UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Arms dealers, military, and nuclear industry come to Nottingham
22-05-2006 14:38
A graduate recruitment fair featuring the armed forces, Lockheed Martin, and the British Nuclear Group, is coming to the East Midlands Conference Centre (University Park) on 2nd June, 11am - 3.30pm.Hands Across the Hill :: Sharphill Woods, Nottingham. Piccys
22-05-2006 14:18

Local people call for protest against the proposed Sharphill housing development in West Bridgford.
On Sunday (21st May) at 11am folks met up at Sharphill Woods and joined hands for the 'Hands across the Hill' protest.
Norwich Airport Shop targeted in DRAMATIC PROTEST
22-05-2006 11:19

4000 Peasants say no to Monterrico Metals in Ayabaca, Peru
22-05-2006 10:31
On the 11th May, in the beautiful city of Ayabaca, Northern Peru, between 3000 and 4000 people marched the streets protesting against the activities of the British mining company Monterrico Metals (owner of Mineria Majaz) in their province.Climate Camp London Info Night at the Square
21-05-2006 21:03
*From the London area and thinking of going to the Climate Camp this summer?* London Rising Tide is hosting an open meeting for people who want to find out more about the camp, and discuss the idea of a London neighbourhood.National Anti-Incinerator Meeting 27 May at Birkbeck College, London
21-05-2006 20:48
Dear Friends,The Defra public consultation period is now over and the Government's new waste strategy is going to be formulated. There is still plenty of opportunity to influence the final outcome by showing how strongly we feel against incineration, how harmful it is and how it affects global warming, a major point on the Government's agenda at present. However, we are not going to be able to influence the Strategy on our own, no matter how strong any one local group shouts.
ELF Prisoner benefit, 27/5/06, in Nottingham
21-05-2006 16:52
A night of info about the latest US crackdown on radical green activists is planned, for sat 27th May, at the Sumac in Nottingham. Entertainments will follow.local protest at housing development
21-05-2006 12:26

Bush in Wonderland
21-05-2006 09:40

waking up to breakfast in amsterdam, dying for soya in south america...
20-05-2006 17:35

Sheffield Free Bus
20-05-2006 17:03

20-05-2006 11:40
Benefit Meal at matilda in aid of anti-dam campaign in Iceland.Camp for Climate Action Planning Meeting
20-05-2006 09:40
Wednesday 31 May 7.30 @ The Casa, 26 Hope StreetPublic Meeting - Community Sustainability Bill
20-05-2006 08:26

Date: 25th May 2006
Time: 7:30pm (duration ~ 2 hours)
Venue: Queens Walk Community Centre, Queens Walk, The Meadows, Notts NG2 2DG
Have you noticed the following things happening in your community?:
Closure of local independent shops
Closure of the local Post Office
Closure of the local bank branch
Decline of local street markets
Closure of the local pub
Closure of local services e.g. health centres
Green spaces being built on
More traffic and less people walking on the streets
Less public transport services
More "clone" branded shops and huge superstores
Local Works is the campaign that aims to change this situation that is known as Ghost Town Britain. Instead we want local sustainability, which has these 4 measurements:
1. Thriving local economies
2. Environmental protection
3. Social inclusion
4. Active democratic participation
Please come along to the Public Meeting to discuss the Sustainable Communities Bill. Guest speakers include Alan Simpson MP and Jon Beresford from NAIL ) Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill)
Leeds Veggie Fayre!
19-05-2006 19:49
On Sunday the 21st May, prior to vegetarian week, theLeeds vegetarian and vegan society are holding a small
veggie fayre at The Common Place between 12 and 5.
Global Coalition Sounds the Alarm on Synthetic Biology
19-05-2006 11:23
Today, a coalition of 35 international organizations including scientists, environmentalists, trade unionists, biowarfare experts and social justice advocates called for inclusive public debate, regulation and oversight of the rapidly advancing field of synthetic biology - the construction of unique and novel artificial life forms to perform specific tasks.Anti M1 campaign gains momentum
19-05-2006 09:31

CHEMTRAILS - In Law, Policy, and Practice.
19-05-2006 07:09
CHEMTRAILS - In Law, Policy, and Practice.Going nuclear
18-05-2006 12:28
Why has Tony Blair got the hots for nuclear power all of a sudden?