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Palestine Today 020909

09-02-2009 15:41

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday, February 9th, 2009.

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Brighton Gaza Convoy - Latest News

09-02-2009 11:42

Two vehicles from Brighton will be joining the convoy - which to date
consists of over 50 vehicles, including a fire engine. To see their route
which will take 17 days go to  http://www.vivapale route.htm

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Children Demonstrate for Gaza at Downing St

09-02-2009 10:32

Israel lie, Children Die; Stop Arming Israeli War Criminals
A children's demonstration for the children of Gaza and for
all children of Palestine took place in Whitehall opposite Downing
Street on Sunday 8 February. Pictures Copyright (C) 2009 Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue

09-02-2009 10:03

"The Greater Israel"

Zionism seeks "the restoration of tribalism in the guise of a modern, highly militaralized and aggressive state. (It) cut Jews off from (their) history and led to a fateful identity of interests with antisemitism (becoming) the only thing that united them.

Zionism justifies a Jewish ethnocracy with built-in structural inequalities. The Law of Return is for Jews alone. All laws are for Jews. On issues of land, housing, education and most everything, Jewish favoritism discriminates against Arabs.

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Anti-War Teach-In At MMU 11th of Feb

09-02-2009 03:06

Anti War Teach In : From Iraq to Palestine.
2pm - 9pm: Weds 11th February

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The great crime: The Israeli state

09-02-2009 01:41

The very existence of Israel is based on a refusal to treat the Palestinians on fair or equal terms, writes Arthur Goodman

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Israeli forces open fire on Palestinian farmers and internationals in al-Farahee

09-02-2009 01:33

Israeli soldiers again opened fire on Palestinian farmers and international Human Rights Workers (HRWs) on Thursday 5th February, as they attempted to harvest parsley in agricultural land near the Green Line.

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Aftermath of wildcat at Israel Railways

08-02-2009 23:14

Using an inside source, an Israeli libertarian communist constructs an analysis of the picture behind the scenes at the recent wildcat of Israel Railways workers.

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On Mount Gerizim, thinking about Gaza, timeless occupations and endless ethnic c

08-02-2009 20:44

Over the December period, Israel started shelling Gaza in a major offensive against the civilian population who individually paid the price with massive fatalities, dismembered limbs and phosphorous burns penetrating skin to bone.
Sharp blades of all sizes and shapes, lethal slivers raining down slicing and piecing, amputating; arms from bodies, heads from necks...
Gazans were prevented from leaving the strip, trapped inside as the knives and fire rained down.
In Nablus people clung to their TV screens, eyes spread- eagled wide, unable to work as the seemingly endless deformities of destruction paraded night after night.

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Books not Bombs, A Rally for Gaza, University of Nottingham : Pics 2

08-02-2009 18:08

On Friday 6th Feb, a massive rally took place on the University of Nottingham main campus. Meeting at 2pm on Portland Hill, the rally aimed at expressing solidairty with the victims of the recent conflict and the population of Gaza and to launch an initiative entitled “Books not Bombs” that aims at getting the University of Nottingham to donate educational equipment to children and students living in Gaza.

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Books not Bombs, A Rally for Gaza, University of Nottingham : Pics 1

08-02-2009 18:01

On Friday 6th Feb, a massive rally took place on the University of Nottingham main campus. Meeting at 2pm on Portland Hill, the rally aimed at expressing solidairty with the victims of the recent conflict and the population of Gaza and to launch an initiative entitled “Books not Bombs” that aims at getting the University of Nottingham to donate educational equipment to children and students living in Gaza.

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Freedom Fighters, Terrorists or Schlemiels?

08-02-2009 15:26

Condi Rice: “What we’re seeing here, in a sense, is the growing birth pangs of a new Middle East.”

Jon Stewart: “Birth pangs? Yes, I believe today’s contraction took out a city block.”

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If the pro-war left is dead, what’s next?

08-02-2009 14:20

Neoconservatism thinking, according to E.D. Kain (via Sullivan), goes like this: The Islamic world is nothing like the Western world. We have few, if any, of the same values and virtually no historical commonality save our shared, centuries-old conflict with one another. The Islamic world, by and large, has none of the laws or customs necessary to develop an organic democratic society the way Western nations have. Therefore, the only way to achieve peace with the Islamic world is for them to adopt our notions of plurality, democracy, and humanism. They won’t do this on their own because of their lack of shared values, and so it follows that we must intervene on their behalf to impose these values, and fashion democracies for them in our image.

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Dirty Socks: Who Will Get My Vote?

08-02-2009 14:15

'I have some good news and some bad news,' the sergeant in the joke tells his men. 'The good news is that you are going to change your dirty socks. The bad news is that you are going to exchange them among yourselves.'

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Whistable Gaza protest

08-02-2009 10:08

Whitstable town turns out against war on Gaza

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Interview with Franklin Lamb: Self Defense or War Crime? (Part II)

08-02-2009 03:48

Part II: Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law: What Remedy?

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Israel's Subtle Propaganda Strategy

08-02-2009 03:41

Propaganda is most effective when subtly planted and the reader remains unaware that a commentary is actually indoctrination. Sometimes the writer is not cognizant that what he has published has been moved by its propaganda effect – sources for the material are actually misleading and publication is facilitated when the commentary fits a particular agenda.

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Carmel-Agrexco UK report. Sat 7 Feb 2009

07-02-2009 19:18

The empty flagpole
Over 50 demonstrators and rather more police blockaded the main UK depot of Israeli company Carmel Agrexco today, Sat 7 Feb, to demand a boycott of Israeli goods and in particular the flowers and fruit which they bring from Palestine, from Israeli settlements and from Israel.
Pictures copyright (C) 2009 Peter Marshall