UK Ecology Newswire Archive
At the Birmingham 'Climate Change festival'
07-06-2008 16:41

Protesters target the last downtown Portland fur shop
07-06-2008 14:46

Campaign to raise awareness of 350ppm C02 target
06-06-2008 22:24

A campaign has now been launched to raise awareness of this target -- currently we have over 380ppm of CO2 and it's going up faster than ever before --

Solidarity Protest for Martin Balluch & Austrian Activists
06-06-2008 17:49
$3.5 million luxury home torched in South Carolina
06-06-2008 16:23

Saved from landfill or stolen? Garden chair update
06-06-2008 08:52

The Greenhouse Problem; The refusal to recognise the situation
05-06-2008 15:18
The greenhouse problem has rapidly moved to the centre of official and public attention. Virtually every one accepts that there is a serious problem and that urgent action is required. Two fundamental beliefs underlie the discussion, the first being that the problem can be solved by conservation effort, technical advance and renewable energy, and the second being that the cost will be negligible. Both of these beliefs have been confirmed emphatically by the recent Stern Report[1] and the working Group 3 Reports of the IPCC.[2]Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works
Update on the 10 anti-fur activists in prison, Austria
05-06-2008 13:56
Information Update from the Legal Support Team: 05/06/08See also details on hunger strikes:

Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns Part 29
04-06-2008 23:37

Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns Part 28
04-06-2008 22:43

Day of Action on Food and Climate Change: food giveaway & anti-Tesco demo
04-06-2008 21:07

Kangaroo saved from slaughter in Australia
04-06-2008 19:35

Press and Govt Propaganda food and electricity shortages = GM and nuclear power
04-06-2008 11:32
Like the US, the British press and UK Government are engaged in a propaganda exercise using food shortages to push GM foods and harmful cheap production in the developing world while using false energy problems to push the case for expensive and harmful nuclear solutions without debate. Nuclear power is very expensive and will allow industry led by Adrian Montague to fix electricity prices at higher levels. Please note the similarities in tactics employed in the US with the UK.Camden Green fair selling meat - contact them
04-06-2008 00:18

Actions against: fur, leather, meat, pet stores & breeder
03-06-2008 15:36
29th May - 3rd June:ALF VISIT COCKFIGHTER AT HOME (Mexico)
Science Museum, London: Letting Corporations Control Young Minds
03-06-2008 12:26

Take one major museum, a childrens exhibition about the environment and add three sponsors who between them represent three of the most environmentally destructive industries on Earth, and you have The Science Of Survival...
Rally For Badgers - Stop The Cull!
03-06-2008 12:05

Cardiff, Saturday, June 28 2008
1pm outside the Welsh Assembly Building (Debating Rooms)
Activist occupy labs associated with GM trials
02-06-2008 13:47

From Prison to Paradise - 225 bears, one incredible journey
02-06-2008 12:02
Please join Jill Robinson, the founder of Animals Asia,at the Opium Chinese restaurant in Nottingham on 23 June 2008, to hear about our work in rescuing endangered Moon Bears from bear bile farms in China and Vietnam, as well as our campaigns to end the cat and dog meat and fur trades.Brazil, Traffic of Wild Animals, Amazônia, Bahia
01-06-2008 18:04

The Traffic of Wild Animals is the biggest source of income of Brazil, the financial greater of campaigns politics of presidents and governors.
The money sent for other countries to fight these crimes only serves to enrich ambient owners of Ongs.