UK Ecology Newswire Archive
GE crops: Victory to accountability
29-09-2003 12:37
Bayer, the last company to conduct GE field trials in the UK, has decided to halt their trials. The company blames protestors that destroy field trials as well as the Environment Secretary for it. In fact it is a victory to accountability.Report on the Critical Mass bike ride in Manchester
29-09-2003 11:31
A critical mass bike ride took place through the streets of Manchester on Friday 26th September.Bayer back out of GM trials
28-09-2003 16:23
Bayer beginning to back out of GM?Sheffield Incinerator Protest
28-09-2003 14:12

Brazil agrees to grow GM crops
26-09-2003 20:47
John Vidal and Gareth Chetwynd in Sao PauloFriday September 26, 2003
The Guardian
Itoiz Dam - Artozki Resists - day 8 report (unpublished as publisher was down)
26-09-2003 18:07
The resistance in artozki continues, here is the report from day 8 of the struggle which we could not put up becuause the publish function was down.for more infor see
Itoiz Dam - Artozki Resistance, Day 11
26-09-2003 18:04
The resistance to the eviction of the village of Artozki has reached day 11. Here is a summary of the last few days and a call for action and support for the people who are holding out in the village and giving it life - including a thriving new arts space - despite constant police harrassment.court tomorrow for BP AGM protestor
24-09-2003 23:41
Because of actions at the BP AGM, at royal festival hall, 24 april 2003, one person is up in court today, wednesday 24 septemebr, at the inner london crown court, near elephant and castle. i'll post up court room and time when find out later, but will be about 10-10.30am start.Electronic Blockade Against Bayer!
24-09-2003 17:45
As part of the national day of action against Bayer Cropscience tommorrow (Thursday 25th Sept), an electronic blockade has been called.The Gloves are on!: GM Pledge Throws Down The Green Gauntlet To Blair
24-09-2003 15:13
A pledge to pull up GM crops was launched today as the results of the Government’s public debate on genetic modification were announced in London. The Green Gloves Pledge, a pledge to peacefully remove GM crops or support those who do, was formally announced this morning with the delivery of a six and half foot green glove to Tony Blair at the gates of Downing Street bearing the question “Which part of No GM do you not understand?”. An accompanying letter to the Prime Minister was also handed in.Evictions And Resistance, Itoiz Dam, Navarra.
19-09-2003 13:02
On Monday 15th September the second wave of evictions and demolitions will begin around the Itoiz Dam. Below is a communique from Solidari@scon Itoiz. For more information about the Itoiz Dam go to

Bayer Cropscience targetted!
19-09-2003 02:56
As part of the campaign to stop commercial growing of GM crops, actions have been taken against Bayer Cropscience.Manchester Critical Mass
18-09-2003 13:00

Drowned Out / McLibel Double Bill
17-09-2003 18:12
DROWNED OUT/ McLIBEL DOUBLE BILL, OXFORD PICTURE HOUSE, SUN 21st SEPTFrom Ecuador to Edinburgh: An evening of stories of resistance.
16-09-2003 18:27
7.30pm Wednesday 24th September, New Dalry House, 15 Orwell Place, EdinburghThis event is an excellent opportunity to meet two Ecuadorian activists who will be talking about the effects of oil exploitation there. Jose Luis Guevara, and Fidel Aguinda will be speaking about the struggle their communities have faced as a result of an attempt to double Ecuador's oil production in order to service the country's external debts. There will also be some wine and some Ecuadorian snacks (in return for a small donation).
Don't fund the pipeline of mass destruction! BP, your money and human rights
16-09-2003 16:41
World Traders see Green Allies as 'Commies'
15-09-2003 20:26

WTO and the Environment
15-09-2003 12:26
After a successful rally in Oxford on Saturday (13th), attended by over 200 people, Oxford for Trade Justice are holding the 3rd in a series of 4 public meetings, on the WTO and the Environment, this Thursday at the Oxford Town Hall.WANTED: PC Users' downtime to study Global Climate
15-09-2003 04:36

DSEi critical mass bike ride
14-09-2003 23:12