UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Democracy & Family rule in India
02-07-2004 15:48
The hard earned electoral democracy is under trouble in India.Newspapers,TVs ,Magazines, all media have been clandestinely owned by political parties and bribed by parties to propagate thier own agenda in India
Delivering the final death blow to Farnborough town centre
02-07-2004 15:09
On the the last day of June 2004, Rushmoor Borough Council planning committee met and dealt the final death blow to Farnborough town centre. We were told a superstore is in the 'public interest' and can override human rights and thus it was okay to kick people out of their homes to make way for a car park for the superstore, that a superstore would revitalise a dying town centre.No, We Shouldn't Bomb Darfur Either.
02-07-2004 15:06
David Clark argues in today's Guardian that the "international community" ought to threaten the use of force against the Sudanese government if it fails to curtail the human rights abuses currently taking place in the south-west of the country...zapatista night - chiapas reality check and discussion
02-07-2004 13:52
information, discussion and film night around the zapatista hystory - 20- and where this movement for the indigenous right and demand to "rule" themselves is heading to at the moment - 10-. how can we in the northern city learn from the reality indigenous people are building in their rural,town and city autonomous comunities in chiapas and in mexico. what is autonomy? why?More action needed
02-07-2004 10:45
It’s about when things are not what they seem like, when things have been put up side down.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/2/04 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
01-07-2004 23:54
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.The nature of this moment
01-07-2004 20:54
No serious progressive person should view "Zargawi" as anything more than a crude and transparent attempt to transfix our gaze in the face of what is clearly an attempt to lead our people through fear. Zargawi was most likely killed some time ago as has been widely reported. The stupid theme of the "bad guys" continues. Understand your "1984 world." Orwell now more than ever, jamieFamily demand answers from government over murdered son
01-07-2004 16:21
He claims that, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary or a proper investigation by the Foreign Office, his journalist son Richard, 24, who was shot dead in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, may have been "taken out" by a hit man acting on behalf of coalition forces.John Wilkes' Letter from The Black Country 1: Dodgy electoral practice matters!
30-06-2004 23:44
Local councils can still issue incorrect ballot papers depite the law which stops confusing descriptions on them. They can also block count scrutiny. We all should be concerned about all electoral mal-practice.Screening of '4th World War' at Edge Hill College
30-06-2004 20:51
The ground breaking film '4th World War' is showing on Friday night (2nd July) at7.45pm in the Rose Theatre at Edge Hill College in Ormskirk. I know it's a
bit of a trek, but well worth it if you have the time.
Women and the antiterrorist law
30-06-2004 15:24
Arrest and jail conditions of women detained under antiterrorist laws in the Spanish stateBan on the Election Candidature Herritarren Zerrenda in the Basque Country
30-06-2004 14:50
On 24 April, in Donostia, a group of independent citizens –with no links to any specific political parties or social organisations- presented the initiative called Herritarren Zerrenda, HZ –the Citizens’ List- in order to stand for election to the European Parliament.Prisoner 27075 learns limits of sovereignty
29-06-2004 18:59
Humm so who is realy in charge here?Video may provide Gulf War Syndrome breakthrough
29-06-2004 17:08

01:09 AM CDT on Tuesday, June 29, 2004
With the handover of authority Monday in Iraq, the second Gulf War is in a new stage.
However, tens of thousands of veterans from the last Gulf War have been living in limbo for a decade. They're sick, but nobody knows why - yet there now is a potential breakthrough on the illness that's come to be known as Gulf War Syndrome.
At the center of this breakthrough is a video taken south of Baghdad near a town called Khamisiyah in March 1991. The clip is scratchy and jumpy, but for thousands of sick veterans, it contains the most important pictures of the first Gulf War.
Role of the Media NEW BOOK: BAD NEWS FROM ISRAEL (ei)
29-06-2004 08:26
The study suggests that television news on the Israel/Palestinian conflict confuses viewers and substantially features Israeli government views. Israelis are quoted and speak in interviews over twice as much asPalestinians and there are major differences in the language used to describe the two sides. This operates in
favours of the Israelis and influences how viewers understand the conflict.
This edition of the (E.I) also includes a piece on corruption in the Palestinian authority which I bosched on just to level things up. As in any struggle it's the innocent civilians who suffer. while fat cats get fatter..
transitional administrative law - analysis from us news paper
29-06-2004 03:14
below is a brief outline of the news article featured in th sfchroniclei have simplified but not knowingly altered the text
with consciousness and respect
please post any comparative analysis; i would be intersted to read it.
peace out
Against "Human Rights"
28-06-2004 23:04
The Kosovo war was fought "not for territory but for values" according to Tony Blair. The bombing of Afghanistan in 2001 was conducted to help "the oppressed people of Afghanistan", according to George W. Bush, so that they may know "the generosity of America and our allies". Meanwhile, according to Jack Straw, stopping the bombing "would only prolong the suffering of the Afghan people". Pro-war adepts could easily adduce similar comforting thoughts about the war waged on Iraq in March 2003. The ideology of human rights is not only unversalist, but also universally accepted. Human rights organisations now regularly call for "humanitarian intervention" and decry the lack of attention to such crisis spots as the Democratic Republic of Congo. David Rieff notes that humanitarian organisations are now "among the most fervent interventionists". From a politics of fence-sitting to one of active political engagement, the ‘human rights’ movement has conducted a rapid and striking volte-face in the past decade, a paradigm-shift of shocking proportions. It is as if Ptolemy and Aristotle had given way to Copernicus and Descartes in ten, instead of 200, years. And David Chandler, for one, would like to know why...Anti-Social Behaviour Orders
28-06-2004 15:35
Are Anti-Social Behaviour Orders being used to silence dissent?Corporate giants who poison and pollute also control "policy"
28-06-2004 02:26
A Warning to the ME/CFS CommunityMargaret Williams
27th June 2004
It is a matter of record that there is mounting awareness and concern over
the increasing manipulation of science and medicine by global corporations
with vested interests which now amounts to a stranglehold.
It seems that this corporate control extends not only to a corrupted peer
review process that results in a biased view being presented to the medical
community by compliant or ineffectual editors of medical journals, but the
US government now insists that scientists must be politically approved
before the scientists can participate in meetings of the World Health
First Hearing of the Diaz Trial.
27-06-2004 18:05
Yesterday saw the preliminary opening of The Diaz/Bolzaneto Trial at the main Genoa Tribunal. The first Group of 29 police officers from the diaz raid, are to be tried first. The 44 police plus three doctors from bolzaneto are to be tried as the Diaz case finishes.