UK Ecology Newswire Archive
If you have testicles or know someone who does…
23-07-2004 17:16
I see I have your attention.Before I get onto testicles, let me just say:
In section 1, we’ll talk balls. Section 2 will look at why exactly our precious genetic inheritance is being threatened – for no good reason at all, it turns out, except meeting government targets and enriching one bloated company. Section 3 has a list of resources from Greenpeace for anyone who wants to act…
A57/A628 Mottram Bypass - News from the local paper
22-07-2004 16:16
An article suggesting that work is approved and going ahead in the local paper today. This is at odds with both the response of the Peak Park Authority, at a recent meeting, and the usual planning procedure, that requires the draft Orders to be published and a Public Enquiry to be held before *any* building work begins.Campaign for Safer Roads
22-07-2004 12:08
Nether Edge Neighbourhood Group is helping to work toward holistic solutions to the city's traffic problems...Direct action road protest veterans delegation to Dept for Transport
22-07-2004 09:10

Aboriginal resistance stopped Australian nuclear dump plan
21-07-2004 19:46

Aborigine wants Australian depute premier's seat
20-07-2004 14:34

Save Newsham Park
18-07-2004 16:02

American Indians Protest Scottish Power
17-07-2004 19:18
American Indians Protest Scottish Power - July 16 - 24thSupport native American Indians from the Karuk, Yurok, Hoopa, and Klamath Tribes as they journey to Scotland to protest Scottish Power's control of the river Klamath. These tribes from Northern California and Southern Oregon evolved with Salmon, which are now being decimated because of the series of dams blocking migration. These dams are owned by Scottish Power.
Meeting in Archidona, Ecuador, to establish protected status
16-07-2004 23:29
On the 15th of May 2004, with the support of the County of Archidona, the Coalition Against Oil Exploitation invited communities and organizations from the area to participate in an assembly. The purpose of the assembly was to present the opportunity to discuss and declare the County of Archidona an ecologically-protected area.Anti-Petroleum Assembly in Tena, Ecuador
16-07-2004 23:27

Radical ecological protest campaign in Perm of Russia happened so far
16-07-2004 23:06
On the 16th of July the protest camp organised by various local and nationwide anarchist and environmental groups in Perm turns to its third week.Penelope Swales plays 1in12Club 16th July
16-07-2004 10:21
Melbourne Singer/Songwriter Penelope Swales touring “Monkey Comfort.” Best described as a musical journalist, she combines wry and often outrageous humour with her deep passion for people and issues. The fruit of 5 years of writing, traveling and informal study, “Monkey Comfort” is a playful combination of anthropology and anthropomorphism that draws on the lush imagery of the natural world to describe the human condition.
Climate Change-Threat to London
15-07-2004 08:49
Gov Chief Scientist David King says CO2 levels the highest for 55 million years.
Activists occupy Australian consular offices over logging
14-07-2004 11:34

Rosia Montana: The war for gold is killing people
13-07-2004 15:16
The Mining Company S.C. „R.M. Gold Corporation” offered the amount of 840,000,000 lei to the family physician Florin Georgescu, so that he would leave Rosia Montana . For a year, the largest commune in Romania was left without medical assistance. Many of the local inhabitants claim that doctor Georgescu was paid to leave, because he held certain medical files of patients who had died, or became gravely ill, because of the powerful psychological pressures they were subjected to, for several years, by the mercenaries of the Company.The war for gold has begun to kill people.
Original article at:

Translation courtesy of T.L.
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RAAAA! 4x4 Safari in Chelsea
12-07-2004 11:54

Cows greet sainsburys shareholders
12-07-2004 11:18

Pantomime cows, handcuffs and irate Sainsbury's managers.
10-07-2004 18:09
Non-GM cup of tea anyone?Save the world with erm.. Spinach !
08-07-2004 14:14
Popeye may yet help save the world!