UK Analysis Newswire Archive
A bastard's manifesto: A call for corporate perestroika
26-06-2003 20:18
Corporations are really all about colonialism, and the hyperinflation of their power through a top-heavy distribution of wealth must eventually tip over if our species is truly humane and democratic.A Report from Thessaloniki (1)
26-06-2003 20:06
The international demonstration against fortress Europe and the EU of neoliberal capitalism and war taking place in Thessaloniki on Saturday 21/6/03 ended up fragmented, divided and under police repression. Anarchists and riot police were in direct confrontation for hours. The other blocks demonstrated peacefully and ended the night with a music festival. No solidarity towards the besieged black block was given.Solidarity Message from Vancouver Anarchists to the EU Prisoners
25-06-2003 23:33
We send a message of solidarity to the comrades who are imprisoned in Thessaloniki by the State of Greece , in connection to the insurgency in the streets during the summit of the elite of the European ruling class.Royalty: One Rule for Them and another for Us
24-06-2003 15:08
In all the fake media hysteria surrounding the infiltration of Aaron Barschak - the comedy terrorist' there are a few base issues that have been, as usual, totally ignored by the feeding-frenzy of royal correspondents.Disarm DSEi - Counter Conference
23-06-2003 09:55
Call for participants in counter conferenceCongo Situation Very Confused; Mixed Reason for Hope
23-06-2003 08:13
Life in Congo has never been easy but the violence that made up its five year civil war and the recent wave of ethnic atrocities have been particularly hideous and repugnant.US Senator John Kerry says he was 'misled' about war against Iraq.
22-06-2003 22:01
John Kerry says he and "every one of us" was misled by President Bush concerning Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. And he says the deception is one reason he is running for President. If he was misled, what do we make of his 156 Congressional colleagues who voted against the war resolution in October, 2002?Canons fired at refugees, a buffer zone around Europe?
21-06-2003 16:50
As European leaders gather at the European Union summit in Thessaloniki to devise restrictions on immigration, people will be demonstrating for the rights of migrants and refugees on the streets of the city.Tel Aviv bust stop (by Latuff)
20-06-2003 12:58

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 6/20/03 ¡Listen Globally!
19-06-2003 23:53
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, and Cuba.Sunday times used crude forgeries to hype Iraq's WMD's
19-06-2003 16:04
The Sunday Times, like other newspapers, scold Blair for "Sexing up" his dossier. However, they themselves used crudely forged documents to pretend Iraq was developing WMD's - in 1995 ! - expsed in TribuneSuicide's Most Willing Accomplice
18-06-2003 12:38
Suicide's Most Willing AccompliceBy Jennifer Loewenstein,
Sheffield Social Forum
17-06-2003 21:35
Establishing a working group to help create a Sheffield Social ForumFor the spread of the riots: Manifesto in favour of violent direct action
30-05-2003 12:08
Report prepared by social activists from Madrid (Spain), Basque Country and HUB
11-05-2003 21:30
There has been a lot of discussion recently around the idea of some kind of co-ordination mechanism for the extra-parliamentary opposition movements - the Anarchists, anti-Capitalists, progressive non-Party organisations and the grassroots Left (amongst others). We think this is a very interesting discussion, but what is vital is that it moves from being a discussion into a real network for real change: the fine words must be followed by action.Protest on thursday
27-03-2003 20:03
Report on The Protest on Thursday (27.3.03)Looting???
22-03-2003 23:52
An explanation of the raiding that occured on Thursday the 20'th of March, 2003'VICTORY OR DEATH!!!'
21-03-2003 21:48
An Edinburgh school students account of the anti-war protests.9/11: A Desperate Provocation By U.S. Capitalism
25-01-2002 23:52
The War on Terrorism is a fraud. Its purpose is to maintain carte blanche for the ever more desperate agenda of American capital: the domination of the continent of Eurasia, and the crushing of the Left worldwide, especially its anti-capitalist core.Genoa, Italy, ready for the G8! by Enzo Le Fevre
30-04-2001 10:40
will it be peace or war?