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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Palestinian Demo Wales

22-01-2008 22:30

A doctor speaks out about the problems Israel’s ongoing siege of the Gaza Strip is coursing the health system there.

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Annapolis would be a joke if it were not so tragic

22-01-2008 21:29

Bush's sightseeing tour of the Middle East has taken him to Palaces and Parliaments, how ridiculous the words of the Annapolis 'talks' sound contrasted with the reality.

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Demonizing Islam (by Latuff)

22-01-2008 14:17

Demonizing Islam
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Israel's policy in Gaza: at least as evil as it is self-defeating

21-01-2008 23:09

Israel's policy towards the Gaza issue is at least as phenomenally stupid as it is evil. In fact, I consider it a perfect case study in Neocon short-term thinking.

Hamas will not back down from its highly successful strategy, and Fatah cannot sustain an overt collaboration with Israel in these circumstances. Time is running out, the situation in Gaza is beyond catastrophic and political pressure is mounting on Israel to stop treating Gaza like the biggest open air concentration camp in the world. This is why Hassan Nasrallah is quite correct when he warns that "Gaza has entered a danger circle" and that the Palestinians there "should take extreme caution": an invasion of Gaza is probably imminent.

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The Gaza Strip's People are dying, Help us!

20-01-2008 22:58

The Gaza Strip's power plant has completely shut down on Sunday because it no longer has the fuel needed to keep running. One of the plant's two electricity-generating turbines had already shut down by noon.

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Death And Darkness In Gaza, People Are Dying, Help Us! (by Latuff)

20-01-2008 17:28

Save Gaza NOW!
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's state terrorism.

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LSE Students Outraged at Director’s Implicit Support of Israeli Apartheid

20-01-2008 12:51

• LSE Students accuse Director of implicit support for Israel’s Apartheid policies
• Students criticise Director’s refusal to support academic links with Birzeit University, Palestine

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Kathleen and Bill Christison Talk Genocide in Palestine

18-01-2008 09:56

As Bush returns from his 'Peace' mission to the Middle East, Bill and Kathleen Christison, former CIA analysts speak out against the ongoing genocide in Palestine.

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Israeli ambassador at Nottingham University

17-01-2008 14:31

The Israeli ambassador will be giving a lecture at Nottingham University on 29th January.

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Parole Denied To Samar And Jawad

17-01-2008 11:06

Samar Alami & Jawad Botmeh
Jawad’s parole hearing took place on Monday 17 September 2007. Samar’s parole hearing took place on Wednesday 19 September 2007. Jawad’s application was turned down on Monday 24th of September, and Samar’s on Wednesday 26 September 2007. The legal team has lodged an appeal against this terrible injustice.

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Bush to Celebrate Ethnic Cleansing

15-01-2008 02:17

President Bush left Israel after pledging to come back to help celebrate Israel’s 60th anniversary.”I intend to come back to help the peace process move forward but also to celebrate Israel’s 60th anniversary,” Israel's 60th anniversary is referred to as the Nakba or catastophe by Palestinians. Its the anniversary of 1948, the anniversary of their ethnic cleansing. How can Bush be committed to peace and celebrate this?

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Palestine Today 011408

14-01-2008 16:16

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday January 14th, 2008.

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Does Lance Armstrong really have a big heart?

14-01-2008 12:55

Lance Armstrong, 7 times winner of the tour de France, has agreed to join Israel in its celebrations marking 60 years of Independence in 2008.

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End Seige on Gaza, Downing St, London 12 Jan, 2008

14-01-2008 12:54

Free Palestine - End Gaza Seige
A demonstration in Whitehall, opposite Downing St on Saturday afternoon called to an end of the siege on Gaza. Pictures are copyright.

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Hizb ut Tahrir march against Bush's Middle East Tour, London, 12 Jan, 2008

14-01-2008 11:21

Listening to the speeches
Supporters of Hizb ut Tahrir Britain gathered at Marble Arch on Saturday 12 Jan for a march to the Saudi Embassy in Mayfair to show their opposition to George Bush's Middle East tour and American policies on the Middle East, as well as to the current corrupt ruling elites in the area. Pictures are copyright, all rights reserved.

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End the Siege on Gaza Demonstration

13-01-2008 21:34

Siege on Gaza
Protesters converged opposite Downing Street January 12th 2008

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This Week In Palestine – Week 2 2008

11-01-2008 18:43

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for January 5th through January 11th, 2008.

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Will Manchester United Celebrate Israel at 60?

11-01-2008 11:56

The Israeli government has invited Manchester United to play a match during the state’s 60th anniversary celebrations. Ron Prosor, Israel's UK ambassador, seems to be trying to “improve Israels image” by associating the country with a hugely successful brand. I fail to see what good it will do Man Utd to be associated with the worlds worst brand, especially at a time of year when Israel is celebrating their independence at the expense of the Palestinians who were ethnically cleansed.

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End the Gaza siege protest this Saturday / Public meeting: Break the siege 23rd Jan

10-01-2008 22:31

Don't remain silent! Join us on Saturday to speak out Join the International day of action against the siege on Gaza at our protest in Sheffield

Saturday 12th January 2008, End the Gaza siege protest, Sheffield Town Hall 12 - 1pm.

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Palestinian Today 010908

09-01-2008 15:33

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday 9th January, 2008.