UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Call out for support for forest occupation in Belgium
11-08-2013 14:37
Since the first of Juli we (an action group from the Dutch Earth First!) have occupied a forest in Wilrijk. So far there’s been no great risk of eviction but this is about to change. We expect the chance of eviction will be the greatest from September 12th till September 20th.A Letter to Deep Green Resistance
09-08-2013 11:51
The following is the text of an open letter from a group of concern activists in the Earth First! network to be circulated at this weekends EF! Summer Gathering (
2014 Northern Vegan Festival
08-08-2013 11:01
The follow up to the 2500 people 2013 Northern Vegan Festival in Manchester, will be much bigger, with over 150 stalls at a far bigger venue, and a separate green fair in another area of the same venue."UK Coal says "Business as Usual", Shame about the Debt
07-08-2013 15:12
Following a news story in today's Financial Times about the collapse of UK Coal Operations and who money was owed too, the Loose Anti Opencast Network in this press release has more information on this topic, especially which local authorities have taken a hit.UK companies supporting Seaworld.
04-08-2013 08:33
The use of dolphins and orca in marine parks in the UK ended some time ago, yet further afield the Seaworld behemoth continues to profit vastly by attracting people who are awe inspired by the sight of an animal enslaved and coerced into performing tricks for their petty predilections.Whose Streets? Cuadrilla's Streets!
31-07-2013 07:33

UK Coal going to keep it's promises
30-07-2013 14:57
Is the new version of UK Coal, UK Coal Production going to honour the promises that were entered into to enable it to mine coal? This press release gives details of the opencast sites which might not be fully restored should the Company renenge on its promises. In addition, it is suggested that promised community benefits are at risk as wellUG#657 - Rounding Up The Opposition (Glyphosate Risks, David versus Monsanto)
29-07-2013 22:17

No Names, No Frack Drill
29-07-2013 20:43

Day 5 of Balcombe village's struggle against Frack Attack (Update)
Update - Day 5 - Monday 29th July - for continual updates head to
After a relatively quiet day on Sunday, today Monday, saw many vehicles arriving on site. Each delivery was met with heavy resistance. A heavily pregnant woman attempted to stop one of the trucks but was forced away as things got dodgy and dangerous. At the same time a man was arrested and brutally wrestled to the ground with a suspected broken arm.
For the rest of the afternoon more deliveries regularly turned up but only got through with police marching in front of each HGV and clashing with protesters attempting to stop them. A later delivery of office furniture saw a sit-down protest that resulted in a more significant delay and yet another arrest.
Perhaps as a sign of the struggle ahead the police have installed a mobile office on site and a casual conversation with one cop made it obvious that the police think they are there for the long haul. Some protesters thought it might pay to also set up a solicitor's office and branch of Infinity Foods alongside.
Grow Heathrow Call For Support
26-07-2013 14:44
Grow Heathrow after opposing the Heathrow's 3rd runway expansion for last 3 years in under a threat of eviction. Please support the Site by increasing the number of peple staying on location, engaging in eviction resistance and by helping to move the infrastucture.Ongoing Blockade Of Fracking Site In Sussex
25-07-2013 12:47

Stop fracking! Resistance call-out for Balcombe, July 25
24-07-2013 08:15
A call-out has been issued to resist fracking in Sussex, as Cuadrilla moves gear on to its Balcombe site and says it will start drilling on Saturday July 27.Occupy Firgrove call for hellp
24-07-2013 01:36

Sussex under attack
23-07-2013 10:35
An array of threats is facing the people of Sussex, their health and their countryside. And a special meeting on Thursday July 25 will focus on four of them - fracking, road-building, airport expansion and GM food.UK Coal win the battle but not the war... campaigners fight on
19-07-2013 20:35

National Animal Rights Summer Gathering: 2nd-4th Aug 2013
19-07-2013 14:56

Reclaim the Power: Action Camp: 16 – 21st August
19-07-2013 12:05

We want a clean and fair energy future where people come before profit. Join us for a four day camp at West Burton gas fired power station nr Retford, Notts.
Come to share your ideas. Create, imagine, resist. We are facing climate crisis, economic crisis and social crisis. Join us to Reclaim the Power!
Big Hole Created in the Scottish Planning System
15-07-2013 19:36
LAON's 29th Press Release explores further the consequences of the recent Court of Sessions decision that Scottish Coal now have no legal responsibility for restoring certain abandon opencast sites. LAON claim that this decision could affect every current site in Scotland where minerals are being worked and all future applications for mineral extraction.Iceclimb: when the Arctic is threatened, so is our civilisation
14-07-2013 18:55

When people do awesome things to highlight vast global problems, sometimes it’s easier to talk about what they did than why they did it. So it is with the six Greenpeace climbers who scaled the Shard this week. It is impossible not to be overawed by their skill. It is incomprehensible how they could complete such a feat.
Activists in the U.S. Call for Anti-Fracking Solidarity Actions!
10-07-2013 20:33
“We are here to send a message to the oil and gas industries: we will not stand idly by as you destroy this land, or any other, for your personal profit. Respect existence, or expect resistance,” said an Earth First! activist.