UK Ecology Newswire Archive
News from Sherwood
05-03-2004 12:17

Five Year Freeze renews its commitment to a moratorium on GM
04-03-2004 17:50
The Five Year Freeze today renewed its commitment to amoratorium on the commercial growing of GM crops in the UK.
GM MAIZE COMMERCIALISED: Decision revealed today
04-03-2004 15:21
It was leaked to Greenpeace today that GM Maize is to be commercialised.Blackwood under immediate eviction
03-03-2004 13:33
Blackwood road protest site has been served an immediate eviction notice this morning.A Tale of Two Road Blockades - Blackwood
02-03-2004 18:07

Blackwood Bypass - Action Alert
02-03-2004 11:24
Blackwood Bypass - Action Alert- phone fax email web blockade on Blackwood sub-contractor -
Tree Destruction at Blackwood - Pics
01-03-2004 22:41

1 March 1954 - Operation Bravo and the Marshall Islands Human Guinea Pigs
01-03-2004 04:38
On March 1st, 1954 - 50 years ago - the USA did proceed to theirfirst H bomb test: Operation Bravo.
Resistance ! (over ground under ground!)
28-02-2004 20:52

Blackwood, New Court Date & Update
28-02-2004 20:37
Latest today, there are a few more people there now, from all over the UK This has lifted the mood of the camp a lot, BUT they're still VERY short of people to help with defences and the evictions that are expected in a week or so.LEGAL HELP NEEDED URGENTLY!
Protected Species Trashed at Blackwood
27-02-2004 15:38
in a deliberate campaign to get rid of protected species which are slowing down the road building at Blackwood (S. Wales), Costain and sub contractors are felling trees which are clearly marked as having bat roosts onto dormice habitats (also clearly marked and fenced off). On Wednesday they tried to put the evidence through a wood chipper before the local police wildlife officer could get on site, but local teenagers sat on the felled trees to stop them.CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE disrupted with a phonecall
26-02-2004 14:21
a conference hosting talks by Bayer employees was disrupted on tuesdayNGOs cross London Rising Tide picket line to attend BP greenwash meeting
25-02-2004 22:19
Police ringed the Radisson Edwardian Hotel in Stratton Street, London, on the morning of February 24th as inside, BP prepared to meet and greet specifically invited non-governmental organisations (or NGOs).Licensed taxi drivers want rickshaws banned…
25-02-2004 17:02
As unbelievable as it seems, in London in the 21st Century there is a major problem with Rickshaws. Whilst the third world is doing all it can to lose the last of these degrading pedal powered contraptions, some unscrupulous operators are clogging up the streets of the Metropolis with the same slow, traffic halting bikes.
ALL Day Benefit Gig-- HELP NEEDED
25-02-2004 15:26
Help needed, im organising an ALL DAY BENEFIT GIG to raise awareness and much needed cash for the road protest movement (esp 9 Ladies)!!!!!Lifts to Blackwood protest camp from Oxford
24-02-2004 13:36
Lifts from Oxford to the Blackwood road protest camp leaving Friday morning.Animals Defeat Bush-Cheney
23-02-2004 18:11

feedlots endangered species
Boycott BP's Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline Greenwash Meeting, Feb 24th, London
23-02-2004 11:53
Here below is the text of the leaflet we'll be handing out at tomorrow's BP-organised meeting on the Baku Cyehan pipeline, to which they have invited compliant/complicit NGOs and investors. Feel free to come along and join us from 9.30-10.30 outside the Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Stratton Street, London. Bring confetti.It's followed by 'Can BP Keep NGOs Talking?', written by Strategic Forecasting Inc.,. in which LRT is mentioned.
Promoting Cycling in Oxford
22-02-2004 20:28
Cyclox promotes Cycling in Oxford. The next Cyclox public meeting is on Wednesday 3rd March 2004 at 7.00 p.m. - East Oxford Community Centre (corner of Cowley Rd and Princes St).