UK Analysis Newswire Archive
NATO's "secret war" on Syria: British Special Forces supporting rebels
15-02-2012 14:44

UN 'Travesty': Resolutions Of Mass Destruction
14-02-2012 15:54
It has been said that compassion is 'the only beauty that truly pleases' (Aryasura, The Marvelous Companion, Dharma Publishing, 1983, p.305). While beauty ordinarily provokes the fiery itch of desire or the sullen shadow of envy, compassion is cooling, blissful, inspiring awe and wonder. It implies an ability to stand outside our own needs as observers, to perceive the suffering of others as of equal or greater importance. But like all forms of beauty, compassion can be faked, exploited.
Dr Phil Hammond: 'Killing The Nation', Lansley & McKinsey Inject Poison Into NHS
12-02-2012 18:07

Wall Street Excess and Main Street Distress: the Apple Connection
12-02-2012 01:31

The Syrian Civil War and the Media Propaganda Offensive
11-02-2012 20:02
The 'Free Syrian Army' - the so-called 'rebel' group armed and funded by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar - is involved in a violent insurgency against the Syrian government. That is not just my opinion, it is the view of the Arab League observer mission sent into the country to gather evidence against the ruling Assad regime. But when reports didn't fit the political agenda, the League pulled the plug on the mission, and the Syrian government was subtlely blamed.La farce électorale
11-02-2012 17:19
Les hommes politiques sont des gigolos qui sont entretenus par leurs électeurs et électrices ...One year on a Libyan student in the UK asks... was it worth it?
11-02-2012 01:05

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
Hedges' Hypocrisies: The Surgeons of Occupy
10-02-2012 19:14

In his February 6 article entitled, “The Cancer of Occupy,” Chris Hedges attempts to analyze the political beliefs and practices of the black bloc, a group he characterizes as the scourge of the Occupy movement. Although Mr. Hedges evidently conducted at least a little to research his article, he does not quote a single proponent or participant of a black bloc, neither within the Occupy movement nor from any of the many other black blocs that have been organized in the United States. Such research would not have been difficult. There are a plethora of anarchist blogs, websites, newspapers, and magazines that discuss Occupy, the black bloc, and even the use of the black bloc within Occupy protests.
Hedging Our Bets on the Black Bloc: The Impotence of Mere Liberalism
09-02-2012 09:14
Chris Hedges has written some of the most insightful analysis of the U.S. war machine in recent years. His 2009 book The Empire of Illusion was an exploration of how exhibition has eclipsed truth and meaningful connection in American society. His acknowledgment of the ease in which one can buy into such spectacles is a small part of why it was so odd to read his article on Truthdig attacking both anarchists and black bloc tactics entitled “The Cancer in Occupy.”
Modern serfdom for the workers, endless money-printing and gold as the ultimate
08-02-2012 17:19
Assuming that we've read some of our previous "big picture" posts, you probably know that gold has a "special role" to play in today's situation - it is no accident that it's exchange rate vs the dollar and all the other fiat currencies of the world has been rising for the last 10 years or so.Syria: CIA-MI6 intel ops and sabotage
08-02-2012 13:01

"Moral capitalism" and the rise of the "overclass"
06-02-2012 13:49
A few days ago, English Prime Minister David Cameron made a speech on..."moral capitalism".Participatory Democracy and the Occupy Movement
06-02-2012 13:46
Organisation, hierarchy and transparency in activist organisations, and specifically in the Occupy movement, and in (previous) Climate Camps. Originally published at Feminist Action Cambridge.
Crashing Through Capital: An Introduction to Economics
06-02-2012 08:09
The Space Project presents a course in economics in Leeds.Israel threatens war against Iran within months
05-02-2012 21:39
Even as the US and its European allies intensify punitive economic sanctions against Iran, there are growing signs that Israel is threatening military strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities in the coming months. While the Obama administration has cautioned Israel against military action at this stage, there is no indication that Washington has vetoed such an attack.Why do some GOP party politicians envision a China-like America?
05-02-2012 17:57
A few weeks ago, Huffington Post published a very interesting article titled "Emerging GOP View: Communist China Is Model for American Capitalism" (
Armed Groups Inside Syria: Prelude to a US-NATO Intervention?
05-02-2012 15:47
Russia and China have vetoed the UN Security Council draft resolution on Syria pointing to the existence of armed groups involved in terrorist acts including the killing of civilians.
Intellectual property rights and "patent wars"
04-02-2012 18:37
We have already talked about piracy and control of the internet in our previous posts. But there are many more fronts in this fight - here is a great piece from on "patent wars". Most of us have probably heard about one company suing another over pattens and intellectual property rights (for example, Kodak sued Apple and HTC over digital image patents, Motorola Sued Apple Over iPhone 4S and iCloud, and Intel bought RealNetworks' patents and video coding tech over the last month alone), but what does it all mean for us and why do patents inhibit progress, discovery and innovation?