UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Dover Labour Demonstrate Depths of Complacency
11-02-2005 10:16
Failing to select a veteran Peace activist to stand for KCC elections demonstrates the shittiness of local politicsThe SHORTWAVE REPORT 2/11/05 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
11-02-2005 00:21
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.Proletarian Revolution and Civil Law
09-02-2005 14:20
A Revolução Proletária – proletária não apenas em termos de forças que a desencadearam, senão também, em termos de objetivos perseguidos pelas massas que a executam, de modo instintivo ou consciente –, possui como meta realizar, cedo ou tarde, a substituição do sistema burguês-individualista pelo sistema socialista-coletivista.WHAT IS FUNDAMENTAL ISLAM?
09-02-2005 02:21
7 Feb – Bristol Stop the war...or election rally?
09-02-2005 00:16
Further to your previous newswire report at![](/img/extlink.gif)
The turnout of 700+ was amazing, and testament to BSTW's ongoing independence and hard campaigning work. However, a lot of people were drawn to see their old MP Benn, and will they have been motivated to do anything else after this meeting?
Propaganda And The BBC
08-02-2005 14:34
A detailed analysis of some of the politics of BBC reporting, using Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman's book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media as an analytical tool.Report of Anti-War Meeting at Bristol Council House
07-02-2005 23:03
Report of Anti-War Meeting at Bristol Council House. Because of the huge audience, the were two meetings in two seperate halls. This report is from the overflow hall and mainly covers Caroline Lucas's (Green Party) speech.Palestine Awareness Day
07-02-2005 09:42
Palestine Awareness Day, Saturday 19 February, Cambridge University. Speakers to include Glen Rangwala, Dr Uri Davis.Amazing, how Gloria Arroyo can smile and at the same breadth strangle and starve
06-02-2005 09:21
Darfur - UN is all words, no action
04-02-2005 12:07
“The new UN report on Darfur is all words and no action. It is a cruel betrayal of black Africans who are being slaughtered by Arab Islamists. These killings are racially motivated and the UN’s failure to condemn them as genocide is craven appeasement of the Sudanese government and the Janjaweed militia,” said human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, a member of the ad hoc Darfur Solidarity Campaign.URGENT News from Nepal
04-02-2005 12:01
![Photo: Nepalese Soldiers in Kathmandu Feb 2](/icon/2005/02/304794.jpg)
Premiere of Danny Schechter's new film `WMD weapons of mass deception` .
04-02-2005 02:13
![WMD weapons of mass deception poster.](/icon/2005/02/304781.jpg)
Preparing for the clampdown?
04-02-2005 00:37
"Our ability to prevent a terrorist attack depends on draconian laws and authoritarian government. How well we control you depends on you."Excerpt from 'Preparing for a police state - what we think you need to know', Bristle mag issue 18, page 18. A spoof of HM Govt's 'Preparing for Emergencies' pamphlet.
04-02-2005 00:14
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.Plater College is shutting
03-02-2005 20:48
Plater College in Oxford is shutting down.MAELSTROM - THE END?
03-02-2005 13:28
Maelstrom has been given it's court papers after 3 monthsInterview with Gareth Peirce: onTorture
02-02-2005 10:59
An interview with British human rights lawyer Gareth Peirce. IMC UK should be doing interviews like and video of the interview is at![](/img/extlink.gif)
Peter Hakala: Miscarriage of Justice
02-02-2005 08:22
j20 is over what now?
02-02-2005 02:59