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El Salvador Permaculture Institute benefit night

El Salvador benefit collective | 16.08.2007 09:48 | Culture | Ecology | Social Struggles

Benefit disco for the Permaculture Institute of El Salvador

Dear John,
before Christmas you were kind enough to help publicise a Guatemalan human rights talks in Manchester. Below are details of an El Salvador benefit night, which we'd be very grateful if you have any opportunity to help spread the word about, or to come to yourself.
All the best,
Sarah Irving

Saturday, September 8, 2007
7:30pm - late
Yard Theatre, Work for Change
Old Birley Street, Hulme, Manchester (opposite the
Junction pub)

Benefit disco with the best music of the 70s, 80s, 90s
and naughties, in aid of the Permaculture Institute of
El Salvador.
The Institute was founded in 2002 by small farmers
concerned about the destruction of the Salvadoran
environment and their way of life. They have formed a
network of subsistence farmers trained in ecological
farming methods and of community trainers who pass
their knowledge and skills on by demonstrating their
benefits to communities affected by deforestation, the
impacts and high prices of conventional agricultural
inputs such as fertilisers and pesticides and the
destruction of their Mayan culture.
This event is helping to raise funds for the expansion
of the Institute's projects, including:
demonstration and training centres to introduce more
communities to the environmental and social benefits
of permaculture
women's projects building sustainable livelihoods
opposing the construction of large and destructive
dams in El Salvador
supporting the Farmer to Farmer movement of community
education and sharing of skills and seeds

See for
more information about the Institute.
On Facebook? Invite your friends to this event at

El Salvador benefit collective
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