UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Qantas, Virgin Airlines, 6 US Prison Systems, Join UK's Boo Boo in Pig Flesh Ban
07-06-2013 19:16

2 Airlines, 6 US State Prison Systems Ban Pig Flesh
Will Humans Go Extinct Soon?
06-06-2013 06:10
Investigating claims of near-term extinction for humans. Clips from Guy McPherson, John D. Cox, Dr. David Archer. Interview w. John Michael Greer. Analysis of predictions by Malcolm Light of the Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG). Radio Ecoshock 130605Journal Of The AMA Reports 70,000 Person Study: Vegetarians & Vegans Live Longer
05-06-2013 23:46
A Loma Linda University study of 70,000 peopleover 6 years reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association released in June 2013 has found vegans and vegetarians live longer, as have a number of other studies.
Demonstration against UK Coal at High court
05-06-2013 15:25

Today desperate Coal Company - UK Coal sought to over-rule the community, Durham Council and the Secretary of State’s Inspectors to be allowed to mine over half a million tonnes of coal from rural County Durham.
Smithfield, World's Biggest Pigkiller with Norwich Holdings, Acquired by Chinese
30-05-2013 18:14

been acquired for several billion dollars by a Chinese corporation. Chinese companies already kill 450 million pigs annually.
The State of Nature in the UK
30-05-2013 08:25
Last week, a coalition of 25 organisations which campaign and research on wildlife in the UK launched a landmark report – The State of Nature. This is the first time that the UK’s wildlife advocates have collaborated to produce such a comprehensive overview of the current status of native species, and it represents a significant achievement in biological monitoring.Marie Vesco – 5th anniversary ride
28-05-2013 18:46
In Marie’s memory, and as a tribute to her, we have arranged a bike ride and hope to draw to the attention of the British authorities the lack of safety for cyclists and vulnerable road users in the UK. The ride will take place on 4 – 5 June 2013, from Hickstead to Portsmouth, along the route that Marie was cycling when she was killed.Hunting Wildlife Crime Officer Removed From Post
23-05-2013 12:05

U.K. anarchist publication “Return Fire” released
23-05-2013 10:51

Tornado Over A Mile Wide And 200 MPH Hit Moore Oklahoma In US
21-05-2013 23:12

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Sheffield Saboteurs Benefit - HEADJAM/ UBUNTU/ KARLY HOBO & more
14-05-2013 12:00

Plus vegan food
Plus a good cause
American "Leftist" TV Show Promotes Pigeating
10-05-2013 20:58

one hour on publicly owned airwaves to promote the toxic disease, environmental devastation, animal agony, energy waste and expense of eating mammals.
First Mexican State to ban bullfighting...Irish Government please take note!
08-05-2013 12:18

The northwestern Mexican border state's legislature voted unanimously to pass an Animal Protection Law that includes the historic ban on this most depraved of blood sports.
UK ready? Fracking Sacrifice Zones in U.S. West
05-05-2013 18:52
Fracking: Sacrifice Zones of the American West. What can the UK expect? Four voices from the Bakken shale lands. Polluting oil & gas extraction impacts in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana & North Dakota. The dark side of the fracking boom.UG#633 - Putting The 'Mental' Back in Environmental (Food Waste & FMNR In Niger)
05-05-2013 02:11

Victory as Wax Museum halts foxhunt promotion!
04-05-2013 10:31

Oil: to level or to cancel!
02-05-2013 21:36

There are now 30 billion barrels of oil, estimated at brutal 6 trillion R$ (three trillion US$), the equivalent to 3 or 4 Brazilian Union budgets that are under the risk of being delivered by derisory percentage of this amount, following the infamous "tradition" of the NPA.
The Age of Super Fires
30-04-2013 05:41
The new age of super fires in N. America, Europe, Australia, Asia. Silviculturalist John Betts explains strange unstoppable forest fires. Then Nicole Rycroft, Exec Dir of enviro group "Canopy". Why they quit talks with industry, as logging ravages the Canadian Boreal forest. Plus MD Donald B. Louria says loss of faith in the future can kill. Radio Ecoshock 130501 1 hour.