UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Poles Apart: Capitalism and Socialism As The Planet Heats Up
23-02-2008 14:29
We are pleased to inform you that the Socialist Party will be holding a half-day school on the politics of Climate Change at the Conway Hall, Holborn on Saturday the 5th of April (1-5 pmAngry reaction promised if Government fails to drop Biofuels targets
23-02-2008 14:12

Climate Code Red: the Case for a Sustainability Emergency
22-02-2008 23:07

Free Online Video on Climate Science
22-02-2008 20:12
An excellent presentation by the University of California at San Diego on the science.The Disappearing Bees: CCD and Electromagnetic Radiation
22-02-2008 18:56
A timeline documenting the disappearance of the bees and Colony Collapse DisorderTree Protest in Leeds Shows Who the Police Back
22-02-2008 13:24
The gentrification of Leeds means that more and more urban woodlands and spaces are being sold off by the local council to build flats by corporate developers.Sabbotage against Glensanda Quarry Expansion
22-02-2008 11:53
An aggregate processing plant on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales National Park has been sabotaged. The Plant is owned by Bardon Aggregates a member of Aggregate Industries, part of the Holcim Group and owner of the Glensanda Quarry on the north west coast of Scotland.Super Charged Weather
19-02-2008 18:36
NOAA released a report Friday that says January's temperature was close to average although they also pointed out that the Northeast region of the US had unusually warm weather.[1]Latest details: EF! Winter Moot - February 22nd–24th - Notts (starts Friday evening)
18-02-2008 23:16
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Shark conservation film in Notts
18-02-2008 22:16
The new film "Sharkwater" is being released in the UK on Feb 22nd - this film is recommended by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ( film is showing at Nottingham Showcase Redfield Way, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2UW.
Full details:
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"Hunting Act's 3 Year Anniversary" by ALF
18-02-2008 20:59

Charlotte White, H&H deputy news editor.
Planktos Ocean Dumping Scheme Defeated by Anti-Whalers
16-02-2008 17:22

M74 Extension: Contracts Awarded, Costs up 30%
16-02-2008 01:14
After months of silence the SNP government have announced that they will press ahead with the big business scheme to extend the M74 through the Southside of Glasgow. A contract has been signed awarding the single bidder 30% more than expected.Charges dropped for blockaders of Japanese Embassy
16-02-2008 00:49

Free Paper War - LONDON LITtEr
15-02-2008 22:54

In an attempt to get this message out, a group of intrepid paper boys and girls decided to use the tactics of The London Paper and London Lite, putting their own pro-recycling anti-waste propaganda into copies of the papers then aggressively and relentlessly forcing them on the public.
Position Paper - 15th February 2008: Digging Machinery operating at Lismullen
15-02-2008 21:03
Digging machinery has appeared on the 6th February 2008 at the Lismullin National Monument near the Hill of Tara in Ireland as attempts are begun to fill in the Henge in advance of Irish and European Court decisions. (
Aldermaston 50th Anniversary demonstration
15-02-2008 17:15

Britain's nuclear weaponary.
Position Paper - 15th February 2008: Digging Machinery operating at Lismullen
15-02-2008 12:41
According to reports on the 6th February 2008, there is digging machinery at the LismullinHenge as attempts are being made to bury this National Monument.
Sea Shepherd Launches Operation Migaloo II
13-02-2008 21:19

The Power of Community: How Cuba survived peak oil
13-02-2008 13:30
Film screening: Thursday 21 Feb, 7pmAigburth Cricket Club, Southwood Rd (beside St Michael's station)