UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Confronting Racism, Head On: WHY I WEAR MY ZIDANE JERSEY
13-07-2006 10:01
Now the great mystery is what set Zissou off. What could Materazzi have possibly said to send him over the edge? Answers are beginning to filter out. According to a FIFA employee transcribing what was said during the match, Materazzi,s called Zissou a "big Algerian shit. A Brazilian television program that claims to have used a lip-reader said Materazzi called Zissou,s sister "a whore. The highly respected French anti-racist coalition SOS Racisme issued a press release stating, "According to several very well informed sources from the world of football, it would seem [Materazzi] called Zissou a 'dirty terrorist'."9/11, 3/11, 7/7, All False Flags: Now 7/11 Terror
13-07-2006 08:11
Signs are that the Mumbai train bombing is a false flag terror operation to heat up the war of civilizations on the Muslim world and keep India in line.Australia: Prime Minister Howard facing pressure to quit
13-07-2006 08:03

A tropical shakedown for neo-liberalism? Interview with Ricardo Monreal
13-07-2006 01:46
The substitution of “neo-liberalism” with something else, it was said, without ever making clear what option it would be or what it might be called, especially since they decided that foreign investment and the free market would go on. Well?Open letter to Greg Palast
12-07-2006 22:10
The growing ranks of Peak Oil deniers have been joined by an unexpected ally in the form of darling of the left, Greg Palast. In his new book, Armed Madhouse he expressed his opinion that peak oil is nothing more than a plot by big oil to extract higher and higher profits. His views are quickly and easily dismissed by looking at the history of new discoveries for new oil fields compared to the rates of extraction and demand. Below, Richard Heinberg lays out a detailed point by point counter to Greg Palasts claims...Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts
12-07-2006 20:17
An expose of the 9/11 conspiracy wing nuts endangering the very core of our democracy, and world peace.Blair - Mind the Gap - but no mention of the P word.
12-07-2006 15:47
Blair is pushing on with the new nuclear agenda by talking of addressing the coming energy gap and climate change... but no mention of peak oil."We're going to move from being self-sufficient in basic energy to a situation of importing energy. Fifteen years down the line we have got high energy prices and real problems.", he said.
Is 2006 the year of peak oil? The latest figures are suggesting it could be...
12-07-2006 13:27
World production of oil has peaked according to Dr Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, a former executive of the National Iranian Oil Company. He predicts a fall of 32% by 2020 as wells dry up and new discoveries become rarer, smaller and harder to extract...(c) 2006, Leamy
12-07-2006 09:28

The following article was written in New Internationalist Magazine (382). It shows that the the construction and decommissioning of a nuclear power station and is far more carbon intensive that coal or gas.
Public Meeting Tonight: Before and After 7/7
12-07-2006 09:20
Interrogating British 'Security' PoliciesWhy did the 7/7 terrorist attack happen?
Like the 11 September 2001 attack, was this a 'blowback' effect of government policy?
What is being protected by British 'security' policies? What alternative policies could protect us?
6.30pm Wednesday 12 July
Committee Room 3, House of Lords, Westminster, SW1
Hosted by Lord Rea
South Africa/world cup/prisons
12-07-2006 06:01

Australia bans two books under anti-terror laws - If it can happen there...
11-07-2006 21:30
Two books promoting suicide bombings have been banned in Australia under the country's new anti-terrorism laws.The country's Classification Review Board says the two books, Defence of the Muslim Lands and Join the Caravan can no longer be sold in Australia or imported.
Krauthammer Has It All Wrong: The Constitution is for War and Peace
11-07-2006 17:19
He and the President are trying to justify dictatorship on the cheap by claiming that “everybody does it” during wartime, and then things go back to normal…except there is no war now, and the fake “war’ on terror will never end.Tony Blair - energy policy
11-07-2006 15:16
That Tony Blair energy policy statement in fullBottling Out
11-07-2006 14:59
The stark truths that lie behind the myth of bottled water have little to be desired – not least to the environment and your wallet. This begs the question, is it really worth it?Imperial Racism & Apartheid in the Holy Land
11-07-2006 12:02
Race is, indeed, a construction – a very convenient one when you want to take someone else’s property, or kill them, or enslave them. It is this construct that animates the American debate about foreign policy – or even domestic policy when it comes to "aliens" of one kind or another.DEMOCRACY, MEXICAN STYLE - PART II
11-07-2006 10:53
11-07-2006 00:04

tidepressant Used by Yates Questioned
10-07-2006 23:22