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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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This Week in Palestine -Week 48 2009

27-11-2009 17:17

Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for November 21st to the 27th, 2009

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Palestine Today 112609

26-11-2009 18:44


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday November 26th 2009.

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Press Release - Smash EDO Launches Anti-Barclays Campaign

26-11-2009 09:54

Press Release

26th November 2009

Contact: Chloe Marsh or Andrew Beckett for further details
Tel: 07754135290, E mail:

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Palestine Today 112509

25-11-2009 18:41


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday November 25th 2009.

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The Value of Fear

25-11-2009 10:09

"We do not negotiate with terrorists". The mantra has long been a cherished value of western democracies. In reality all the major powers have at some stage been lowered to discussions with militants, from Northern Ireland to Iraq. Now Israel seems on the verge of granting their fiercest enemies of Hamas a major coup with the mooted released of up to 1,000 prisoners. What message does this send?

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Palestine Today 112309

23-11-2009 16:36


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday November 23ed 2009.

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Israel's War on Students

23-11-2009 09:51

To Palestinian students there is nothing strange about suffering for their degree. Israeli restrictions seem designed to thwart academic potential, arresting lecturers, embargoing equipment and shutting down whole universities

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Smash EDO Events Update

22-11-2009 22:15

Here comes your sporadic campaign update. In this email
-New campaign started against Barclays
-Remember Gaza Smash EDO mass demo
-Council Petition
-Fundraiser at Hector's House

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Historic Gaza Freedom March to Israeli Border Set For December 31

22-11-2009 20:26

The Gaza Freedom March that will take place in Gaza on December 31 is an historic initiative to break the siege that has imprisoned the 1.5 million people who live there. Conceived in the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and nonviolent resistance to injustice worldwide, the march will gather people from all over the world to march—hand in hand—with the people of Gaza to demand that the Israelis open the borders.

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Anti Agrexco Protest Outside Languedoc-Rousillon Offices

21-11-2009 11:49

Protest outside Languedoc Offices
Representatives from London and Brighton solidarity groups picketed the Maison
Languedoc-Rousillon office in London today in protest at the LR department's plans
to build facilities for Carmel Agrexco in Sete harbour. We handed in the attached letter to the office director.

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A Comparative Review of Flat Earth News and Newspeak

20-11-2009 12:33

Jonathan Cook has been covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from Nazareth, Israel, as a freelance reporter for the past eight years. Before that he was a staff journalist at the Guardian and Observer newspapers. His latest books on the conflict are ‘Israel and the Clash of Civilisations’ (Pluto, 2008) and ‘Disappearing Palestine’ (Zed, 2008). His website is

In the two-part Guest Media Alert that follows, Cook attempts the truly Herculean task of dissecting and comparing the key arguments in Nick Davies’s book ‘Flat Earth News’ and our own recently published ‘Newspeak in the 21st Century.’ The results are enthralling but demanding - even hardened media analysts will require a plentiful supply of tea and biscuits throughout.

Please do not underestimate the unique nature of the analysis Cook is offering. While Davies’s book was discussed, reviewed, and applauded, far and wide in both print and broadcast media, our own book (published in September) has so far limped to just two, largely dismissive, reviews in mainstream outlets, in the Guardian and Times Higher Education (THE), totalling exactly 1,000 words. Our previous book, Guardians of Power (2006), has never been mentioned, let alone reviewed, in any mainstream national UK newspaper.

The truth is that dissident media analyses are consistently ignored in this way - it is not just us. And so Cook’s comparison of Davies’s mainstream view of the media with an analysis based on Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky’s “propaganda model of media control” is a vanishingly rare event. As ever, Cook’s experience as a professional journalist adds a fascinating additional dimension to his analysis.

Cook produced this mega-review - nearly 10,000 words of it - completely free of charge. It is an extraordinary act of generosity from a fine and thoughtful journalist. We would like to express our sincere thanks to him. If you would like to thank him or otherwise comment, you can write to him here:

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10 months inside without trial

19-11-2009 22:31

resisting war crimes is not a crime
10 months ago, on 18 January 2009, Elijah Smith A former British Soldier was arrested in Brighton. He had spent the previous night decommissioning the EDO/MBM/ITT factory in Brighton, in an attempt to stop it providing parts for weapons being used by the Israeli army to bomb civilians in Gaza. Nobody was injured or harassed during their action, which was one of property damage. He and his co-defendants did not resist arrest.

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French Workers Union CNT Boycott Israel

18-11-2009 19:22

The French Workers’ Union CNT Joins BDS Campaign


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Palestine Today 111609

16-11-2009 19:22


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday November 16th, 2009.

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"Boycott Israeli Apartheid!" at Waitrose in South Woodford

14-11-2009 23:39

"Boycott Israeli Apartheid!" demonstrators briefly take over Waitrose in South Woodford, North East London

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Morrisons forced into climbdown over Israeli Goods

13-11-2009 22:39

Around 40 protesters, facing off against a meagre 3 Zionists, successfully pressured Morrison's Head Office into accepting a delegation of campaign members, thought to be the first ever to succeed in securing a meeting with senior Morrison's managers over the Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign.

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This Week in Palestine -Week 46 2009

13-11-2009 18:35


Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for November 7th to the 13th, 2009

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Human Waste

13-11-2009 15:54

60% of Jerusalem's rubbish ends up here
Beyond the demolitions in its suburbs and the frequent, violent clashes around Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem hides a quieter shame. Southeast of the holy city live the Jahalin Bedouins, a community that has been repeatedly displaced, now enduring subhuman poverty beside Jerusalem’s largest garbage dump. An embarrassment to Palestinians and Israelis, the Bedouins' unique way of life is under grave threat.

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Sussex Uni boycott of Israel receives international support

13-11-2009 10:27

Students at the University of Sussex have received messages of support from Palestinian grassroots organisations and Israeli and Jewish academics, following a decision by ballot to boycott Israeli goods.