UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Police on PeeWatch at Climate Camp
17-08-2007 18:15
A first timer at Climate Camp discovers that eco loos aren't safe from the zoom lens of an overbearing and intimidating police operationNOTTS "super landfill" site,Radio nottingham groundswell debate
17-08-2007 17:45
plans have been afoot for the last decade to turn Bentick void nr Kirkby near water supplies for the region into a EU super dumpHeathrow Primary School pays us a visit.
17-08-2007 08:35

Police use anti-terror powers against environmental protest
16-08-2007 20:41
The Camp for Climate Action got under way Tuesday amidst a major police operation and provocative “terror” stories in the media.Renewable Energy at the Climate Camp
16-08-2007 19:01

(i'll tidy up and caption the photos later)
Blow Off the Arctic Ice Melting....Let's Drill for More Oil
16-08-2007 15:28
The Arctic ice is melting at an accelerating pace, with this year already showing record retreat. There is still a month or so left of summer heating, but the record minimum ice melt has already been reached. "It is therefore almost certain that the previous 2005 record will be annihilated by the final 2007 annual minima closer to the end of this summer."(1)El Salvador Permaculture Institute benefit night
16-08-2007 09:48
Benefit disco for the Permaculture Institute of El SalvadorFull article | 3 additions | 8 comments
Business flights blockaded by climate activists
16-08-2007 08:04
Two independent groups of campaigners from the Camp for Climate Actionhave this morning stopped carbon-intensive private jets fom operating at
two airports in the south east.
Carry on climate camping
15-08-2007 22:48

Peter Lockley
August 15, 2007
Direct action may undermine public support for the protesters at Heathrow, but somehow the message about more flights needs to get through.
Climate Camp workshop: Wales LNG Pipeline
15-08-2007 12:31
After two days of setting up the site and running around dealing with the police and mainstream media, the workshops at the Climate Camp began yesterday.Common Ground - Squated Community Garden Still Growing, Still Resisting!
15-08-2007 11:06
2nd Eviction Attempt Resisted, Injunction Broken Again, New Gardens on the Horizon!An Open Letter To Bertie Ahern
11-08-2007 04:31
An open letter to the current Taoiseach of Ireland regarding the M-3 motorway scheme.Manu Chao: Playing with Fire – video at Sziget Festival in Budapest
10-08-2007 17:45

Download the video:

Call for Direct Action at the Camp for Climate Action
09-08-2007 21:36
Activists campaigning against the impact of aviation on climate change have today released a website giving the low-down on Heathrow airport and the industries which encourage its environmentally damaging business.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
New Earth First! Action Update OUT NOW!
09-08-2007 16:28
The printed EF! Action Update is back again! After a bit of a lull a new editorial collective is in place and ready to roll. We have just produced a summer edition in time for the Camp for Climate Action, where you can pick up printed copies.Big Lottery Fund to help people tackle environmental problems
09-08-2007 13:16
New Lottery funding gives the Environmental Law Foundation a whole new lawyer.Full article | 2 additions | 7 comments
Heathrow's Injunction - What it means
09-08-2007 09:19
Everything you needed to know but didn't have a clue what to ask about Heathrow's injunction against protesters. Designed for the lay person, it is essential reading for climate campers.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Another Inspiring Food Not Bombs
08-08-2007 13:44

Another great action involving reclaimed and grown food, best curry yet, and broad-based campaigning work.
'Don't sacrifice Europe's wildlife for agrofuel expansion' email alert
07-08-2007 20:29
Please take part in an email alert to tell Europe's politicians not to sacrifice our birds and insects for agrofuel expansion. Europe's farm bird populations have declined by nearly 50% since 1980, mainly due to intensive agriculture. 45% of our butterflies are at risk of extinction. Many of our surviving bird population now rely heavily on set-asides. The European Commissioner now wants to scrap all set-asides to open up more land for intensive farming, with no protection for the wildlife at risk.