UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Nestor Makhno: Anarchy's Cossack
18-03-2005 20:07
Nestor Makhno: Anarchy's Cossack by Alexandre Skirda is now out. Never heard of him? Been conned by Leninists into thinking was was a bandit without the sense to tie his own shoelaces? Either way, you will find this an interesting read.London Times Says it Garnered 'Clear Evidence' that Syria Assassinated Hariri
18-03-2005 17:01
A British newspaper has claimed to have found "clear evidence" that Syria assassinated ex-premier Rafik Hariri in an attack that has plunged Lebanon into political chaos.BBC BROADCASTS 'FAKE' NEWS REPORTS
18-03-2005 15:19
UK: Spinwatch can reveal that we have our very own fake journalists operating in the UK. The government pays for their wages and they provide news as if they were normal journalists rather than paid propagandists.US, UK and others to cooperate on shutting down web sites
18-03-2005 09:41
Here's an article from yesterday's Register reporting new moves by US and the "G5" govt security group to cooperate on shutting down "terrorist" web sites. And as usual, the word "terrorism" is pretty vaguely defined. This has important implications for Indymedia and other web sites which sometimes publish things that governments don't like.Compassion in World Farming animal sentience conference
18-03-2005 08:57
Primatologist Dr Jane Goodall calls for end to vivesection and urges parents to educate children about food choices.Organisers respond to inaccuracies in 'Colombian Vice President Receives...'
18-03-2005 01:28
As President of the BUIAS, I would like to set the record straight on several inaccurate comments in the article 'Colombian Vice President receives a Bristol welcome'Wolfowitz at the World Bank: An Empire without a Global Economic Policy?
18-03-2005 00:30
A momentum to break open debtors' prisons that the Washington Consensus built in the global south has been building up, demonstrated by Argentina's ability to compel 75% of its creditors to accept 35 cents on the dollar. The nomination of Paul Wolfowitz for WB presidency can only invigorate the global justice movement, which will have an inviting target at the IMF and the WB's 2005 Spring Meetings on April 16-17 and their 2005 Annual Meetings on September 26-27 -- both in Washington D.C. At the same time, the Wolfowitz nomination, like John Snow's performance, underscores the empire's lack of global economic policy. To be sure, there is no lack of clarity in the domestic business agenda, but all elements of the domestic agenda (the class action "reform," the bankruptcy "reform," the medical malpractice liability "reform," tax cuts, Social Security privatization, etc.) either do nothing to defuse or make bigger ticking economic time bombs -- the ballooning housing bubble, mounting consumer debts, the credit bubble, the widening current account deficit, rising oil prices, the falling dollar, and so on -- that may go off any time.Another kind of “creationism”
17-03-2005 19:20
17-03-2005 11:50
It's almost four years on since the 2001 G8 converence....Anarchist Therapy
16-03-2005 23:39
How an anarchist (anti)psychiatrist developed an psychotherapy to help people liberate themselves collectively in a fun way.Neuroprotection by Amaranthus
16-03-2005 15:08
Brain tissue is highly susceptible to oxidative damage due to its high utilization of oxygen and its poorly developed antioxidative defense mechanisms. Radiation or pro-oxidants interact with cells and tissues through secondary ionization mechanisms such as lipid peroxidation (LPO). LPO can be inhibited by antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E and the carotenoid beta-carotene. beta-Carotene, the provitamin A, plays an important radioprotective role due to its properties as a potent free radical scavenger, singlet oxygen quencher, and lipid antioxidant. Amaranthus gangeticus Linn., widely considered as a weed, has a high content of carotene, ascorbic acid, and folate and may prove an efficient antioxidant. To evaluate the antioxidative efficacy of Amaranthus, healthy Swiss albino mice from an inbred colony were treated with alcoholic extract of A. gangeticus leaves (AE) for 2 weeks, at 800 mg/kg body weight, before radiation exposure. Irradiated mice were examined and autopsied at intervals of 1, 3, 7, 15, and 30 days after exposure. Brain was removed by skull dissection, and various biochemical changes were sought. Radiation caused a maximum increase of 27% in LPO and a maximum decrease of 27.96% in protein content at day 7 in controls. However, in the experimental group the increase in LPO was 9.98% and the increase in protein content was 18.78% at day 7. By day 30 after irradiation, AE brought these values to near-normal levels. AE protected brain biochemical activity in this murine study and may prove beneficial for clinical use as a radioprotector.Ex-Military Psychic Spying Group Above the Law?
16-03-2005 06:13
This is an update to six investigative articles published online with new findings about the International Remote viewing Association's claims of being a 501c3 nonprofit group. The other six articles can be found at:
Stop the War demonstration, 19.03.05 – why bother?
16-03-2005 00:07
The Stop the War Coalition is organising a march and rally in London this Saturday 19th March 2005 to coincide with the second anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Similar demonstrations will be held in cities all over the world; including New York, Paris and Tokyo. But is there really anything to demonstrate against? And does demonstrating make any difference anyway?Democracy must rule in Oxfordshire
15-03-2005 22:13
It is time we abolish County Councils, if we are to improve local government and local democracy in the 2 organise a protest- by the BBC!
15-03-2005 06:22
this article is from th BBC last year. probably worth a good chuckle. i lost the url but its re-posted in full..stop them// CRIMINALISING PROTEST
15-03-2005 06:17
this letter was published in the daily mail on the 14th march 2005Pathfinder schemes – a path to corruption?
14-03-2005 16:06
Pathfinder schemes are operating in some of our most deprived areas. Nominally they are about urban regeneration, in reality pushing up property prices for the lucky few and providing 'development opportunities' for property developers.Revealed: Israel plans strike on Iranian nuclear plant
13-03-2005 09:33
ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans for a combined air and ground attack on targets in Iran if diplomacy fails to halt the Iranian nuclear programme.Unusual addition to WTC aircraft
11-03-2005 22:10