UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Saving Iceland gathering held in Forestfields
30-10-2005 15:38

Critical Massive
30-10-2005 15:28

We showed them who runs London
Luxury airline with a Sting in the tail.
30-10-2005 11:19

Be one of the first 48 passengers to book a round trip to New York on Eos Airline's new luxury service, "and receive complimentary tickets to attend a private performance by Sting in New York City", says Eos Air's company's website.
Critical Mass 28 Oct video
29-10-2005 23:09

Titnore protesters defy police - but one arrest
29-10-2005 18:55
A PROTEST against the destruction of Titnore Woods in Durrington, Worthing, went ahead this afternoon (Saturday October 29), despite police attempts to crush it.One man was arrested but at the time of writing is not known to have been charged with any offence.
Bristol solidarity ride a success
29-10-2005 18:35
Around 200 cyclists and others answered the callout for a Halloween ride in Bristol on Friday night. The ride was held in solidarity with the reported clampdown on the 12 year-old monthly London critical mass ride, and to celebrate the sustainable culture & economics of cycling. The callout was issued by an ad hoc collection of individuals involved in peace, transport, climate change and anti-capitalist campaigns.New Crymlyb Burrows Incinerator Bankrupt!!
29-10-2005 17:43
Disater prone Incinerator goes bankruptSaving iceland activists blockade Alcan aluminium smelter
29-10-2005 16:55

Protest against airport expansion
29-10-2005 16:43
From November 28th - 30th, over 300 airline executives from all over the world will gather in London to discuss how to expand the aviation industry. Meanwhile, aviation is now the fastest growing cause of climate change, and transport is the only area of energy use in which greenhouse emissions are increasing rather than falling.Ministers back GM maize...
29-10-2005 15:27
Gov ministers have approved the use of GM maize in the UKsneaked it thru the arrogant b*****d's...
The Critical Mass flame comes to Gothenburg
29-10-2005 10:03
We were 24 glad cyclists who turned up in Gustaf Adolfs Torg in central Gothenburg to celebrate cycling and celebrate we did. Nothing in comparison to London’s thousands but still it was our first ride.Pope's Misconceptions about conception and science history
29-10-2005 05:40
The pope's apparent ignorance of science history and modern agricultural technology obscures from his vision the disastrous effects of his policy of unchecked population growth on future generations who will find "no food on the table" nor the resources with which to grow it. This ignorance also shows that the pope has no more expertise in the fields of agricultural science, population planning, or resoure management than the pope in Galileo's time did in the area of astronomy.ARGENTINA AGAINST CYANIDE
29-10-2005 01:39
ARGENTINA: Impelling Act to prohibit mining with cyanide.Amazing turnout on "banned" critical mass
28-10-2005 22:47

GE companies accused of contaminating seed
28-10-2005 18:21

ROAD TO NOWHERE, Campaign against the Norwich N25, MEETING TONIGHT
28-10-2005 15:26
Norwich No NDR meeting, this Friday 28 October 7.30, at the Garnet Wolsey PH, Market PlaceThe campaign against Norwich Northern Distributor Road, now known as "The Road to Nowhere" continues.
The next meeting of the "No N25" Campaign will be held at the Garnet Wolsey PH, Market Place, Norwich Friday 28 October 7.30.
All welcome to listen, contribute and help.
The Edge Of The Forest / (A letter from Sweden)
28-10-2005 11:12
In front of me, ant-like in the distance as far as I can see, crawl tens of thousands of cars going about their fathomless tasks.Local Food Week in Southville Ashton and Bedminster, Bristol 2005
28-10-2005 10:38

Fasting in London as I visualise the hurricane of awareness.....
27-10-2005 16:56
"... I fast in urgencyoverhearing cries of skint mothers homeless people groaning
I fast in London in the knowledge these people are not moaning
They are the makers of the manifesto for the next big event
I fast as I visualise the hurricane of awareness near each tent
of the neglected abandoned victims of the floods the quake
The Garden of Eden: Gus Speth
27-10-2005 14:17
Gus Speth describes a "world full of wounds," the final loss of the "garden of Eden," environmental pollution and the waste of resources in an ever-more densely populated world.. He outlines an "eightfold path" to sustainability.