UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Sizewell Camp Against Nuclear Power - Chernobyl Weekend - pics
30-04-2010 18:31

More details here:

Gulf oil spill threatens economic, environmental catastrophe
30-04-2010 14:52
"According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig lacked a device called an acoustic switch that could have shut off the flow of oil. The remote controlled device sends acoustic impulses through the water that can trigger an underwater valve to shut down the well.All offshore rigs have one main switch to shut off the flow of oil by closing a valve located on the ocean floor. There is also supposed to be a backup, a so-called “dead man,” that will shut down the well in the event of a catastrophe on the rig. Apparently neither of these devices worked on the Deepwater Horizon rig. The crewmembers who would have been closest to the shutoff switch are among those missing and presumed dead.
With an acoustic trigger a crew can shut down a well even if the rig is damaged or evacuated. However, BP, which reported profits of $5.598 billion for the first quarter of 2010, vigorously resisted changes to US regulations that would have required acoustic triggers on deep sea rigs, citing effectiveness and costs, about $500,000 per unit. Compliant US regulators agreed, saying other backup plans were sufficient. They called the acoustic triggers unreliable and prone to causing unnecessary shutdowns."
Sheffield: International Sunflower Guerrilla Gardening Day
29-04-2010 20:52
May 1st is International Sunflower Guerrilla Day, where people all over the world (well, probably the northern hemisphere) go out and plant sunflower seeds in places around where they live.Know Your Airport! Biodiversity Walk - Sun 9th May
29-04-2010 14:33

destruction by Manchester Airport's expansion plans. We'll begin at Hasty Lane and walk round the affected areas to the south. We'll hear from local experts about the different wildlife affected.
Bring your friends and family, binoculars, a picnic, a frisbee/skipping rope/games, and appreciation for what's currently being destroyed by Airport expansion.
Anti-nuclear protests in Germany – "We'll be wherever they don't want us to be"
27-04-2010 11:09

Party At The Pumps Part 2... This Time It's SHELL!
27-04-2010 10:06

• When: Saturday, 15th May
• Meet: 1PM at Oxford Circus
• Bring: a zone 1-2 tube pass, noisemakers, your friends & family and your dancing shoes
» Oxford Circus meeting point map –

» Facebook event –

» IMC UK calendar event –

Sizewell Campers Mark Anniversary of Chernobyl Disaster
26-04-2010 14:14
Monday, 26 April 2010Around twenty activists from the Stop Nuclear Power Network [1] have held a ceremony on the beach in front of Sizewell nuclear power station in Suffolk (England) this afternoon to mark the 24th anniversary of the world's worst ever civil nuclear disaster, at Chernobyl (Ukraine). [2] They are looking to highlight the risk of a similar catastrophe happening in Suffolk, due to a reactor meltdown [3,4] or major radioactive waste incident.
Full article | 4 additions | 8 comments
Bristol and Bath Rising Tide Stop Coal Train
26-04-2010 12:02
Today, people involved in the Rising Tide Network have literally puts their necks on the line by chaining themselves to the rails in order to block the rail link to the Ffoss y Fran Open Cast Coal mine near Merthyr Tydfil. They are currently blocking the movement of coal trains from the mine to Aberthaw Power Station.Jus' Take up Your Tools - Bristol Ecovillage is Born - Urban Center for Alt Tech
26-04-2010 11:54
On 17th April 2010 around 45 people occupied a piece of unused land in Bristol, England to set up Bristol Ecovillage, a Center for Alternative Technology. By the end of the day they had established themselves and even had built raised planting beds. This film tells the story of this day.Watch the video at

Revolutionary Peoples' Party
25-04-2010 12:55

Audio: What way out of the economic and ecological crises?
24-04-2010 20:48

Emergency Callout - Bristol Eco Village Facing ILLEGAL Eviction Tomorrow Morning
20-04-2010 16:15
There will be an illegal eviction attempt on the Bristol Eco Village tomorrow morning at about 11, just 5 days after site was set up. This will be resisted. We need as many people as possible down there to witness the illegal attempt and help resist. For practical reasons there must be no violence or even abusive behaviour.Farnborough Airport breaches no fly ban
19-04-2010 13:14
Profit comes before people and planet.Full article | 2 additions | 5 comments
Shell gas terminal, Bacton, Norfolk, UK blockaded!
19-04-2010 06:40
Solidary with Pat O'Donnell and against Shell on Earth! Gas terminal access blockaded in both directions at 7am April 19thOil, Violence and Social Movements in Colombia
15-04-2010 21:55
Key Guest: Bruno Federico.Bruno is part of COSPACC*, a Colombian collective that works with
communities in the region where BP operate for oil.
He will explore questions around energy sovereignty, control of natural
resources and what this might look like practically for the environmental
movement in the North-West, in the context of global climate change.
Peat Bog Extraction halted in Greater Manchester
15-04-2010 13:02

The bank loan that could break SA's back
15-04-2010 11:25
The World Bank's poisoned 'gift' of $3.75bn to Eskom spells disaster forthe climate, the poor and our fragile democracy
'Activists Target BP’s Investment in Tar Sands with Roof Occupation'
15-04-2010 10:43
Climate Campaigners have occupied the Roof of a BP garage today in protestabout the company’s involvement in tar sands, the increasingly
controversial oil extraction industry.
Party at the Pumps – Pix-&-Vidz – Sat 10 Apr 10
14-04-2010 12:00