UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Exxon pushed for coup in Venezuela
13-05-2002 13:21
Oil prices, Exxon's profits and US fears of OPEC embargo behind Venezuelan coupWhy did the chicken cross the road?
08-05-2002 16:26

Pink castle occupation continues
05-05-2002 19:45
11 days into the occupation of a proposed GM field in Dorset and the pink castle is still going strong. Photos and video available.Bedfordshire County Council turns down plans to grow GM crops
30-04-2002 12:38
ENVIRONMENTALISTS are claiming victory after Bedfordshire County Councilturned down plans to grow GM crops.
GM crop squat 'pink castle' video
29-04-2002 18:13
Video and photos from the dorset crop squat.Come to the castle - stop the crop.
GM Action-Pink Castle in Dorset update
26-04-2002 20:31
The Prettiest GM Action continues in Dorset!Pink Castles in Dorest GM test site
25-04-2002 15:29

Occupation set to disrupt plans to plant.
New GM trials announced
14-03-2002 19:05
The Government today announced the location of the latest round of GM maize sites in England. Friends of the Earth warned that the sites will pose a pollution threat to neighbouring conventional and organic crops. There are 35 sites in England, but none in Wales. The Scottish Executive will make an announcement on any Scottish trials later today. List of sites at url.Why Organize A Town Meeting Campaign On Genetic Engineering?
11-03-2002 16:53
This piece explores the exciting prospects of using a town meeting campaign to realize the directly democratic potential of the town meeting. The piece is immediately relevant to activists in Vermont who are currently working on such a campaign against genetic engineering, but it may also be useful to people in other parts of New England who have town meetings and people all over the world who have no town meeting in their community.Scotland set to ban hunting
13-02-2002 12:48
A vote this afternoon in the Scottish parliament is expected to lead to a ban on hunting with dogs north of the border, but has reopened doubts in England among campaigners about the government's enthusiasm for extending the ban across Britain.Rogue GM plant warning
05-02-2002 14:38
GM crops in Canada are in danger of creating nuisance weeds, says a UK conservation body. New research shows that herbicide-resistant oilseed rape crops are cross-breeding at the edge of fields. Genes from GM crops can accumulate in weeds.UK GM site locations
04-02-2002 13:49
Last week the Government announced the locations of it's latest round of genetically modified(GM) crop Farm Scale Trials (FSTs)Video of Bayer Action - GM enemy number one
26-01-2002 21:04

Wild maize contaminated by GMOs
29-11-2001 09:52
Halt this reckless experiment now says FOEFriends of the Earth is calling for an immediate global moratorium on the growing of GM crops[1] after new research revealed that wild maize in Mexico has been contaminated with GMOs.The results are were revealed in the science journal Nature.
GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed
11-09-2001 17:56
GM corn set to stop man spreading his seedSpecial report: GM crops debate
Robin McKie, science editor
Sunday September 9, 2001
The Observer
Eleven arrests as protest over GM rocks Highlands
01-09-2001 18:01
Campaigners lie down in front of tractor But GM planting goes ahead on the Black Isle, North Scotland...EU threat to GM safety standards
17-07-2001 11:08
EU Commissioners plan weakening of safety standards for GM food. Text and online action.Leeds Mayday Protests
01-05-2001 17:35
the Leeds Mayday protest - the tour of shame!Threats stop GM crop in Sussex?
15-04-2001 23:55
GM crop was planned for East Hoathly. Farmer was dissuaded by local pressure, but there are question marks over whether he was intimidated or not. He said he was, but there is evidence that his arm was being twisted by Aventis, the company with the GM interest. Story covered (in less depth) by George Monbiot, Guardian, April 5 2001