UK Ecology Newswire Archive
ZAD, Commune, Metropolis
28-04-2013 18:16
(The following account was written by a media collective based in the UK and Montreal. Much has been changed in order to present a coherent picture. It was written after several months of travel. All errors are the fault of the authors.)Affirmative: Fracking Awareness North Somerset is go, go, GO!
28-04-2013 16:34
Fracking Awareness North Somerset (F.A.N.S) is a new organisation seeking to mobilize community based resistance against fracking. We aim to build a network of groups all over North Somerset to collectively struggle against the insidious threat posed by fracking to our local communities and landscape.Case shows up squalid cruelty and abuses in greyhound industry
27-04-2013 12:10

Scottish Coal's Collapse : A Failure of the Planning System
25-04-2013 16:34
LAON's Press Release questions the role the Scottish Planning System has played in this tragic sequence of events. It draws attention to the fact that 18 opencast sites are affected, not just the six often mention in most news items on this story and suggests that some form of public inquiry is needed if trust is to be restored into the Scottish Planning System and lessons learned so that this situation can be avoided in the future.Scottish Coal ask courts to allow them to walk away from opencast sites
25-04-2013 09:58

Media contact: Oliver Munnion at

Philippine climate activists expose risks of dirty coal.
24-04-2013 12:06

Burying the Future: Pipelines, Arctic Melt, UK Weather
21-04-2013 19:43
Canadian scientist Paul Beckwith explains how the Arctic warming emergency is changing your weather. First, story of anti-pipeline media warrior, John Bolenbaugh. The leaks, scandals and deaths behind Tar Sands pipelines.TWO UK Nuclear Accidents in Just a Few Days
21-04-2013 11:32
TWO accidents at privatised UK nuclear plants in a few daysBayer, Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF, Dow: Biggest Bee Killers
19-04-2013 20:52

Resistance is Fertile- One Account From the Zad
18-04-2013 18:06
An extract from an article written by a Combatant at the Zad.Get tooled up in Bristol this Saturday!
18-04-2013 16:53

Coping with Climate Despair: Rosemary Randall
15-04-2013 06:49
The climate has changed, we all know that. How can we face the unbearable weight of knowing we did it, forever in human terms. You are about to hear one of the best leaders in how to cope without falling into despair. From the UK it's psychotherapist Rosemary Randall in a Radio Ecoshock interview. 29 minutes.UG#630 - The 6th Mass Extinction (And What To Do About It)
13-04-2013 15:44

Serial Climate Hacker Raided
12-04-2013 00:09
Serial climate hacker Russ George's office raided. Nick Saul takes food banks to a whole new level - feeding citizens during tough times. UC Berkeley political scientist Dr. Martha Campbell - how economists & women's advocates helped enable the next population explosion. Radio Ecoshock 130410 1 hour.BAYER Shareholder Meeting on April 26 in Cologne: Coalition introduces Countermo
11-04-2013 22:03

The Coalition against BAYER Dangers has introduced countermotions to BAYER´s Annual Shareholder Meeting on April 26. Environmental and social justice organizations announced to discuss the proposals within the meeting in Cologne. About 4,000 shareholders are expected to attend.
Earth First Summer Gathering: 7th-11th August 2013
06-04-2013 10:00
This year's the Summer Gathering will be in the Hastings area near the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road campaign. It will run from the evening of Wednesday 7th August and finish on Sunday 11th August.Sheffield & Doncaster Sabs - End of Season Report 2013
03-04-2013 11:44

Northern Vegan Festival
02-04-2013 17:25
The Northern Vegan Festival, which is the biggest ever vegan event in the North, is on Saturday April 13, from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. at Sachas Hotel, 12, Tib St., Manchester city centre, M4 1SH. There is aftershow from 6 p.m. until late at the Thirsty Scholar vegan/vegetarian pub, 50, New Wakefield St., Manchester city centre, M1 5NP. More info about the Festival on the website and Facebook.Land.
01-04-2013 19:07

Summer action camp against Shell
31-03-2013 21:00

Whether you've been to Rossport before or this is your first time, this is the week to come.
Check website for updates & more information.