Police Has Killer On Video, but...? Not even a description?
Henk Ruyssenaars | 17.11.2005 14:03 | Analysis | Globalisation | Repression
Strange isn't it? For 4 decades the major media paid my independent journalism handsomely as their foreign correspondent, but not anymore. Since APAX in England bought all major papers in Holland reigning the info, they don't even for free want to know or print why the police is silent as the lambs...
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - The Netherlands - Nijmegen - Nov. 17th 2005 - Louis Sévèke, 41, a very well known political activist and secret service watcher, was killed here in the center of the city of Nijmegen, in the eastern part of The Netherlands two days ago. According to eyewitnesses the (white male) killer was a professional, waiting for Sévèke in the street the gun hidden in a sporting bag: evidence that the murder was planned.
After shooting down Sévèke - whom he had followed a 100 meters - he walked up to the dying man, finished his job with a 'coup de grâce' - a final shot into the head, calmly checked whether his victim was really dead, and than just walked away. The find of used shells has not been mentioned, indicating the gun can have been a revolver, or the gunner used the contraption to 'catch' the shells, a 'sniper' device very useful for this particular job.
The narrow street - Vlaamse Gas - used by the killer to get away, is loaded with security cameras permanently controlling the local 'coffeeshops' which are (legally) selling soft drugs. The special police unit of 25 detectives investigating the murder, a day after the fatal shooting said to have no clues and have not given any information yet about any of the by them confiscated security camera video films which must have recorded the assassin, walking in that street. The body has been taken to the state's Forensic Institute, leaving some eyewittnesses as the only independent sources of information concerning the killing.
The police said they're also trying to get hold of the people who - they know - have taken pictures with their mobile phones to be used as evidence. Some of those pictures already were shown on dutch TV, which makes it difficult to let them disappear. Pictures from the Srbrenica massacre during the Balkan war - in which Dutch NATO 'peace keepers' were involved - were destroyed by the MID, the Dutch military intelligence service, 'by accident.'
To control the growing publicity and damage, the state's propaganda channels were - and still are - wide open. Like the prostituting 'prompter readers' from Dutch national NOS-RTV and one of the 'state info papers' called 'De Volkskrant', launching the fake idea that unidentified 'friends' had said: "Sévèke may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time" - falsely indicating a mistaken liquidation in the drug scene. Like all political murders in Holland: due to 'damage control' the 'Sévèke case' must disappear in the 'Memory Hole' as fast as is possible: now - 36 hours after the murder - the story starts to be 'killed' too. The biggest local paper in the city of Nijmegen - in Dutch - 'De Gelderlander' - is very 'low profile' on the matter but has a picture - Url.:

In an article published in Holland two weeks ago in the neocon's mainstream information paper NRC-Handelsblad, Louis Sévèke - a life long fighter and whistle blower against crime at the top and 'false flag' operations by special killing squads wrote: "If the government orchestrates terror, it should be more open about it."
He's dead now, liquidated, and as far as China people could read about it, before others - the 'western' information sewers - tried to put the lid on the murder and what it implies for other dissidents, not accepting the 'New World Order' which many look upon as the 'New War Order'. Searching 'Google News' for instance with his name, right now in the morning of 17 Nov. 2005, only turned up 5 items - [

Sévèke also led a working group that lobbied against unfair treatment of people arrested by the police. The group was in the national news recently for supporting people arrested for refusing to carry official identification. - [FPF - ID-cards - Url.:

The police have carried out raids recently at an activist center, which Sévèke regularly visited, to remove posters criticizing the tough policies of Immigration and Integration Minister Rita Verdonk." (According to normal dutch law illegal deportation to countries that jail, torture and kill like the Congo - HR) [ Xinhua - Url.:

In the case of the political murder - on May 6th 2002 - of political comet professor Pim Fortuyn who was the expected winner in the May 15th elections of 2002: never a centimeter/inch was seen by the public of the video films showing the murder, nor other videos taken at the same time and showing the arrest elsewhere of Volkert van der Graaf, the man - some say 'patsy' - blamed for the shooting. The man who shot Fortuyn, and van der Graaf who was arrested, could never be compared by the public, which always is influenced and than expected to accept the 'official' version. The enigma still exists, and one wonders what will happen with the video films and mobile phone pictures of Sévèke's alleged killer. If the picture material will be used to identify the criminal, as for instance is usual with shoplifting too. Or it shows to be the usual 'State terror' again, and we'll never see an inch of the footage. Which now - 36 hours after the killing and the story being 'spiked' - looks likely.
A press conference the day after in Nijmegen by the so called 'authorities' gave as expected no results: "We need your help with the information" it was said, but no hard facts were given by mayor Guusje ter Horst, the state prosecutor nor the police. ''Indications are that this is a political murder" journalist Gerard Legebeke said, interviewed on Dutch national radio. Legebeke is an investigating journalist of renown who lives in Nijmegen, who is well informed about the situation, and has known the killed political activist and whistle blower Sévèke for years.
The question 'Who profits?' - until further information is available - again only points in one direction: the specialists with a license to kill.* A Nijmegen police spokeswoman only wanted to confirm Sévèke's death and said "technical investigation is still going on". Louis Sévèke during the past twenty years had become the nightmare of the illegal police- secret services- and many covert neocon government activities. In an official statement via the state's media on Thursday, the police said not to have any new information or comments: "If we do, it will be published on our web site" it was said. No description is given of the killer caught on a handful of security camera's, not even a composition kit picture* which an alleged rapist in the police district merits. - Url.:

