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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Palestine Today 062508

25-06-2008 13:50

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday June 25th, 2008.

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Palestine Today 062408

24-06-2008 15:10

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday June 24th, 2008.

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Palestine Today 062308

23-06-2008 14:49

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday June 23rd, 2008.

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Israeli Owned Agrexco Warehouse Shut Down

21-06-2008 19:16

In the early houses of Saturday morning, activists occupied and shut-down the HQ and only UK frefight warehouse of Carmel Agrexco - Israel's largest agricultural exporter form the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The occupation held for over 6 hours until they were forcibly removed at 12 noon.

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Carmel occupied! Israeli settlement exporter shut down.

21-06-2008 06:13

Protestors have shut down operations at the Carmel Agrexco warehouse near Heathrow Airport. Two protestors are locked to a vehicle barrier, one to a truck and one to a main gate. Two protestors have climbed on top of the truck to further immobilise any loading or unloading work, and suspended banners. The Israeli flag that usually flies over the Carmel compound has been replaced with a black flag in mourning for Gaza.

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Ambush the Ambassador

20-06-2008 21:59

Join us to 'greet' the Israeli Ambassador as he arrives at the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff at 5pm on Tuesday 24th June

Let's give the man the reception he really deserves.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 25 2008

20-06-2008 18:37

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 14th, through June 20th , 2008.

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Israel's moral meltdown - the hidden price of Occupation

20-06-2008 12:43

The financial cost of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank is crippling the Israeli economy. But the price exacted by 40 years of occupation goes beyond a mere monetary debit – no more so than in Hebron.

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Why Ireland voted NO to the Lisbon Treaty

20-06-2008 08:15

Israeli Embassy in Dublin
Letter from the The Lisbon Campaign for Middle East Justice and Peace to the sh Taoiseach, Mr. Brian Cowen T.D., the Minster for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Michael Martin T.D., leading European Officials and all Irish MEP's conveying our reasons for campaigning for a NO vote in the Treaty of Lisbon referendum.

Despite the fact that Israel killed 58 Palestinian children since the start of 2008 (Palestinian Centre for Human Rights) EU foreign ministers on Wednesday agreed to strengthen ties with Israel. The EU policy of rewarding Israel, the aggressor, has caused the Irish electorate to loose confidence in the EU's competence to espouse a foreign policy which represents the views of most Irish people, especially in regard to the Israel/Palestine conflict.

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Anti Arms Protestors Granted Legal Aid After High Court Threat

20-06-2008 00:16




Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh

07875 708873

Anti-War Protestors Back In Court

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Palestine Today 061908

19-06-2008 14:42

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday June 19th, 2008.

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Palestine Today 061808

18-06-2008 14:44

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday June 18th, 2008.

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Protest visit of Israel's Ambassador to Wales

18-06-2008 13:40

"I am unwilling to accept the invitation to meet the ambassador because of my objection to the failure of the state of Israel to meet its international obligations to the Palestinian people of the Holy Lands. I would invite other colleagues to do the same." - Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas, presiding officer of the Welsh Assembly writing to other AMs calling for them to boycott the Ambassadors visit.

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Palestine Today 061708

17-06-2008 14:56

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday June 17th, 2008.

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Palestine Today 061608

16-06-2008 14:50

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday June 16th, 2008.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 24 2008

13-06-2008 15:36

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 7th, through June 13th , 2008.

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Palestine Today 061208

12-06-2008 15:07

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday June 12th, 2008.

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Israel accelerates settlement expansion after Annapolis

12-06-2008 11:04

Har Homa settlement (Photo: Adri Nieuwhof)
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and US President George W. Bush follow contradictory policy tracks. In the major media offensive accompanying last November's US-sponsored Annapolis peace conference both leaders presented themselves as the peace makers of the region. In Annapolis, Olmert committed to freezing settlement expansion.

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Palestine Today 061108

11-06-2008 14:44

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday June 11th, 2008.

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Smashing EDO in pictures.

11-06-2008 10:01

For various reasons, the main one being lazyness I have neglected to write my own report of what went on. Instead I have pasted below the write up that appeared in the alarmingly brighton-centric Schnews. It pretty much covers all the bases. Enjoy...