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Palestine Today 042108

21-04-2008 14:36

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday April 21st, 2008.

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Indy Global Report from Nablus, on Resonance FM104.4

21-04-2008 10:06

This weeks Indy Global Reports was produced in the West bank city of Nablus, which is an abbreviation of the Roman name Neopolis meaning new city.

The 17th of April is prisoners day in Palestine, with so many political prisoners in Israeli gaols this is big occasion. I was fortunate to speak with the head of the Palestinian prisoner society about the situation for political prisoners.

A music school in Palestine, this is not a dream, in the city of Nablus, I speak with the founder of a school to teach children music based on merit not money.

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US "war on terrorism" trophy prisoner: Dr. Sami Al-Arian's ordeal continues

20-04-2008 22:11

Since his acquittal in December 2005, Professor Sami Al-Arian has remained in prison. Following the trial, the government indicated its intention to retry him on the remaining charges, which is unprecedented given the jury's overwhelming rejection of the case.

Dr. Al-Arian is greatly weakened after 46 days without food, his situation is grave, prison authorities are hostile and dismissive, and the Department of Justice may be trying to kill him.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 16 2008

18-04-2008 18:42

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for April 12th through to April 18th, 2008.

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carnival aginast the arms trade 4th june

18-04-2008 13:19

4th June
Carnival against the arms trade

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Police repression of activist film

17-04-2008 18:52

come and see the film they tried to ban

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Police repression of activist film

17-04-2008 18:49

come and see the film they tried to ban

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Police try to repress activist film

17-04-2008 18:44

Come and see the film they tried to ban

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The film they tried to ban

17-04-2008 18:38

Come and see the film they tried to ban!

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Showing of the film they tried to ban

17-04-2008 18:30

Birmingham showing of the film by the Schmovie collective that has faced down repression and harassment around the country..

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Palestine Today 041708

17-04-2008 14:37


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday April 17th, 2008.

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Latuff's Palestine-Israel-Lebanon cartoons available for download NOW!

16-04-2008 21:23

Download for free a Zip file containing 283 high-resolution artworks (cartoons, photomontages, comics) produced by me from 2002 to March, 2008. All the artworks can be freely reproduced, without my formal permission.

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Palestine Today 041608 - Updated

16-04-2008 15:13

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday April 16th, 2008.

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Iraq - The beam in our eye

15-04-2008 23:32

Iraq is big and under USUK occupation. Palestine is small and under Israeli occupation. Hmm. Which one shall we protest against... the one that our country is not occupying of course!

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Israel's Architecture of Occupation

15-04-2008 15:10

Book review of Eyal Weizman's pioneering 2007 book "Hollow Land: Israel's Architecture of Occupation"

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Carter: Zionist shill

14-04-2008 19:23

Jimmy Carter proved today that he had been bought by the Zionist lobby when he described attacks on the Zionist city of Sderot as "despicable" and "criminal".

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Palestine Today 041408

14-04-2008 14:48

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday April 14th, 2008.

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Indy Global Report from Bethlehem, on Resonance FM104.4 14 April

14-04-2008 13:36

This weeks Indy Global report presents interviews with two women health workers from the West bank village of Beit Sahour, who discuss the effects of occupation on womens' well being.

And of course This week in Palestine brings around up of news from across the West bank and Gaza.

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Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Day 5

14-04-2008 11:31

This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....

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Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Smashed to Pieces...

14-04-2008 11:28

This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....