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Schnews tour in Leeds sun 25th at packhorse pub

19-04-2004 12:20

SchNEWS at Ten Tour - coming to a town near you - in leeds this Sunday 25th april at the Packhorse pub

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Two Statements from the Corazón Céntrico de los Zapatistas Delante del Mundo

19-04-2004 11:10

Originally published in Spanish by the Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities
Translated by irlandesa

Two Statements from the Corazón Céntrico de los Zapatistas Delante del Mundo Good Government Junta

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People vs Total War Incorporated

18-04-2004 23:58

Press Release Saturday 17 April 2004

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chrac's visit to Algeria criticised

18-04-2004 17:26

the french president jacques chirac's visit to Algeria in order to greet Bouteflika for his second election is severely criticised in several political milieus.

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National Anti-G8 Gathering of Dissent! Network, Next Weekend, Manchester

17-04-2004 13:42

Next weekend (24th-25th April, 2004) there's gonna be a national gathering of the Dissent! Network in Manchester. The Network, formed last autumn to co-ordinate radical resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit in the UK, and capitalism in general, is ope to all who subscribe to the Peoples' Global Action (PGA) Hallmarks (see: If you want to attend the gathering PLEASE send confirmation to: saying when you're arriveing (Fri/Sat), how many people you are and if you require accommodation. PLEASE DO THIS ASAP!!!!

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16-04-2004 23:34

Police line waiting for the queen.
The other day, the Queen of England visited Toulouse, in south western France. First she went to church, then she had lunch with the mayor, then she christened an airliner for Virgin Atlantic Airways at the Airbus Works, and then she went home. A great big crowd of people turned out to see her. The fascination that people have for Her Royal Highness is a source of much perplexity. After all, royalty is an aberration that has survived in modern times, like the appendix at the bottom end of the human intestine. So while we wait for it to explode, here is a photographic account of her visit...

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ACTION ALERT: CNN to Al Jazeera: Why Report Civilian Deaths?

16-04-2004 16:13

ACTION: Please tell CNN that there is no bigger story in Fallujah than the deaths of civilians. Ask the network to report the reality of the siege-- including eyewitness accounts and video footage shot by non-embedded journalists-- before dismissing civilian victims as the responsibility of the resistance.

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How blogs are changing electoral politics

15-04-2004 17:38

What do George W. Bush, John Kerry, and Paul Martin have in common? The answer: campaign blogs. But just how effective are they? Journalists and politicians who blog sound off:

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Collective Action: Histories of North American Activist Movements

15-04-2004 14:33

FROM THE INDYPENDENT: Activists keep reinventing the wheel, but there is a rich history of struggle, victories and failures to learn from. This installment of "The Real Quick Reading List" looks over some of the best histories of the North American left.

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Talk: Iraq: one year on

15-04-2004 08:19

Talk by Dr Glen Rangwala, 8pm, Tuesday 20 April
Leckhampton House, Grange Road, Cambridge

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Fraud Alert : Open Letter to Cambridge University

14-04-2004 18:53

Fraud Alert : Open Letter to Cambridge University

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"Social" Capital ? a quick reposte

13-04-2004 15:17

a recent posting purported to introduce us to "social capital", which seems to suggest that capitalism can be separated from its exploitative nature. capital is NOT something which remains unused in production as someone would have us believe, but a form of production, and not the only possible one at that. capital is ACCUMMULATED, as the title of Luxemburgs book makes clear.

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Weapons of Mass Destruction being shipped into Iraq

13-04-2004 10:29

Various reports suggest that the missing weapons of mass destruction are likely to be 'found' in the near future as shipments arrive been unloaded in Iraq by US forces.

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When U.S. Aided Insurgents, Did It Breed Future Terrorists?

12-04-2004 16:46

When U.S. Aided Insurgents, Did It Breed Future Terrorists?
April 10, 2004
In the varied explanations for the 9/11 attacks and the
rise in terrorism, two themes keep recurring.

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Occupation Watch audio report on situation in Falluja

11-04-2004 00:18

Audio interview with Paola Gaspiroli from Occupation Watch reporting on situation via telephone in Falluja

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Fallujah and Jenin

10-04-2004 14:49

2 years ago right now, the Jenin camp Massacre was tearing into its 7th day, the 1km square tight-knit Palestinian refugee camp was suffering an Israeli military invasion which would see 79 killed (in the last count after bodies had been recovered form the rubble), including a head paramedic doctor and people who slowly bled to death from superficial injuries because all medical services were barred from entering for the duration of the attack (14 days).

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What You Can Do About the Massacre In Iraq

10-04-2004 14:44

What to Do

This is an appeal to the anti-war movement, to the peace movement, eco-action movement, animal rights movement, anti-fascists, everybody active, everybody who can respond, can call a demo, can organise a protest, an office occupation, an embassy storming, a road blockade, mass civil disobedience, industrial shut-down, work-place occupation, solidarity work stoppage, blockade the US Embassy, Fairford Military Base action campaign? What's taking off at Fairford? Are B52s being deployed? Shannon Peace Camp protestors- are there new movements at Shannon airport?

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Ban dropped on lethal military equipment to Iraq

10-04-2004 14:15

The United States dropped its long-standing ban on the export of lethal military equipment to Iraq, on the one-year anniversary of the fall of Baghdad to US forces.

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Mission Accomplished?

10-04-2004 13:40

The Shia revolt promised before the war by those in favour of the American invasion has started, but with a twist: it is against American rule.

In these circumstances, anarchists can only redouble our call for the occupying powers to withdraw. It is up to the Iraqis to determine how they want to live, not an imperialist power which is shaping the country to further its interests.