Sévèke juridically also specialized in the growing 'false flag' terror behavior of the super secret groups in Holland's shady 'services' underworld - guided by the CIA, Rumsfeld's SSB, and Israel's Mossad - which are helping to fabricate and orchestrate the US-made 'War of Terror'. Those by the taxpayers paid 'spooks' are never defending the human rights of the 16 million Dutch, but only the profitability of the economical system and the Dutch government's place as #5 on the list of richest countries, and #6 as the world weapons exporter. Legal and illegal.*
There are a couple of possible motives for this murder. In an article* published two weeks ago in the dutch neocon's information paper NRC-Handelsblad, Sévèke as a fighter against crime at the top and 'false flag' operations by special squads wrote:
Among many examples, he wrote critically about the latest blunder by the dutch secret service AIVD - (Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheids Dienst) - which apparently - like some other 'services' - runs it's own fake 'al Qaida terror group' named Hofstadgroep. Including the fake 'terror spreading web sites' which they can use and share with the CIA and/or Mossad disinformation units on Internet, to be used as they please. Describing the situation at present in Holland: "That is their normal way of working" Sévèke wrote in his last NRC article.
He indicated that one of the AIVD's 'moles' - Ali B. in this 'moslem militant's group' - probably is an 'agent provocateur' who according to Sévèke and dutch TV Netwerk: "Supplied handgranates to 'a very dangerous group': handgranates he covertly had received from an agent of the secret service AIVD". The same handgranates wounded other police officers later on, when they stormed a 'terrorist safe house' after the usual 'water damage-tip' of 'unknown'. To restore Ali B.'s 'cover' - and in a very unintelligent way trying still to bolster Ali B.'s status as a 'terrorist' - the same AIVD agents a couple of days ago - with a lot of orchestrated publicity - 'arrested' the man, when too many of the facts became known.
Sévèke - among many other activities - was the juridical adviser of a very active group of people - which are critical towards the society and city they live in - occupying a large house called 'The Orphanage' (Weeshuis) in the historical center of the city of Nijmegen, claiming to be the oldest city in The Netherlands. "We are working day and night trying to save the city from greedy developers" the group says. But last October 30th a local judge ordered the group to get out of the building by November 30th. Otherwise the police would make them go, since the people in power have decided to 'reconstruct the area' in a for them profitable way. Sévèke as juridical advisor was the big 'stumbling block' - which now is gone. And it's a known fact that when money in millions is involved, people do not count in Holland either.
The gunning down of Louis Sévèke looks like a case symptomatic of the fear of attacks on the profitable system which the managers of The Netherlands run, and why probably also politician and expected new prime minister of The Netherlands - professor Pim Fortuyn was killed. [

Some people in the Netherlands from the multinational's 'security services' , civil and military intelligence services, plus legal and illegal secret services and covert 'security firms', claim and use a 'License to Kill'.* They are known by some as 'Health Altering Groups': corporate warriors and other mercenaries which can alter a disliked person's health and/or point of view within seconds. People can either agree, or end up in the hands of an undertaker, to be buried.
A Dutch marine - who was in court in the Netherlands for shooting an Iraqi man in the back and killing him while he ran away - showed to be one of those with a 'License to Kill'. Expatica* - one of the 'expat' web sites for people living abroad, in this case mostly using information by the dutch industries information bureau ANP - published an item on "The suspect Dutch marine given license to kill' - last June 15th. Reporting that "investigations into Dutch marine Erik O. who was accused of murdering an Iraqi looter in December - have revealed he was previously involved in top secret 'license to kill' missions. As a member of the Special Support Unit (BBE) of the Royal Marines, O. was involved in anti-terrorism operations which carried government approval to use violence that might result in fatalities." [endquote]
Nobody expects any honest information from the investigation by the police in Nijmegen - supervised by the AIVD etc. - into the killing of Louis Sévèke, one of their worst critics. A man who for twenty years stood up to them and - among many other human rights actions - had taken the complaints of people maltreated by the police into the courts. Getting many of the police and 'services' - including the 'spooks' legally 'named and shamed' when behaving inhuman.
One does not wonder anymore when often the same crooks among 'the rulers' - who with good reason can be suspected of having committed the crime, because they profit - also are the ones to decide who will investigate their criminal behavior. Like in the US and many other countries, none of the major political murders in the country has ever really been solved. In The Netherlands - managed by the same group as most countries - it's no different, and that's one of the things Sévèke hoped to change too.
After the different passings away of most critical journalists, and 'underreported' political activists in The Netherlands, not much overt opposition to 'the rulers' is left. Which bodes ill for some future form of democracy in the country since a blueprint of the US neocon's totalitarian 'Patriot Act' is enforced.
Louis Sévèke, the now dead whistle blower and fighter against injustice, was with his knowledge a strong motor within the alternative movement's resistance. He will be sorely missed, as the many people at his funeral will prove.
Killing him looks like one of the last nails in 'the coffin of free thinking' in Holland.
Related footnotes/links:
Louis Sévèke's article on the 'false flag' ops by the Government - (sorry: in Dutch) - NRC - Url.:

Axis of Logic - License to kill - Url.:

US 'Death Squad Protection Act' Url.:

Secret Task Force 121 - Url.:

Mossad runs The Netherlands Schiphol Airport? - Url.:

Dutch war criminals in Court hearing:

Schiphol & Israel:

Expatica - Url.:

Military Intelligence - Special Operations: Url:


Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands

* Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! We need them badly at home in many countries - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE PAID FOR BY TAXES - to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.:

FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Henk Ruyssenaars
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