UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 072808
28-07-2008 14:34

Jews For Justice
28-07-2008 09:11
A leading Jewish Human rights organisation speaks out.Students and Striking Workers Picket LSE Starbucks Event
27-07-2008 16:59

This Week in Palestine – Week 30 2008
25-07-2008 16:00

Rough Music Outlawed In Brighton
25-07-2008 12:03
On 23rd July 2008 in Hove Crown Court Judge Hayward and two lay magistrates dismissed the appeal of an anti-arms trade protestor against his conviction under a council bylaw enforced under section 235 of the Local Government Act 1972 which makes it an offence not to desist from shouting, singing, drumming,or playing loud music in a street or public place when asked to do so by a police constable or anyone else. Marcus Wise is the first political protester in Brighton to be convicted under the bylaw since it came into force in 1998.Palestine Today 072408
24-07-2008 14:20

Israeli military police shooting a bound Palestinian detainee (shocking)
23-07-2008 17:03

Yesterday (20 July), B'Tselem published footage it received of a soldier firing a rubber-coated steel bullet, from extremely short range, at a Palestinian detainee who was cuffed and blindfolded. The act occurred about two weeks ago in the presence of several security forces, among them the battalion commander, a lieutenant colonel, who held the Palestinian’s arm while the soldier fired.
Palestine Today 072308
23-07-2008 14:30

Paul McCartney's Trip to Apartheid Israel
21-07-2008 18:13
In 1965 Israel was scared the Beatles would corrupt the country, in 2008 it’s the country thats corrupted the Beatles.Palestine Today 072108
21-07-2008 14:50

This Week In Palestine – Week 29 2008
18-07-2008 17:48

Freedom to Protest Court Case - Smash EDO Protester Appeals Conviction
18-07-2008 10:48
Smash EDO Press Release18th July 2008
Freedom to Protest Court Case - Smash EDO Protester Appeals Conviction
For more info tel 07875708873, e mail

Smash EDO Update
17-07-2008 18:05
Next Big Demo/ Fundraising/ Freedom to Protest Court Case/ 'On the Verge' ScreeningsPalestine Today 071708
17-07-2008 14:53

Palestine Today 071508
15-07-2008 14:21

Palestine Today 071408
14-07-2008 14:54

This Week In Palestine – Week 28 2008
11-07-2008 18:03

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for July 5th, through July, 11th, 2008.
Palestine Today 071008
10-07-2008 15:01

Palestine Today 070908
09-07-2008 15:16

International Resistance to Zionism, Event Friday 11 July
09-07-2008 08:24

International Resistance to Zionism in solidarity with 60-plus years of Palestinian resistance to the founding of Israel. Presenters will give some of the history of the region and resistance to Zionism and share a range of initiatives against the Zionist state of Israel including the vital boycott / divestment / sanctions movement, followed by discussion.