UK companies supporting Seaworld.
ShutDownSeaworld | 04.08.2013 08:33 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Social Struggles
The use of dolphins and orca in marine parks in the UK ended some time ago, yet further afield the Seaworld behemoth continues to profit vastly by attracting people who are awe inspired by the sight of an animal enslaved and coerced into performing tricks for their petty predilections.
These links have been posted here to raise awareness that despite there being a lack of captive orca/dolphins and other marine mammals in the UK there are still UK companies at large that openly and actively encourage people to fuel the continued exploitation of these animals.
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For some further information on Seaworld the following site relates to a film about the issues of captive orca which is now on general release:
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For some further information on Seaworld the following site relates to a film about the issues of captive orca which is now on general release: