England who wrote me were so outraged.