UK Palestine Newswire Archive
History of Israeli Terror Killings & Gaza Aggression Timeline
23-01-2009 00:30

Viva Palestina! - Aid convoy from Britain to Gaza
23-01-2009 00:27
Viva Palestina!Lifeline for Gaza aid convoy leaving on Saturday 14 February 2009
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a milltent thursday m&s picket 3rd week running
22-01-2009 23:46
Tonight around 15 angry protestors took part in a noisy and angry picket of Marks and Spencer, Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel. A banner was held across the main entrance and information was distributed to passers-by. Many members of the public took the opportunity to join the picket and express their anger at Israel's actions in Gaza and Britain's continuing complicity.University of Birmingham Free Gaza demo - 22/01/09
22-01-2009 23:40

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StopTheISM website is back up... but without soliciting murder.. for now
22-01-2009 23:38
Just to let people know that Lee Kaplan's Zionist sewer that had been recently closed down by activists because of its content inciting murder to ISM volunteers in Gaza, is back up and running on another Canadian web host.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The Siege of LR4 - Birmingham occupation ends
22-01-2009 21:53
The occupation of Arts LR4, University of Birmingham, which began at 9am on Tuesday 20 January, ended at around 9pm on the same day after 12 hours in. West Midlands Police and university security lay siege to the building from 7pm in a bid to isolate the protesters. The occupiers were denied access to water and food (from outside) and had to blockade the lecture theatre as police and security massed outside it...BBC refuses to support Gaza aid appeal
22-01-2009 21:34
No support for Gaza - BBC declines to show DEC appeal under agreement dating back to 1963, leading to other outlets following suitUnseen Gaza, tonight on Channel-4
22-01-2009 20:56
Tonight (Thursday 22 January) at 11:05 PM, on Channel 4, a special edition of Dispatches "Unseen Gaza".In this Dispatches special, Jon Snow examines the difficulties that news organisations around the world have faced in reporting the conflict in Gaza. Who is getting the true picture of events as they happen?
French Co. loses contract due to illegal Israeli project!
22-01-2009 20:11
First major blow to a company implicated in Israeli violations of international lawVEOLIA Loses 3.5 Billion Euro Contract in Sweden
VEOLIA, the French company involved in the "Jerusalem Light Rail" project, connecting Jewish colonies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories to West Jerusalem, lost the largest public transportation contract in Europe.
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Leeds University building occupied
22-01-2009 17:01
Students have occupied a building in the centre of Leeds uni campus, in protest of the Israeli slaughter.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Occupation of Manchester Metropolitan University in solidarity with Gaza
22-01-2009 16:38
MMU Students are currently occupying lecture theatre 7 of the Geoffrey Manton building in solidarity with GazaPalestine Today 012209
22-01-2009 15:26

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday, January 22nd 2009.
Stop Exeter Uni's investment in the arms trade!
22-01-2009 14:51
In October 2005 a survey by Campaign Against the Arms Trade found that Exeter uni had the 7th highest number of shares in the arms trade for a UK university. In 2008 they refused to give figures for the survey – if they don’t still have shares in the arms trade it would have been ridiculous for them to do this!ISM London issues declaration supporting student occupations for Gaza
22-01-2009 14:07
22 January 2009: ISM London issues declaration supporting student occupationsPLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY
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Oxford occupation for Gaza
22-01-2009 13:36
In the first week of term, over 80 Oxford University students have occupied the historic Bodleian building to demand that the university releases a statement condemning the attack on Gaza and cancel the lecture series at Balliol College inaugurated by Shimon Peres.Leeds Gaza Protest this Saturday
22-01-2009 13:19
Israel Arms Embargo and Sanctions - petitions to Gordon Brown.
22-01-2009 12:44
Sign these two important petitions to Gordon Brown on the official government 'Number 10' website.410 children killed by Israel in Gaza (by Latuff)
22-01-2009 11:53

Freedom to Protest in Portsmouth
22-01-2009 11:13
John Molyneux was arrested on the 3rd of January and charged under Section 11 of the Public Order Act (1986) after helping to organise a protest against the massacres in Gaza. His 'crime'? Exercising his freedom to publicly express political dissent in association with others.