UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Boris Johnson will face tough court fight if he backs Crossrail hole scam
22-07-2008 10:43
Harriet Heartless is set to making a gloating announcement today around the Houses of Parliamentconfirming her backing for the Big Business Crossrail hole scam
Our homes should cost £1.00 a week
21-07-2008 23:20
To give an example of how corrupt banking, taxes, usury (the charging of interest on money) actually is, here’s a simplified look at how much our homes SHOULD cost.Dictatorial Powers
21-07-2008 12:25
"Based on advice given to Donald Rumsfeld by Defense Department lawyers regarding the use of isolation at Guantánamo, when the lawyers warned that it was "not known to have been generally used for interrogation purposes for longer than 30 days," Marri has now been held in solitary confinement for 66 times longer than the amount of time recommended by the Pentagon's own lawyers (this figure includes the six months that he spent in isolation in Peoria County Jail and the Metropolitan Correction Center in New York, before being transferred to Charleston)."Analysis of the Oaxacan social movement from within.
20-07-2008 16:52
Analysis of the Oaxacan social movement from withinm written by some of those intimately connected to grassroots struggle and organisation.State terrorism in Russia, New York, Afghanistan and Iraq
19-07-2008 19:21

The Problem With...Work
19-07-2008 14:45
At what age do you think your working future is planned out for you? If you are conscience of the impact civilization has on our lives, you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that the answer is: "from birth".Uhuru Radio interviews Catherine Austin Fitts
18-07-2008 16:05

Former Wall Street investment banker discusses relationship between illegal drug economy, prisons and corporate profits.
Unlawful Crossrail shortchanges tube and Londoners £16bn - another central line
18-07-2008 13:56
The Crossrail Bill is due to receive Royal Assent on Tuesday 22 July 2008 after petitioning in the House of Lords and House of Commons. Residents are beginning to realise why so many publicly funded projects go wrong if the level of scrutiny is similar to that of the Crossrail Bill, the Millennium Dome of public transport schemes. The Department for Transport, the House of Commons and House of Lords Crossrail Committee, who have favoured the City over ordinary London residents, taxpayers and farepayers have slammed the final nail in the coffin of the Crossrail Bill. We now know why so many publicly funded schemes are so poorly scrutinised.House of Lords Crossrail Committee farce - leaving petitioners unprotected
18-07-2008 13:48
The House of Lords Crossrail Committee presented a fine example of how these UK institutions are failing democratic principles let alone scrutinising the Commons and this also goes for the longstanding peers, one Viscount Colville. The Crossrail Bill is due to receive Royal Assent this Tuesday 22 July 2008, in the recent debates, members of the House of Lords Crossrail Committee, in particular Viscount Colville has suddenly developed an interest in communities and addressing concerns about Crossrail's impacts but this was far from the case when petitioners were being heard.Full article | 1 addition | 11 comments
Is the 9/11 "Pentagon Hole" a Psyop to Distract from Real Questions?
18-07-2008 13:24
It's understandable some believe "no 757" hit the Pentagon due to the heavy promotion of that idea, but there's no actual evidence. The theory is being used to mock and discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement, & to give Congress and the media a reason to avoid real questions about 9/11. The military drilled for 9/11-style attacks, & they came after years of warnings that Al Qaeda intended to hijack planes for missiles.
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UK Army Counter Insurgency Operations Manual Leaked
18-07-2008 08:34

Turning the Tables on the Israel-Firsters
18-07-2008 02:44
Zionism's last gasp is due.The Shortwave Report 7/18/08 Listen Globally!
18-07-2008 00:13
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.Eagle Asset Dumps All HLS Shares
17-07-2008 21:23

Rank and file - Part 3
17-07-2008 08:13
Unionised rank and file indipendent base committees are an alternative to the passivity of mainstream unions for Universities and Colleges.Fannie, Freddie, Food and Fuel
16-07-2008 18:40
The financial crisis deepens with the nationalization of IndyMac and the likely bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie May by the US taxpayer. The financial crisis has company as inflation, and in particular huge increases in global food and energy prices, enters the fray.The American economic model has been discredited and the American century has lasted but a few decades. These developments have and will further open up a new period in the struggle between capital and labor on the world stage and the US working class will have a major role to play as it re-connects with its militant traditions.
London Bombings - tube security fugitive dodges another bullet
16-07-2008 15:44

ALB interviews the Cuban Libertarian Movement
16-07-2008 13:27

Is Gordon Brown aware just how negligent the Tower Hamlets Council clique is?
15-07-2008 09:59
Gordon Brown has placed, via Hazel Blears et al, significant value on the Blairing local Councils that are associated his regime. In fact Tower Hamlets Council is often used by Brown as a platform. But does he realise how devastatingly negligent that Council’s clique of 'leadership' is? And who will count the cost of its letdowns and negligence? Will Brown even be around in office to put a stop to the habit of putting cliques of corruption in positions of State-funded and state-endorsed of power over inner city populations like the ordinary community in the Borough of Tower HamletsFalse Flag Fever - US, UK Israeli & NATO Intelligence
14-07-2008 17:26